This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Addressing Structural Inequalities in Planning Processes: a Case Study of an Equity Lens, Marta Conklé McGuire (Dissertation)
Nurse Can't Even: the Immediate Impact of Incivility on Affect, Well-being, and Behavior, Katharine Lucille McMahon (Thesis)
Transitioning into Conventional Housing: Narratives of Houseless Individuals, Joyce La Belle McNair (Thesis)
Comparing the Promise and Reality of E-Scooters: a Critical Assessment of Equity Improvements and Mode-Shift, Michael Glenn McQueen (Thesis)
Follow the (Electronic) Money: How Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Are "Shaking the System", Jim Robert Mignano (Thesis)
Christine de Pizan's Passive Heroines: Recoding Feminine Identities in Le Livre de la cité des dames and Le Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc, Evelyn Ives Mills (Thesis)
Before and After the Storm: Interactions between Tree-Fall Canopy Gaps, Plant Phenology, and Frugivorous Lemurs in Masoala National Park, Madagascar, Monica Sue Mogilewsky (Dissertation)
Dynamic Through-Silicon Via Clustering in 3D IC Floorplanning for Early Performance Optimization, Sucheta Mohapatra (Dissertation)
Animal Magic, Secret Spells, and Green Power: More-Than-Human Assemblages of Children's Storytelling, Angela Molloy Murphy (Dissertation)
Perceptions of Police Use of Force at the Intersection of Race and Pregnancy, Emma Elizabeth Lee Money (Thesis)
The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Debate: Do Savings Provisions Influence Arbitration Outcomes?, Ryan Manning Moore (Thesis)
Design of a 7-MHz Portable Direct Conversion Transceiver with Digitally Controlled Keying, Abram Morphew (Thesis)
Faculty Use of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) for Internationalization at Home, Sally Strand Mudiamu (Dissertation)
Optimized Xanthene-based Probes for Pancreatic Cancer Imaging, Ian Ruramai Munhenzva (Dissertation)
Social Saints in the City: Race, Space, and Religion in Chicago Women's Settlement Work, 1890-1935, Johanna Katherine Murphy (Thesis)
Minimum Complexity Echo State Networks for Genome and Sequence Analysis, Christopher John Neighbor (Thesis)
Workflow Critical Path: a Data-Oriented Path Metric for Holistic HPC Workflows, Daniel D. Nguyen (Thesis)
Literatura Viva: Formas de conocer la literatura y agricultura desde Chiapas, Jesse Nichols (Thesis)
Novel View Synthesis in Time and Space, Simon Niklaus (Dissertation)
Aryne-Guided C-H Functionalization of Benzenoid Rings Using Diaryliodonium Salts, Aleksandra Nilova (Dissertation)
Ecosystem Engineering in the Backwater Wetlands of the Lower Columbia: Feature Specific Testing of the Virginia Lake Stake Alignment, Michelle Noel North (Thesis)
Understanding Fare Evasion Defendant Compliance: an Assessment of Criminal Records, Nataly Nunez Vasquez (Thesis)
Aggregated Water Heater System (AWHS) Optimization for Ancillary Services, Manasseh Obi (Dissertation)
The Almohad: the Rise and Fall of the Strangers, David Michael Olsen (Thesis)
Modeling Spatiotemporal Patterns of PM2.5 at the Sub-Neighborhood Scale Using Low-Cost Sensor Networks, Philip Jeffrey Orlando (Thesis)
Sense of Belonging from a Distance: How Online Students Describe, Perceive, and Experience Belonging to the Institution, Marleigh Luster Perez (Dissertation)
Battle of the Buttercups: Investigating Hybrid Zone Dynamics in a Ranunculus Species Complex, Jessica Persinger (Thesis)
Organizational Risk in Multi-Sector Health Partnerships: a Case Study of Oregon's Accountable Health Communities, Shauna Jean Nicole Petchel (Dissertation)
Mathematical Silences, Matthew Nathan Petersen (Dissertation)
Variability in Historical Fire Patterns of a Moist Mixed-Conifer Forest in the Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon, Laura Marie Platt (Thesis)
Not Coughing, Speaking Through a Dog, Joshua Pollock (Closed Thesis)
Balancing Security, Performance and Deployability in Encrypted Search, David Joel Pouliot (Dissertation)
Exploring the Factors Influencing Big Data Technology Acceptance, Mohammad Nayemur Rahman (Dissertation)
Short- and Long-term Impacts of a Deliberative Pedagogy in Introductory Biology and Chemistry Courses, Liz Rain-Griffith (Thesis)
Weekend Spanish Immersion Camp: a Non-Traditional Teaching World Language to Middle School American Students, Jorge Oscar Ramirez (Dissertation)
Archaeological Feature Identification Through Geochemical Analysis of Arctic Sediments from the Cape Krusenstern National Monument, Northwest Alaska, Patrick William Reed (Thesis)
Leveraging Model Flexibility and Deep Structure: Non-Parametric and Deep Models for Computer Vision Processes with Applications to Deep Model Compression, Anthony D. Rhodes (Dissertation)
A Numerical Investigation of Microgravity Evaporation, Daniel Peter Ringle (Thesis)
Do Fungal Symbionts of Salt Marsh Plants Affect Interspecies Competition?, Vanessa Robertson-Rojas (Thesis)
Inclusion for Speech-Language Pathology Minority Graduate Students, Teresa Michelle Roberts (Dissertation)
A Computer Science Academic Vocabulary List, David Roesler (Thesis)
History and Memory in the Intersectionality of Heritage Sites and Cultural Centers in the Pacific Northwest and Hawai'i, Leah Marie Rosenkranz (Thesis)
Assessing Adaptive Capacity to Climate and Population Change at the Urban-Rural Interface: Human-Water System Dynamics in the Hood River Valley, Oregon, Alexander Reid Ross (Dissertation)
Crime Risk near Reported Homeless Encampments: a Spatial Analysis, Kortney Lynn Russell (Thesis)
Designing a More Effective MRI Contrast Agent: Investigation into Various Functionalization Strategies for Targeted Imaging, Lauren Nicole Rust (Dissertation)
Use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Including Sheets, Rods, and Ropes in Strengthening and Repairing Long Reinforced Concrete Columns, Yasir Matloob Saeed (Dissertation)
Variation in Female and Male Dialogue in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Multi-dimensional Analysis, Amber Morgan Sanchez (Thesis)
Cultural Wealth and the Racialized Experiences of Persisting Latinx Business Students in a Predominantly White Institution: a Study on Sense of Belonging, Rebecca Sue Sanchez (Dissertation)
Examining Bicycle and Motorized Vehicle Speeds and Their Relationships in the Context of Urban Roadways, Jaclyn Sue Schaefer (Thesis)
Statistical Modeling of Historical Daily Water Temperatures in the Lower Columbia River, Malia Hanae Scott (Thesis)
Great Sand Sea, Nada Sewidan (Thesis)
Untangling the Factors that Affect Student Retention: a Quantitative Study of the Relationships among First-Year Seminar Program Characteristics and Instructor Type (Full-Time and Part-Time), Christina Marie Shafer (Dissertation)
The Impacts of the Bicycle Network on Bicycling Activity: a Longitudinal Multi-City Approach, Wei Shi (Dissertation)
The Impact of Paternal Caregivers for Youth Who Commit Sexual Offenses, Miranda Hope Sitney (Dissertation)
Dynamic Effects of Inertial Particles on the Wake Recovery of a Model Wind Turbine, Sarah E. Smith (Thesis)
Clustered Hyperspectral Target Detection, Sean Onufer Stalley (Thesis)
In Search of a Third Place on Campus: an Exploration of the Effects of Built Space on Students' Sense of Belonging, Kimberly S. Stave (Dissertation)
Catholic Social Teaching and Sustainable Development: What the Church Provides for Specialists, Anthony Philip Stine (Dissertation)
Synthesizing Expressive Behaviors for Humanoid Robots, Mathias Irwan Sunardi (Dissertation)
Indoor Air Quality Impacts of a Woodstove Exchange Program in Washington County, Oregon, Matthew Forrest Survilo (Thesis)
Geochemical Response to Thermal Energy Storage in the Columbia River Basalt Aquifer System Beneath the Portland Basin, Oregon, Ellen Elizabeth Svadlenak (Thesis)
Memristive Architectures and Algorithms for Approximate Graph-based Inference, Mohammad M.A. Taha (Dissertation)
Medical Faculty Engagement in Curricular Revisions: an Inquiry into Individual and Organizational Factors that Support Participation, Tomoko Tanikawa (Dissertation)
Human Energy in the Workplace: an Investigation of Daily Energy Management Strategies, Job Stressors and Employee Outcomes, Morgan Rose Taylor (Thesis)
Wildlife Connectivity Modeling for the Northern Red-legged Frog in the Portland Metropolitan Area, Oregon, Amanda Hilary Temple (Thesis)
Individual and Community Supports that Impact Community Inclusion and Recovery for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses, Rachel Elizabeth Terry (Dissertation)
Investigating Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Behavior in Adolescent Offenders, Hayley Lauren Tews (Dissertation)
A Multivariate Assessment of Climate Change Projections Over South America Using CMIP5, Valerie Maria Thaler (Thesis)
Sensing Malignancy: Expanding Upon the Nematode Scent Detection Test, Morgan Alexandra Thompson (Thesis)
"Not 'Just' a Barista": the Story of Portland's College-Educated Baristas, Ned William Tilbrook (Thesis)
Archaeologists, the Public, and Collectors: Establishing a Regional Database of Archaeological Sites on Private Land and Collections with a Process for Professional-Public Archaeological Research in the Portland, Oregon Area, Katherine Louise Tipton (Thesis)
Convex and Nonconvex Optimization Techniques for Multifacility Location and Clustering, Tuyen Dang Thanh Tran (Dissertation)
Characterization of Inertial Particles in the Turbulent Wake of a Porous Disk, Kristin Nichole Travis (Thesis)
Inventory of Rock Glaciers in the American West and Their Topography and Climate, Allison Reese Trcka (Thesis)
From Theory to Practice: Interdisciplinary Science in Undergraduate Education, Brie Tripp (Dissertation)
Droplet Ejections During Wet Lab Operations Aboard Spacecraft, Caleb Cushman Turner (Thesis)
Understanding Institutional, Social, and Ecological Systems Influencing Climate Change Adaptation and Water Governance in Wine Regions: A Comparative Case Study of Oregon's Willamette Valley, USA and Tasmania, Australia, Erin Upton (Dissertation)
Led Down the Garden Path: Cognitive Processing of English Language Idioms, Daniel Alan Vandehey (Thesis)
Determinants of Student Information Technology Adoption, Hans P. VanDerSchaaf (Dissertation)
Guided Reinvention as a Context for Investigating Students' Thinking about Mathematical Language and for Supporting Students in Gaining Fluency, Kristen Vroom (Dissertation)
Aligning Food Environments With Institutional Values: A Mixed Methods Study of Oregon Health Care Organizations, Elizaveta Walker (Dissertation)
The Experiences of Teachers Successfully Teaching Reading to Black Students, Kevin Michael Walker (Dissertation)
Analog Statistical Design for Manufacturability, Yu-Shan Wang (Dissertation)
Exploring the Role of Transformational Leaders in the Mentorship of Top-Level Administrators: a Case Study of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) VISN LEAD Program, Frederick Giovanni White Jr. (Dissertation)
Extended Tryptic, Samuel Arthur Willhalm (Closed Thesis)
Post Bellum Wishes, Jennifer Cie Williams (Closed Thesis)
Energy Stores and Life-History Transitions in Red-Sided Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis), Rachel Catharine Wilson (Dissertation)
Synthesis and Assessment of Radiotherapy-Enhancing Nanoparticles, Hayden Winter (Dissertation)
Narrowing the Cognitive Distance Between Engineers and Customers: a Novel Approach, Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, Byung Sung Yoon (Dissertation)
Testing the Correlation of Trace Element Characteristics with the Petrology and Temperature of Eruption of mid-Miocene Rhyolites in Eastern Oregon, Brianna Christine Young (Thesis)
Implicit Learning of Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder Across Auditory and Visual Categories, Wanchi Yu (Thesis)
No Oxygen, No Water: the Unique Physiology of Annual Killifish Embryos Across Development, Daniel Erik Zajic (Dissertation)
The Rise of Mono-Ethnic Religious Nationalism in Myanmar and Its Impacts on the Security Situation of the South Asian Region, S M Anisuz Zaman (Thesis)
Understanding Evangelical Support for, and Opposition to Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election, Joseph Thomas Zichterman (Thesis)
Valley of, Peter Zikos (Closed Thesis)
Exploring How Community College Transfer Students Experience Connection in a Commuter University, Christa Michelle Zinke (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Investigation of Electronic and Optical Properties of 2-Dimensional Semiconductor Tin Selenide (SnSe) Thin Films, Shakila Afrin (Thesis)
On the Drought Recovery and Resiliency: How Terrestrial and Riverine Ecosystems Recover from Agricultural and Hydrological Droughts, Behzad Ahmadi (Dissertation)
Strength Tuned Steel Eccentric Braced Frames, Hosam Abdullah Al-Azzawi (Dissertation)
Efficient Methods for Robust Circuit Design and Performance Optimization for Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors, Muhammad Ali (Dissertation)