This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Get Your Model Out There: Advancing Methods for Developing and Using Causal-Loop Diagrams, Erin Suzanne Kenzie (Dissertation)
Climatic Controls on the Kinematics of the Hooskanaden Landslide, Curry County, Oregon, Kara Kingen (Thesis)
Trump's Legacy in the Middle East: Strategic Shift and the Geopolitics of American Foreign Policy in the Region, Bilel Kriaa (Thesis)
Elucidating the Evolution and Function of sRNAs that Facilitate Bacterial Stress Tolerance, Madeline Claire Krieger (Dissertation)
Black Children's Development of Self-Regulation within Stressful Contexts of Parenting: Investigating Potential Buffering Effects of a Kindergarten Social-Emotional Learning Program, Eli Labinger (Thesis)
The Evaluation of Performance of Spindle Connector and its Finite Element Analysis, Suhyun Lee (Dissertation)
Is More Always Better? A Look at Visitation and Recidivism, Teriin Lee (Thesis)
Automated Test Generation for Validating SystemC Designs, Bin Lin (Dissertation)
"Like I Was an Actual Researcher": Participation and Identity Trajectories of Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation STEM Students in Research Training Communities of Practice, Jennifer Lynn Lindwall (Dissertation)
Politeness Strategies Used in Invitations in Japanese, Natsuko Llewellyn (Thesis)
Asset-Based Community Development and Participatory Design in an Intergenerational Affordable Housing Community in Oregon, Hannah Lopez (Closed Thesis)
Next Generation Sequencing Identifies Population Structure and Signatures of Local Adaptation in Red Alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), Jacob Brent Loveless (Dissertation)
Open Crime Maps: How Are Police Departments Doing So Far?, Khaing Sandee Lynn (Thesis)
Characterization and Interpretation of Feldspathic Chromite Assemblages (FCAs) in Four Ordinary Chondrites: an Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) Study, Kimberly Louisa Maccini (Thesis)
Freedom vs. Security: Analyzing the Connection between States' Prioritization of Security over Civil Liberties and Citizen Support for Democratic Norms, Carlyn Trumbull Madden (Thesis)
Selenium Probes for the Detection of Thioredoxin Reductase Activity, Tendai Joseph Mafireyi (Dissertation)
Designing Environmentally Responsible and Highly Effective Bioorthogonally Functionalized Chiral MRI Contrast Agents, Karley Breann Maier (Dissertation)
Building a Biomechanical Model of a Rat Forelimb, Joshua Nathaniel Eric Mak (Thesis)
Exploring the Potential Use of Porous Silica Nanoparticles in CEST-MRI, Lydia Makotamo (Dissertation)
Mapping the Publics: The Production of Spatial Knowledge and Public Interest, Paul Thomas Manson (Dissertation)
Claiming Miscommunication to Justify Rape: The Role of Liking the Perpetrator, Alyssa Marie Glace Maryn (Dissertation)
Judicial Review as an Instrument of Natural Rights Theory: An Intellectual History, James M. Masnov (Thesis)
Transformative Health Care: Integrating the Perspectives and Lived Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients into Health Care Education and Delivery, Shammarie Raquel Mathis (Thesis)
The Use of Mayflies, Stoneflies and Caddisflies as Indicators of Fine Sediment Pollution in Salmon-Bearing Streams of the Pacific Northwest, Cory Michael McCaffrey (Thesis)
From Molecules to Mountains: A Multi-Proxy Investigation into Ancient Climate and Topography of the Pacific Northwest, USA, Alex McLean (Thesis)
Chemical Characterization of Toxicologically Relevant Molecules in Cannabis Concentrates and Vaporizer Aerosols, Jiries Meehan-Atrash (Dissertation)
Emotional Intelligence and Resonant Leadership: Investigating School Principals' Preparation and Professional Development in Response to Covid-19 and Other Challenges, Ashlie Kaye Miller (Dissertation)
My Mountain, Your Mountain, Our Mountain: Incorporating Emotional and Sensory Experiences in Mapping Sense of Place in Mount Hood National Forest, Alicia RaNae Milligan (Thesis)
An Analysis of Capillary Flow in Finite Length Interior Corners, Samuel Shaw Mohler (Thesis)
Understanding Financial and Human Resource Capacity Challenges among Small Nonprofits in Oregon: How to Overcome Challenges Unique to Size and Urban-Rural Divide, Anindita Mukerjee (Dissertation)
Assessment of Vertical Accuracy from UAV-LiDAR and Structure from Motion Point Clouds in Floodplain Terrain Mapping, Andrew Muller (Thesis)
Forecasting Optimal Parameters of the Broken Wing Butterfly Option Strategy Using Differential Evolution, David Munoz Constantine (Thesis)
Decolonizing Healthcare: a Black Feminist Analysis of Sisters Informing Sisters on Topics of AIDS (SISTA), Joy Mutare Fashu Kanu (Dissertation)
An Analysis of Suspended Sediment Dynamics in a Partially Mixed Estuary, Riyadh Hamad Muttaleb (Dissertation)
Investigation of Environmental-Friendly, Membraneless Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Cells, Bao Nguyen (Thesis)
Public Perception of Air Quality Risks in Portland, Oregon, Dawn Nolan (Thesis)
Reassessing Hydrothermal Heat Discharge and the Relationship of Hot Springs in the North Oregon Cascades, Aaron Alexander Orr (Thesis)
Error Propagation and Algorithmic Design of Contour Integral Eigensolvers with Applications to Fiber Optics, Benjamin Quanah Parker (Dissertation)
An "I" for an "I" : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Instigated and Reciprocal Incivility, Lauren Sarah Park (Dissertation)
Diffusion of Innovation: Investigations of Technology Advances on a University Campus, Melissa Shaquid Pirie (Dissertation)
An Exploratory Study of Adjunct Faculty Professional Growth Experiences, Bethany Ann Potts (Dissertation)
Undrained Cyclic Loading of Low Plasticity Silty Soils in the Pacific Northwest Using Laboratory and Field Cyclic Shear Testing, Angelica Melissa Preciado Reyes (Thesis)
Early Implementation of a Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum: Understanding Teacher Perspectives and Concerns, Karen Ann Prigodich (Dissertation)
Proximal Policy Optimization for Radiation Source Search, Philippe Erol Proctor (Thesis)
Situate: An Agent-Based System for Situation Recognition, Max Henry Quinn (Dissertation)
Parenting and Children's Academic Coping as a Dynamic System: Feedforward, Feedback, and Mediators of Changes Across the School Year, Kristen Elizabeth Raine (Thesis)
Incarceration and Suicide: Do the Risk Factors Differ for Civilians and Veterans?, Rheannon Gail Ramsey (Thesis)
Tellurorhodamine Photocatalysts in Aerobic Oxidation Reactions: Development of Synthetic Methods and Reaction Mechanisms, Irving D. Rettig (Dissertation)
Spread Like Wildfire: Assessing the Utility of Local Facebook Groups to Inspire Citizen Communication During a Disaster, Colby Riehl (Thesis)
Exploring miRNA Function and Host Response to Coxiella burnetii Infection, Madhur Sachan (Dissertation)
The Return to Anisotropy Across a Jet in Crossflow, Gregory P. Sakradse (Thesis)
"It's Not by Accident": Examining Leadership Efforts to Disrupt Oregon's Segregated K-12 Education System, Michael Eric Salitore (Dissertation)
A Ground-Based Assessment Framework for Validating Diesel Particulate Emission Models and Applicability in Portland, OR, Kirsten Marie Sarle (Thesis)
Finding a Community Niche: Rethinking Historic House Museums in Oregon, Liza Julene Schade (Thesis)
Exploring Linkages Between Landscape Patterns and Freshwater and Estuarine Bivalves in the Coast Range of Oregon, Kaegan Michael Scully-Engelmeyer (Dissertation)
Reducing Transphobic Attitudes: a Cross-National Investigation of College Students in Japan and the United States, Kazusa Seko (Thesis)
Racializing Discourses: an Exploration of Moreno Subject Formation in Oaxaca, Mexico, Juan Salvador Sepulveda-Figuereo (Thesis)
From MDP to AlphaZero, David Robert SeWell (Thesis)
Modeling Environmental Factors Related to Drought-Induced Tree Mortality Based on Lidar and Hyperspectral Imagery, Lauren Nicole Sharwood (Thesis)
Technology Management Maturity Assessment Model in Healthcare, Amir Shaygan (Dissertation)
Modeling Tools for Analyzing Electrical Power Distribution Systems Impacted by Electric Vehicle Load Growth, Jacob Sheeran (Thesis)
Japanese-English Code-Switching by Postwar Speakers in Contemporary America, Andre John Shepherd (Thesis)
Does Experiencing Spousal Support and Strain Impact the Quality of Family-Based Support that Supervisors Provide to Employees?, Joseph Alvin Sherwood (Dissertation)
Automated Statistical Structural Testing Techniques and Applications, Yang Shi (Dissertation)
Mechanistic Investigation of Neuropeptide S-nitrosylation by Nitric Oxide Moieties: A Kinetic and Thermodynamic Approach, Vusumuzi Leroy Sibanda (Dissertation)
Incorporating Conditional ß-Mean based Equity Metric in Coverage based Facility Location Problems, Rohan Sirupa (Thesis)
Regional Characteristics and Variability of Extreme Precipitation and Atmospheric Rivers in Past, Present, and Future Climates Over the Contiguous United States, Emily Anne Slinskey (Dissertation)
Regionalist Romance: "America Eats" and the Culinary Myth-Making of the Federal Writers' Project, Icarus J. Smith (Thesis)
"B-ing Flexible" : Examining Creativity in Bisexual Employees, Megan Jane Snoeyink (Thesis)
Field Trials and Long-Term Monitoring of Microbially-Induced Desaturation for the Treatment of Liquefiable Silty Soils, Kayla Rae Sorenson (Thesis)
Marijuana-related Crime in Oregon Following Legalization of Recreational Use, Ana Alicia Soto (Thesis)
Development of a Design Guideline for Pile Foundations Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading, Milad Souri (Dissertation)
Immodest Transformations, Georg Sperle (Closed Thesis)
Women's Work: a Feminist Standpoint Theory Study of Scholarship, Voice, and Resistance in the Academic Generation of Knowledge, Linnea Angelica Spitzer (Dissertation)
Methods for Object Tracking With Machine Vision, Zachary Simon Stamler (Thesis)
Nesting Habits of Cavity Nesting Bees and Wasps in Portland, Oregon, Stefanie Kay Steele (Thesis)
Photoemission Electron Microscopy for Direct Observation of Photonic and Plasmonic Phenomena, Theodore Stenmark (Dissertation)
Exploring the Relationships Between Community Experiences and Well-Being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Katricia Stewart (Dissertation)
Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Over the Pacific Northwest Using CMIP6 Models, Graham Patrick Taylor (Thesis)
The Perspectives of Head Start Employed Community College Students Who Earned an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education Programs: A Phenomenological Study Exploring Challenges and Successes, Robyne E. Taylor (Dissertation)
Kinematic Demands on Pile-Supported Wharves Due to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Ground Deformations, Thomas John Torkelson II (Thesis)
Ancillary Data for Refining Computer Adaptive Algorithms for the Assessment of Anomia, Emily Kathryn Tudorache (Thesis)
Mothers' Drinking Motives, Sheila Kathleen Umemoto (Thesis)
Letitia Carson in Court: African American Women, Property, and Wages in the Pacific Northwest, Stephanie Marie Vallance (Thesis)
Portland Urban Coyote Project: A Review of Citizen Science's Utility for Researching Urban Canids and the Human Environment, Keith David VanderBrooke (Thesis)
An Examination of Nurses' Schedule Characteristics, Recovery from Work, and Well-Being, Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyck (Dissertation)
Amount and Depositional Fate of Carbon Mobilized by Landsliding in SE Alaska, Bryce Alois Vascik (Thesis)
Biological Invasions in Coastal Marine Ecosystems: How Changes in Trade Are Linked to Ballast Water Delivery of Nonindigenous Species, Danielle Elizabeth Verna (Dissertation)
Rowing Concerns: Collaborative Governance and Stakeholder Determination in the Central Oregon's Deschutes Basin, Noel Vineyard (Thesis)
Believe What You Will: Essays, Lee Ware (Closed Thesis)
The Soniferous Experience of Public Space: A Soundscape Approach, Kenya DuBois Williams (Dissertation)
Impacts of Nontraditional Admissions Criteria on the Admittance and Retention of Academically At-Risk Student Populations, Kristen Marie Winter (Dissertation)
Temperature-induced Activation of the Reproductive Axis through Melatonin-mediated Changes in Thyrotropin, Treven J. Winters (Thesis)
The Digital Divide and Health: Examining Digital Access as a Social Determinant of Health, Elizabeth Melissa Withers (Dissertation)
Microbes on the Mountain: Plant-Microbe Associations and Interactions on Mount St. Helens, Emily Rose Wolfe (Dissertation)
Short-term and Long-term Effects of New Light Rail Transit Service on Transit Ridership and Traffic Congestion at Two Geographical Levels, Huajie Yang (Dissertation)
Spectrum Modeling of RF Amplifiers Based on Intercept Points with Measurement Improvements, Siyuan Yan (Dissertation)
ten-cent flower & other territories, Charity E. Yoro (Closed Thesis)
MIT-S1 Constitutive Model Calibration for a Portland-area Soil, Steven Ryan Young (Thesis)
Preventing Sexual Violence Through Understanding Perceptions of Sexual Offenders, Judith G. Zatkin (Dissertation)