This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Development of Graphene Synthesis and Characterization Techniques Toward CMOS Applications and Beyond, Otto Kno Zietz (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Outsiders Within Inequality Regimes: a Sociological Framework to Advance the Lives of Women Veterans, Sarah Louise Aktepy (Dissertation)
Exploring Policies and Strategies for the Diffusion of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) for the Care of Senior Population, Hamad Asri Alanazi (Dissertation)
Long Term Changes to the Lower Columbia River Estuary (LCRE) Hydrodynamics and Salinity Patterns, Aqeel Al-bahadily (Dissertation)
The Experience of Female Caregivers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Nouf Albugami (Dissertation)
A Land of Poets and Warriors: the Connection Between Warrior Culture and Bardic Culture in Medieval Wales c. 1066-1283, Sarah Lynn Alderson (Thesis)
Achieving High Reliability Organizations Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps - the Case of Offshore Oil and Gas, Ahmed A. Alibage (Dissertation)
Power Efficiency Enhancement and Linearization Techniques for Power Amplifiers in Wireless Communications, Haider Al-kanan (Dissertation)
Undrained Cyclic Shear Resistance of Low Plastic Silts, Rawan Almoumen (Thesis)
A Systematic Content Analysis of the Justice Reinvestment Programs Across Oregon Counties, Lorena Ambriz (Thesis)
Detecting Geomorphic Change and Stream Channel Evolution on the Sandy River, Oregon, Using Lidar Following Dam Removal in 2007, Lowell Henry Anthony (Thesis)
New Perspectives on Johannes de Muris and his Notitia artis musicae, Jeffrey Allan Arnsdorf (Thesis)
Juveniles in the Interrogation Room: Defense Attorneys as a Protective Factor, Caitlin Noelle August (Thesis)
Examining Employee Needs at Work and Home: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Dana Anuhea Auten (Dissertation)
Microplastics in Pacific Northwest Bivalves: Ecological Prevalence, Harvester-Consumer Exposure, and Aquarium Exhibit Outcomes, Britta Rahel Baechler (Dissertation)
Sensitivity Diagnostics and Adaptive Tuning of the Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Model, Sebastian Baldivieso (Closed Dissertation)
A Seasonal Study of Ecoroof Metal and Nutrient Dynamics and Associated Drivers in an Ecoroof on a Commercial Building in North Portland Oregon, Alex Vijay Bans (Thesis)
Self-Rescue, or Something Like It, Brittany Ann Barnhouse (Closed Thesis)
Multiple Diagram Navigation, Hisham Benotman (Dissertation)
Identifying a Starting Point for the Guided Reinvention of the Classification of Chemically Important Symmetry Groups, Anna Marie Bergman (Dissertation)
Paradigm Shifts in Large-Scale Educational Change: Uncovering the Oregon Education Investment Board's Theory of Change-in-Action, Johanna Kathryn Blackford (Dissertation)
Factors Affecting Clinical Research Enrollment Among Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, Nicole Grace Bouranis (Dissertation)
Rebranding Empire: Consumers, Commodities, and the Empire Marketing Board, 1926-1933, Ashley Kristen Bower (Thesis)
Crania Japonica: Ethnographic Portraiture, Scientific Discourse, and the Fashioning of Ainu/Japanese Colonial Identities, Jeffrey Braytenbah (Thesis)
Debts, Karina L. Briski (Closed Thesis)
Time Series Analysis Evaluating Mortality Rates and the Differences of How States Investigate Deaths, Jordan M. Bruhn (Thesis)
Trajectories, Time Windows, and Alternative Pathways of Engagement: Motivational Resources Underlying Academic Development during Middle School, Heather Anne Brule (Dissertation)
Relationships Between In-Situ Tests and Soil Cyclic Strength for Earthquake Hazard Characterization in the Pacific Northwest, Tanner Scott Bryantt (Thesis)
A Colorless Nature: Exploring the Mental Health (Help-Seeking) Experiences of Pre-Adolescent Black American Children, Christopher Ashley Burkett (Dissertation)
Distribution, Geochronology, and Petrogenesis of the Picture Gorge Basalt with Special Focus on Petrological Relationships to the Main Columbia River Basalt Group, Emily Bogdan Cahoon (Dissertation)
Re-engaging Individual Capacities in Service of Civic Capacity: a Model of Holistic Civic Engagement Education for the University, Jane Gerald Carr (Dissertation)
Collaboration and Evaluation in Urban Sustainability and Resilience Transformations: the Keys to a Just Transition?, Liliana Elizabeth Caughman (Dissertation)
The Economically Disadvantaged Speak: Exploring the Intersection of Poverty, Race, Child Neglect and Racial Disproportionality in the Child Welfare System, Angela Gail Cause (Dissertation)
CE-QUAL-W2 Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model of the Cedar River Municipal Watershed, Amory Spencer Cervarich (Thesis)
Vessel Trajectory Prediction Using Historical AIS Data, Jagir Laxmichand Charla (Thesis)
Robust Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem, Darshan Rajesh Chauhan (Thesis)
Hearing the Voices of Bicultural and Bilingual Teachers: Using a Case Study Approach to Explain the Professional Identity Development of Early Career Native Chinese Mandarin Teachers, Jing Chen (Dissertation)
An Inquiry into Developing College Student Socially-Responsible Leadership: Ethics of Justice and Care in the Midst of Conflict and Controversy, Jill Frances Childress (Dissertation)
Examining Mindfulness Training for Teachers: Theoretical and Methodological Extensions of Intervention Effectiveness, Jaiya Rae Choles (Dissertation)
Engaging Communities in Archaeology on Private Property in an Urban Neighborhood: the Search for the First (1825-1829) Fort Vancouver, Vancouver, Washington, Amy Carolyn Clearman (Thesis)
Amplifying Latinx Voice through Interview Study: Highlighting Mathematics Identity as a Pathway to Student Self-Empowerment and Academic Agency, Brea Justine Cohen (Dissertation)
Waste Management in the Global South: an Inquiry on the Patterns of Plastic and Waste Material Flows in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Katie Ann Conlon (Dissertation)
Smart Contract Vulnerabilities on the Ethereum Blockchain: a Current Perspective, Daniel Steven Connelly (Thesis)
Glacial Meltwater Modeling to Simulate Lake Water Budget (1996-2013) in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, Julian Michael Cross (Thesis)
Migrant Health Policies in the European Union: a Comparative Policy Analysis, Jessica Joanne Currier (Dissertation)
Unpacking the Process and Outcomes of Ethical Markets: a Focus on Certified B Corporations, Renée Bogin Curtis (Dissertation)
An Assessment of the Decision-Making Units' Efficiency in Service Systems, Maoloud Yakhlif Dabab (Dissertation)
Designing Gates and Architectures for Superconducting Quantum Systems, Sahar Daraeizadeh (Dissertation)
Detecting Reinforcement Patterns in the Stream of Naturalistic Observations of Social Interactions, James Lamar DeLaney 3rd (Thesis)
Extensible Performance-Aware Runtime Integrity Measurement, Brian G. Delgado (Dissertation)
The Persistence of Indigenous Markets in Mexico's 'Supermarket Revolution', Diana Christina Denham (Dissertation)
An Investigation of the Temporal Relationship Between Agitation and Sleep Disturbances, Emily Catherine Denning (Thesis)
Working From Home: Analyzing the Autonomy of App-Based Adult Content Creators, Jenna DePasquale (Thesis)
Recurrent Formation, Low Levels of Ecological Differentiation, and Secondary Dispersal Facilitate the Establishment and Persistence of Autopolyploids in Eriophyllum lanatum, Nicolas Alexander Diaz (Thesis)
Where's the Learning in On-Campus Student Employment? An Inquiry into the Experiences of Undergraduate Student Employees, Patricia Ann Dorman (Dissertation)
Morphology, Taxonomy, and Ecological Niche Modeling of the Cochabamba Grass Mouse, Akodon siberiae Myers & Patton, 1989, James George Dunn (Thesis)
Settler Colonial Curriculum in Carlisle Boarding School: a Historical and Personal Qualitative Research Study, Patrick Gerard Eagle Staff (Dissertation)
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems: Spatial Variation, Organism Effects, and Consumer Perspectives, Amy Lynne Ehrhart (Dissertation)
Competing Narratives: the Struggle for the Soul of Egypt, Ahmed El Mansouri (Thesis)
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Maxwell's Equations Using Auxiliary Subspace Techniques, Ahmed El sakori (Dissertation)
Tending the Fire: Wildfire Risk Management at the Interface, Cody R. Evers (Dissertation)
Warmer Conditions Favor Conifer Tree Establishment at the Muddy River Lahar in Mt. St. Helens, Washington, Ignacio D. Falcon-Dvorsky (Thesis)
The Role of Strategic Governance in Reducing Infant Mortality Under Crisis Conditions, Lynn Christine Finley (Dissertation)
Investigating Dose-Dependent, Multi-Generational, and Strain-Specific Effects of 17α-ethynylestradiol Exposure in Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Decatur Mitochondria Foster (Dissertation)
Life Satisfaction in Division IAA and Division III Football Players, Krista Haunani Francisco (Thesis)
Classifying Seabed Parameters from Normal Incidence Reflections: Model Comparison and Inversion Technique, Megan Frantz (Thesis)
Entrainment Processes for a Jet in Cross-flow: the Quantification of Turbulent Contributions and their Importance on Accurate Modeling, Graham Asher Freedland (Dissertation)
Biogeography, Morphology, and Systematics of the Mountain Cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttallii (Bachman, 1837), Mammalia: Lagomorpha: Leporidae, Johnnie H. French (Thesis)
Moonlit Nights and Seasons of Romance: Yosano Akiko's Use of the Moon in Tangled Hair, Teppei Fukuda (Thesis)
Evaluating R&D Projects in Regulated Utilities: the Case of Power Transmission Utilities, Edwin Garces (Dissertation)
A Historical Ecology of Aridland Springs in Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Nuwu/Nuwuvi (Southern Paiute/Chemehuevi) Ancestral Territory, Nevada, Yarrow Sarah Valentine Geggus (Thesis)
A Scoring Model to Evaluate Offshore Oil Projects: Case of Eni and Mellitah Oil & Gas, Abdulhakim Giadedi (Dissertation)
Assessing Well-being of Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) Through Major Events and Transitions, with Development and Aging, and Husbandry Changes, Sharon Stuart Glaeser (Dissertation)
Assessing Airborne Radar to Map Glacier Elevations in Alpine Terrain Including Estimated Glacier Volume Change, Bryce Allen Glenn (Thesis)
Methodologies to Quantify Transit Performance Metrics at the System-Level Using High-Resolution GPS, Stop-Level, and GTFS Archived Transit Data, Travis Bradley Glick (Dissertation)
Smoking Behaviors in Patients Offered Lung Cancer Screening, Sara Elizabeth Golden (Dissertation)
En Canastas, Cynthia Carmina Gómez Norzagaray (Closed Thesis)
Examining the Narratives of Military Sexual Trauma Survivors, Maria Carolina González-Prats (Dissertation)
Peers' Academic Coping as a Resource for Academic Engagement and Motivational Resilience in the First Year of Middle School, Daniel Lee Grimes (Thesis)
Night Office, Mark Douglas Guziel (Closed Thesis)
Dynamic Response of Highway Bridge Superstructures Subjected to Wave Action: Experimental Analysis and Numerical Modeling, Alaa Waleed Hameed (Dissertation)
Home Resources Supporting Workplace Resources: an Investigation of Moderated Intervention Effects From the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe), Sarah Nielsen Haverly (Dissertation)
Trailblazing Transformation: Pioneering Transformative Peacebuilding in Academic Labor Conflicts, Sam Frazier Hediger (Thesis)
Time and Other Monsters, Neil Alan Hetrick (Closed Thesis)
The Electronic Hardware Music Subculture in Portland, Oregon, James Andrew Hickey (Thesis)
So Many Choices: an Experimental Study of Digital Television Choice, Customization, and Satisfaction, Johanna Lee Hoener (Thesis)
Investigation of Magnetism in Transition Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films, Michael Adventure Hopkins (Dissertation)
"I Should Have Moved Somewhere Else": the Impacts of Gentrification on Transportation and Social Support for Black Working-Poor Families in Portland, Oregon, Steven Anthony Howland (Dissertation)
Everyone Has a Garden, David Jarecki (Closed Thesis)
Chehalis River and Tributary Water Quality and Hydrodynamic Modeling: Model Setup, Calibration Analysis for 2013-2015, Tel Jensen (Thesis)
Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment: the Additive Value of Victim Reported Risk, Jennifer Joanne Johnson (Thesis)
Social Media Use, Social Comparison, and Loneliness, Jordan Elena Johnson (Thesis)
Determinants of Green Purchase Intentions of Saudi Consumers, Amani Mohammed Kaadoor (Dissertation)
Mechanics of Canopy Turbulence, Hawwa Falih Kadum (Dissertation)
Optimal Boundary Detection Using Autonomous Mobile Sensors, Phillip Justin Kearns (Thesis)
"It Puts a Face to All the Knowledge We've Gotten" : a Program of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Surrogate Impact Panels, Kate Louise Sackett Kerrigan (Dissertation)
A Market Diffusion Potential (MDP) Assessment Model for Residential Energy Efficient (EE) Technologies in the U.S., Momtaj Khanam (Dissertation)
Residence Life as Learning Organizations: an Inquiry Into Organizational Elements that Support Integration of the Residential Curriculum, Heather Kropf (Dissertation)
Investigation of Prussian Blue Analogues as Cathode Materials for Next Generation Batteries, Neal Walters Kuperman (Dissertation)
#AdultingWhileBlack: Encountering in the Campus Climate and the Formation of Racialized Adult Identity Among Traditional-Age Black College Students, Sarah Nana Kutten (Dissertation)