This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Plant Water Management Experiments, Marc Benjamin Wasserman (Thesis)
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization Response to Dike Removal in the Salmon River Estuary, Elinore Webb (Thesis)
Le Gout Qui Reste: Cultural Identity and Belonging in Ook Chung's Kimchi, Taurean James Weber-Laurencio (Thesis)
In Their Own Words: Examining the Educational Experiences, Expectations, and Values of Oregon Low-Income, Single Black Mothers, Reiko Mia Williams (Dissertation)
The Mechanisms Connecting State Marijuana Policies to Parent, Peer, and Youth Drug Perception Leading to Youth Marijuana Use, Eunbyeor Sophie Yang (Dissertation)
"Damn, man. The time that I lost": Power and the Process of Diagnosis for Women with Chronic Illnesses, Kaitlin Roquel Yeomans (Thesis)
Maturity Model for Customer-Centric Approach in Enterprise: The Case of E-commerce and Online Retail Industry, Soheil Zarrin (Dissertation)
Church of Sasquatch, Scott Zeigler (Closed Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Adoption and Use of E-Grocery Shopping in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Transport Systems and Beyond, Gabriella Abou-Zeid (Thesis)
Improved Predictive Modeling Techniques for Non-Linear Solder Material Behavior, Arman Millian Ahari (Thesis)
The Effect of Viscosity on The Puddle Dynamics in Low Gravity Environment, Taif Hamed Saleh Al Juboori (Dissertation)
The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience, Shalene Joyce Allen (Thesis)
Power Distribution System Tools for Analyzing Impacts of Projected Electric Vehicle Load Growth Using GridLab-D, Shahad Alomani (Thesis)
Nature-Based Solutions in Environmental Planning: Ecosystem-Based Adaptations, Green Infrastructures, and Ecosystem Services to Promote Diversity in Urban Landscapes, Lorena Alves Carvalho Nascimento (Dissertation)
Assessment of the Blockchain Technology Adoption for the Management of the Electronic Health Record Systems, Saeed Mohammed Alzahrani (Dissertation)
Walking as a Way of Knowing: An Autoethnography of Embodied Inquiry, Lauriel-Arwen Amoroso (Dissertation)
Online Activism and Real Life Environmentalism, Emily Grace Anderson (Thesis)
Improving Bicycle Crossings at Unsignalized Intersections through Pavement Markings: Analysis of the City of Portland Innovative Strategy, Frank Boateng Appiah (Thesis)
Steady-State Transmembrane Water Exchange in Proliferating Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Joseph O'Malley Armstrong (Dissertation)
Community College Geoscience Faculty Perspectives on Critical Thinking Instructional Tools, Mariela Salas Bao (Dissertation)
Investigations into Size and Surface Control of Silicon Nanocrystals for Improved Optical Properties, James Donald Barnes (Dissertation)
Information Security Maturity Model for Healthcare Organizations in the United States, Bridget Joan Barnes Page (Dissertation)
Creativity in Science, Engineering, and the Arts: A Study of Undergraduate Students' Perceptions, Dildora F. Beaulieu (Dissertation)
The Perceptions of Rural Teachers Engaged in Environmental Education Professional Development Workshops: A Case Study of the Alder Creek Community Forest and the Story of Your Place, Bryan R. Benz (Dissertation)
Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories, Liana Bernard (Thesis)
Opportunities and Challenges in the Collection and Use of Socio-Spatial Data in National Forest Planning, Diane Trechsel Besser (Dissertation)
Mitonuclear Mismatch is Associated with Increased Male Frequency, Outcrossing, and Male Sperm Size in Experimentally-Evolved C. elegans, Brent William Bever (Thesis)
Identifying the Cost of Preventable Chronic Disease in Prison: Can Illness Prevention of Adults in Custody Save Money?, Molly Bineham (Thesis)
Rhyolite Stratigraphy Along Succor Creek: Insights into the Eruptive History of the Three Fingers and Mahogany Mountain Volcanic Field, Cassandra Caryl Black (Thesis)
Graphite Sun, Lucie Anne Bonvalet (Closed Thesis)
Sustaining Boys' Motivation Over the Transition to Middle School: Can Interpersonal Resources Protect Boys from Engagement Declines Across Sixth Grade?, Brandy Anne Brennan (Thesis)
Songs from the Wasteland, Nitya Prem Brorson (Closed Thesis)
What Does it Mean to be Deaf? Changing Meanings of Deafness, Communication Technology, and Beliefs about Normality in the US, Kathryn Elizabeth Burrows (Dissertation)
Post-Fire Tree Mortality and Regeneration Patterns as Proxies of Conifer Forest Resilience, Sebastian Upton Busby (Dissertation)
Oregon's Racial Purity Regime: The Influence of International Scientific Racism on Law Enforcement, Legislation, Public Health, and Incarceration in Portland, Oregon During the Victorian and Progressive Eras (1851-1917), Katherine N. Bush (Thesis)
A Multiplicity of Journeys: STEM Education Ecosystems as Sources of Cultural Sustenance, Christopher Louis Beauprey Cardiel (Dissertation)
Mid-Miocene Icelandites of Eastern Oregon: Petrogenesis and Magmatic Lineage to Main-Phase CRBG with Constraints on Storage Sites, Melissa Aileen Carley (Thesis)
Efficient Neuromorphic Algorithms for Gamma-Ray Spectrum Denoising and Radionuclide Identification, Merlin Phillip Carson (Thesis)
Developing an Archaeologically Literate Citizenry Through Public Archaeology: Assessing Archaeology Websites, Lisa Marie Catto (Thesis)
A Method for Comparative Analysis of Trusted Execution Environments, Stephano Cetola (Thesis)
Perceived Value of Technology Product Features by Crowdfunding Backers: The Case of 3D Printing Technology on Kickstarter Platform, Nina Chaichi (Dissertation)
Testing Functional Variation in Thermal Properties for Antarctic Mosses, Andrew Forrest Clements (Thesis)
Affecting Absenteeism Through School-Based Health Services Delivery: A Configurational Comparative Methods Study of Oregon's Public Secondary Schools, Kelly Elizabeth Coates (Dissertation)
Multi-scale Environmental Conditions Associated with Shade-Tolerant Conifer Regeneration in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon, Matthew Cook (Thesis)
Urban Lakes: Ecosystem Services and Management, Laura Costadone (Dissertation)
Using Quantitative Stereology on High Resolution SEM Images to Estimate Diatom Percentages, Ariadna Covarrubias Ornelas (Thesis)
A Collaborative Approach to Cultural Resource Risk Assessment, Preservation, and Prioritization: A Case Study from Sauvie Island, Oregon, Phillip James Daily (Thesis)
Determinant Factors of Bicyclist Injury Severity at Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections, Apy Das (Thesis)
Connecting Environment and Phenotype: Deciphering Mechanisms of Diapause Entry and Exit in the Annual Killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus, Erin Monica Davis (Thesis)
Mechanisms of Substrate Recognition by the Cul3-based E3 Ligase, Katia Graziella de Oliveira Rebola (Dissertation)
Distribution and Characterization of Rhyolites of the Strawberry Volcanics -- Evolution of a Major Rhyolite Field Associated with Columbia River Basalt Magmatism, Eastern Oregon, USA, Chanel Leigh Dvorak (Thesis)
Antipsychotic Medication Administration in Oregon Assisted Living/Residential Care Settings: Analyzing an Action Situation, Sarah Dys (Dissertation)
Values of Young Adults in an Increasingly Secular World, Joseph Daniel Eichenlaub (Thesis)
Major Controls on Diagenesis in the Martin Bridge Formation: Wallowa Mountains, Oregon, Jane Lyra Eisenberg (Thesis)
Storing Intermediate Results in Space and Time: SQL Graphs and Block Referencing, Basem Ibrahim Elazzabi (Dissertation)
Neoliberalism, Civic Identity, and Resistance: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Community Development Organization, Erin Layne Elliott (Dissertation)
Gas Stations and the Wealth Divide: Analyzing Spatial Correlations Between Wealth and Fuel Branding, Jean-Carl Ende (Thesis)
Complex Fluid Dynamics: Chemo-Hydrodynamics Driven by Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts, Matthew Walter Eskew (Thesis)
Thermodynamics of Ligand Binding and Global Structural Stability of Human Serum Albumin, Matthew Walter Eskew (Dissertation)
Creating Systems of Shared Accountability for Early Leaver Students: Perspectives of Principals, Lorna Kay Fast Buffalo Horse (Dissertation)
Fixed Bottom Wind Turbine Wave-Wake Interaction, Ondrej Fercak (Thesis)
Serfs, Excluded or Governed by The State? Serfdom in Russia, an Historiographical Analysis, Jason Ferguson (Thesis)
The Distributed Trust Model Applied to the Energy Grid of Things, Narmada Sonali Fernando (Thesis)
Method of Modeling the Swing Equation Using Time Synchronized Measurements, Robert Matthew Ferraro (Thesis)
Battle Rock: Anatomy of a Massacre, Adam R. Fitzhugh (Thesis)
The Discourse/Pragmatic Functions of Japanese Okkē, Peter Fodor (Thesis)
Returning to Rejection: Outcomes and Boundary Conditions of Mental Illness Stereotypes, Stefanie Fox (Thesis)
Relationship Between Image Spectroscopy Spatial Resolution and Crown Level Tree Species Classification Accuracy, Andrew Richard Fritter (Thesis)
Quantum Grover's Oracles with Symmetry Boolean Functions, Peng Gao (Dissertation)
Modeling Cyanotoxin Production, Fate and Transport in Surface Waterbodies, Bernadel Rose Hintz Garstecki (Thesis)
Forest Fire Effects on the Temporal Variability of Landscape Snow Albedo Relative to Burn Severity, Max Gersh (Thesis)
Guarding Against Strain: The Moderating Role of Nonwork Experiences in the Relationship Between Work-Related Hypervigilance and Strain in Correctional Officers, Samantha Getzen (Thesis)
Developing Social Work Skills in Online Environments: What Online MSW Graduates Tell Us, Samuel W. Gioia (Dissertation)
Gender Role as a Mediating Factor in Gender Pay Equity Analysis, Jillian Ann Girard (Dissertation)
The Dark Triad and Impulsivity: Predictors and Correlates of Workplace Representative Task Problem Solving and Decision Making, Peter Kendall Glazer Jr. (Dissertation)
Climate Model Evaluation of Atmospheric Rivers Over the Contiguous United States, Ilan González-Hirshfeld (Thesis)
E(Raced): Race and Use of Self Amongst BIPOC Social Workers, Anita Reinette Gooding (Dissertation)
Experiences of Undergraduates and Graduate Teaching Assistants in Biology Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences, Emma Crystal Goodwin (Dissertation)
Numerical Techniques and Simulations for Studying Various High Power Optical Fiber Amplifiers, Particularly for Ytterbium (Yb+3), and Thulium (Tm+3) Doped Fibers, Tathagata Goswami (Dissertation)
Anti-Muslim Bias: Investigating Individual Differences, Threat Perceptions, and Emotions in Islamophobic Policy Support, Aeleah M. Granger (Thesis)
God-Talk in Catholic High Schools: Theology Teachers Doing Theological Education for and with Religiously Diverse Student Populations, David Michael Avram Gregory (Dissertation)
The Worth of Risk: Political Participation and Risk Perceptions, Siri Grubb (Thesis)
Mechanisms of Connexin-46 and -50 Intercellular Channel Function and Stability by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Bassam George Haddad (Dissertation)
Investigating Values in Discourse: Ideals and Social Plans, Luke Edward Hanst (Thesis)
Agency, Sense of Place, and Knowledge on the Zumwalt Prairie: A Social Study of Place-Based Conservation and Resilience, Dana Elyse Hellman (Dissertation)
'There are No Bathrooms Available!': How Older Adults Experiencing Houselessness Manage their Daily Activities, Ellis Jourdan Hews (Thesis)
Ecological Exposure and Effects of Microplastics in Crabs Along the Pacific Coast, Dorothy A. Horn (Dissertation)
Numerical Simulation of Continuous Cone Penetration and Interpretation of CPTu Dissipation Tests, Andrew Phillip Eugene Huffman (Thesis)
Exploring "What Works" in Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care, Elizabeth Catherine Hulen (Dissertation)
Quantum Field Theories, Topological Materials, and Topological Quantum Computing, Muhammad Ilyas (Dissertation)
Simulation of Light Propagation Captured by Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM), Nabila Islam (Thesis)
The Dark Realism of Miyazawa Kenji: Social Activism in the Science-Fiction Children's Story, The Life of Gusukō Budori, and its Precursor Work, Elsiemae Ann Ito (Thesis)
New Perspectives on Prolific and Voluminous Rhyolite Volcanism of the Mahogany Mountain--Three Fingers Rhyolite Field, Eastern Oregon, Robert Andrew Jackson (Thesis)
The Development and Application of Instrumental Methods for the Identification of Materials and Processes Used in the Manufacture of Orotone, Hand-Colored Orotone, and Silvertone Photographs, Ivanny Jeannette Jácome-Valladares (Thesis)
Influence of the Federal Government on the Diffusion of Victims' Rights State Constitutional Amendments, Vicki Rose Jeffries-Bilton (Dissertation)
The Mode Less Traveled: Exploring Bicyclist Identity in Portland, OR, Christopher Johnson (Thesis)
A for Arson, Anton Taylor Jones (Closed Thesis)
Memristor Crossbar Array Testing Using Sneak Paths, Rasika Dhananjay Joshi (Dissertation)
Evaluation of Manual and Semi-Automated Deep-Seated Landslide Inventory Processes: Willapa Hills, Washington, Tiffany E. Justice (Thesis)
A Bioinformatic and Biochemical Analysis of Cruciviruses, George William Kasun (Dissertation)