This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Variations of the form and image of the modern hero, Lee Hunt (Thesis)
Social Workers' Attitudes About Poverty, Trudy Hussmann (Thesis)
An Exploratory Study of the Role of Research in Social Work at Portland State University, Jo Mackay Imeson and Audrey Englebardt Zalutsky (Thesis)
Indian Alcoholism on Reservations, Cleora E. Jackson (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of the Relative Incidence of Various Vocal Parameters Among Black and White College Females, Barbara Kuhl Jacobs (Thesis)
Marx on population: a critical review including a comparison to Malthus and a new perspective on Marx, David Orval Jermain (Thesis)
Assessment of Short Term Behavioral Changes in Emotionally Handicapped Children Enrolled in a Special Education Program, James S. Johnston and Karen Shilling (Thesis)
Reconciliation and reunion, Myron K. Jordan (Thesis)
Implications of American Missionary Presence in 19th and 20th Century Iran, Linda Colleen Karimi (Thesis)
The Dynamics of an HCP Crystal with a Substitutional Defect, Pramod C. Karulkar (Thesis)
A survey and critical analysis of current literature on the post audit of capital expenditure, Gene Albert Katke (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of the Reponses by Varying Socioeconomic Groups on General Knowledge and Categorization Tasks, Margo I. Keller (Thesis)
The Application and Evaluation of Goal Attainment Scaling to the Janis Drug Treatment Program, Steven W. Kilber and Carol E. Swanson (Thesis)
A Descriptive Study of Previously Institutionalized Educable Mentally Retarded Adults Residing in Multnomah County, Oregon, Susan J. Kiley, Jeffrey D. Sher, and Richard C. Sunshine (Thesis)
Recovery from Stuttering in a Sample of Elementary School Children, Carol Deno Kimball (Thesis)
Effects of Antifibroblast Antiserum on Cells Derived from Fibroblast Outgrowth of Human Prostatic Tissues, Eva Shang-Lian King (Thesis)
Performance of adolescent autistic males on the Michigan picture language inventory, Marcia Sharril Kline (Thesis)
Marital Status as a Discriminator and Treatment Variable among Female Alcoholics, James C. Knapp (Thesis)
Truman's election in 1948, Mary Peter Kump (Thesis)
The Effects of Low, Moderate, and High Self-Disclosure on Electromyographic, Psychogalvanic, and Attitudinal Response, Jonathan I. Lange (Thesis)
A Voice Incidence Study: Portland, Oregon, Ann Lynn Laskey (Thesis)
Computer Aided Design for Fluidic Sequential Circuits of Fundamental Mode, Yau-Hwang Lee (Thesis)
Freedom and Necessity in the Development of Marx's Thought, Isa Maria Leib (Thesis)
An Identification of Important Management, Administrative, and Planning Skills and Knowledge Essential to Middle-managers Present Positions in a Variety of Urban and Rural Social Welfare Settings in Oregon, Patricia Victoria Leonard (Thesis)
A Functional Analysis of the Effects of a Token Economy Program on Attending Behavior in Children and Subsequent Test Performance, Kay Delores Lillig Cotter (Thesis)
A Conditioning Model for the McCollough Effect, Andreas D. Lord (Thesis)
Counseling Needs of Mastectomy Patients: Reach to Recovery Program, Elaine Lowe (Thesis)
A program to teach awareness of stress, Catherine Collins Lu (Thesis)
Teaching language to hearing impaired children who have had no previous language experience, Catherine Collins Lu (Thesis)
An Exploration of the Feelings and Attitudes of Women Separated From Their Children Due to Incarceration, Dorothy Lundberg, Ann Sheekley, and Therese Voelker (Thesis)
Toward a theory of child abuse: a review of the literature, Marc F. Maden (Thesis)
Role exits among the aged, Nancy Whitelaw Mancini (Thesis)
Towards the integration of the historical and structural theories of urban form, David Tilford Martin (Thesis)
Alternative Methods for the Analysis of Curves, Randi Christine Martin (Thesis)
The Development of an Evaluational Process for the Group Home Project of the Northeast Multnomah District of Childrens' Service Division, Lucinda E. McKitrick, Richard S. Barasch, and Lon J. Lembert (Thesis)
The Congressional Decision to Build the Panama Canal: The Influence of Senators John Tyler Morgan, Marcus Alonzo Hanna and Others, and the Role of the Walker Report, Andrew Scott Merrifield (Thesis)
Location of Dyspraxic Characteristics in Children with Severe "Functional" Articulation Disorders, Sara Miller Mitcham (Thesis)
Problem oriented case planning, Jack A. Morgan (Thesis)
A Study of Local Union Business Agents in Portland, Oregon Area, Lillian L. Morrison (Thesis)
Development of an Observation Instrument to Assess Behavior, Scott Marshall Nay (Thesis)
The Distribution of the Deer Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, on the Oregon Side of the Columbia River Gorge, Ronald P. Neilson (Thesis)
What Indians think an Indian is : a study of personal and educational attitudes, Susan W. Oliver and Christine L. Peterson (Thesis)
Validation of the Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test, Susan Jane Packouz (Thesis)
Pretesting a questionnaire at the Solo Center on the impact of divorce on children and parents, Shirley Anne Paetzhold (Thesis)
Biochemical Description of a Lava Tube Lake in Southeast Oregon, John Edward Palmer (Thesis)
A Biochemical Analysis of Viscin from Arceuthobium tsugense, Peter J. Paquet (Thesis)
Lesbian Marriage, Sandi Parks (Thesis)
A Cross Validation of Leary's Level I-M Assessment Method, Bruce Leroy Purvine (Thesis)
The Development of Four English Inflections in the Speech of Educable Mentally Retarded Adolescents, Nancy Barton Richard (Thesis)
Charles E. Borden: his formulation and testing of archaeological hypotheses, Ellen Wallace Robinson (Thesis)
Course Demands of Students in Teacher Education at Portland State University as Demonstrated by an Induced Course Load Matrix, Elinore Janet Rogers (Thesis)
Managing human services, Betsy W. Romain (Thesis)
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his times: A multi-media script, Robert D. Rosenkranz (Thesis)
The Paraguayan War and the Platine Balance of Power, Robert H. Schaefer (Thesis)
Recent role changes made by women and the effect these changes have had on marital adjustment, Nancy L. Scolar (Thesis)
Hegel and the Concept of Religion in Greek Tragedy, Barbara Scot (Thesis)
A Descriptive Study of Five Child Day Treatment Centers, Virginia Spurkland and Joyce Edwards (Thesis)
The Relative Social Acceptability of Three Types of Alaryngeal Speech, Kathleen Dawn Stewart (Thesis)
An Analysis of the Effects of Individual Counseling and Group Process Techniques Upon the Behavior of Children in a Juvenile Detention Facility, Robert Arthur Struble (Thesis)
Moving toward integration: a study of theory and practice in feminist therapy, Susan Amelia Thomas (Thesis)
Social Workers in the Community Mental Health Field A Delphi Forecast of Training Priorities, William Boyce Thomas and Mark L. Clay (Thesis)
Verbal models provided for mentally retarded children by parents, Lance Tsugawa (Thesis)
Britain's Colonial Administrations and Developments, 1861-1960: An Analysis of Britain's Colonial Administrations and Developments in Nigeria, Efiong Isaac Utuk (Thesis)
Parliament and the London Corresponding Society, Reed Joseph Vandehey (Thesis)
A Study of the Relationship Between Self-Concept, Public Image, and Consensus Rorschach Performance, Dale Sherman Walhood (Thesis)
The American President as Legislative Leader: Historical Development of the Role, Patricia Mathews Walhood (Thesis)
The Development of Attitudes Toward Work Through "Career Education", Lonnie Fred McDonough Wheeler (Thesis)
"Kubla Khan" and its Critics, Allen Dale Widerburg (Thesis)
The United States Military in the Cuban Missile Crisis, Frank Joseph Wikenheiser (Thesis)
The Effects of an Innovative Curriculum on the Attitudes of "Educationally Disadvantaged" Freshman College Students, Julius William Wilkerson (Thesis)
Analysis of the Port of Portland Facility Hinterlands, Timothy D. Wilson (Thesis)
The Ethnohistory of Baker Cabin, a Clackamas County Pioneer Site, V. Claire Woodward (Thesis)
Close Supervision Program: an Analysis of a Human Services Program, Thomas Wright Jr. and V. Henderson Trotman (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Attitudinal Survey of Children's Services Division Workers Regarding the Louise Home, John Adsit, Wendy Bays Heinz, and George Nagel (Thesis)
Enzyme Reactions Using Ureidosuccinate as a Substrate During Pyrimidine Biosynthesis and Degradation in Cl. oroticum, Penny Amy (Thesis)
Eutamias minimus and E. amoenus: Morphological Cluster Analysis, Sandra Elaine Anderson (Thesis)
Heat Transfer Across Carbon - Liquid Helium I Interface, Constantine Antonopoulos (Thesis)
Sharing information about the child with adoptive parents, Barbara Ashmun, Beverly McKinney Erickson, and Bente Roberts Parker (Thesis)
A study of the relationship between attitudes toward woman's roles and career choices of women graduate students, Barbara Backstrand (Thesis)
Assessment of Course Impact on Child Care Worker Orientation: Worker Concerns Versus Child Concerns, Helen M. Banaka (Thesis)
Teaching hearing-impaired children language through the use of musical rhythm, Naomi Anne Banducci (Thesis)
Personality characteristics, work practices, and error rates among welfare assistance workers at East Multnomah County Public Welfare Branch, Roy Dale Beams, Mike David Gotesmen, and Howard Wayne Knytych (Thesis)
An investigation of possible relationships between sex-role orientation, the motive to avoid success and the inhibition of aggression in women, Joan Dayger Behn and Barbara McDuffee Mecca (Thesis)
Danish Day Care as a Social Institution, Albert Sessions Belais and Ellane L. Kibel (Thesis)
A study of RNA bacteriophage 7s infection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Deanne Benson (Thesis)
Curanderismo and Health Delivery Services, Jean Margaret Blaesser (Thesis)
Oregon and the Blue Eagle: a Study of the Response of Oregonians to the National Recovery Administration, John Craig Bledsoe (Thesis)
The Urban Indian Program in Portland, Oregon, Lyndon Earl Bohanan (Thesis)
The Value of Color Systems in Education, Shirley Jo Brehm (Thesis)
James Butler and the Royalist cause in Ireland, 1641-1650, Monica A. Brennan (Thesis)
Police Discretion with Respect to the Juvenile Offender, Department of Public Safety, Multnomah County, Oregon, Muriel Bridges and Monty Merritt (Thesis)
A theory of the perception of character, Donna C. Brown (Thesis)
The Department of Family Services, Court of Domestic Relations, Portland, Oregon : a report of its history, function, and future, George Brune, John Hart, and Sandra Smith (Thesis)
The Positive Aspects of a Program of Participation in a Retirement Center, Yvonne Burke (Thesis)
The Development of a Questionnaire for Use by the Clackamas County Children's Services Division, Nancy Lee Cable (Thesis)
An Investigation of the Influence of Dialectal Interferences on the NSST Scores Obtained by Portland Black Children, Margaret J. Callahan (Thesis)
Probability driven heuristic nets, Lynn Robert Carter (Thesis)
Maturity of adolescent unwed mothers, Sarah L. Claiborne (Thesis)
A Comparison and Item Analysis of Responses between Black Children and Language Delayed White Children on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Kevin N. Cole (Thesis)
Colored Light: a Brief Study of Stained Glass Windows, Including a Self-Guided Tour of Stained Glass in West Portland, L. Jean Connors (Thesis)