This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Nursing: a Profession in Process, Mary Elizabeth Dilling Rambousek (Thesis)
The women's liberation movement and identity change : an urban pilot study, Molly M. Doeneka (Thesis)
Testing of a Design for Client Evaluation of a Conciliation Service, James A. Dudley, James C. Euler, Peter Njoroge, and Richard Streissguth (Thesis)
Minority without a champion: the Kanaka contribution to the western United States, 1750-1900, Janice K. Duncan (Thesis)
Nigerian nationalism: a case study in southern Nigeria, 1885-1939, Bassey Edet Ekong (Thesis)
Moment-curvature-thrust relationships in hybrid members, Douglas Wrenn Fiala (Thesis)
Villa St. Rose Group Home Study, William H. Finkle (Thesis)
A review of "longitudinal study" in developmental psychology, Emily H. Finley (Thesis)
Complex Systems and the Price-Resource Directive Coordination Procedure, Chamberlain Lambros Foes (Dissertation)
Illusion und Verfremdung: Begriff, Form und Wirkung, Bezogen auf Bertolt Brecht: "Der gute Mensch von Sezuan", Robert E. Folk (Thesis)
An Attitudinal Survey of Forty-Four Juvenile Court Counselors Regarding Due Process Standards in Juvenile Cases, Jerry Robert Franklin (Thesis)
Selection of practice models for social work, Linda Fritz (Thesis)
Factors Affecting the Population of Raptorial Birds on Sauvie Island, Oregon, Jeffry Gottfried (Thesis)
A study of the characteristics of runaways and their families in two social agencies, Susan G. Greer, Sarah J. Hertlein, and Stephen C. Regner (Thesis)
A case study of the Northwest District Association and Portland City planning staff, Jill Sally Haldeman and Kathryn Cynara Heisler (Thesis)
Reminiscence, Disengagement, and Morale in Old Age, Barbara Brown Hardy (Thesis)
Die Figur der Rebellen im Frühwerk Schillers: Die Räuber, Kabale und Liebe, Don Carlos, Edward E. Heyen (Thesis)
An Investigation of Temporary Threshold Shift Among Helmeted Motorcycle Riders, Alamander Hicks (Thesis)
Psycho-social Aspects of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in Children, Sally Myers Hingley and Judith Ann McKay (Thesis)
Studies of bistable fluid devices for particle flow control, Gerald H. Hogland (Thesis)
Children Without Futures: a Feasibility Study Comparing Characteristics of Families Who Have Children Placed in Long and Short-term Foster Care, Kaye Hutchins (Thesis)
Das Motiv der Einschränkung in einigen Romanen Max Frischs, Leen J. Inghels (Thesis)
Application of Numerical Analysis to Root Locus Design of Feedback Control Systems, Steve William Justice (Thesis)
Catechol Effected Dissolution of Silicate Minerals, James Maurice Kelley (Thesis)
Acrylic Polymer Transparencies, Inez Allen Kendrick (Thesis)
The geology of the southeast quarter of the Bone Mountain quadrangle, Oregon, Richard Cortland Kent (Thesis)
An investigation of between-ear tympanometry measures in normal-hearing young adults, Barry Lynn Kimmel (Thesis)
Behavioral characteristics associated with accidental poisoning in childhood, Nancy Koroloff and Emily Tufts (Thesis)
A taxonomic study of the marine algae of Netarts Bay, Oregon, Charles Jerome Kunert (Thesis)
A Functional Interpretation of Pottery from Batan Island, Philippines, Joanne M. Laetsch (Thesis)
The Effect of Glucose on the Food Intake of Goldthioglucose Injected Mice, Janet Lahti (Thesis)
The pregnancy counseling group; an analysis of a sample of women served by Planned Parenthood Association, Portland, Oregon, Marcia Jean Lapham (Thesis)
W. S. U'Ren and the Fight for Government Reform and the Single Tax: 1908-1912, David Elvin Lindstrom (Thesis)
Development of Guidelines for Using Office Simulation to Teach Office Practice in the Vietnamese Public High Schools, Thi Minh Chau Luu (Thesis)
Diagnostic congruence: a study on presentation of clinical information to parents and recall, Miriam Rae Maier (Thesis)
Report on faculty and student evaluation of instructors in direct service teaching at Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work, Janet Mansfield and James McDevitt (Thesis)
On the mechanism of the Diels-Alder reaction--dimerization of trans-phenylbutadiene, Michael Ward McNicholas (Thesis)
Guidelines for Agency Based Day Care Programs for Children Ages 0-3 years, Elizabeth H. Minifie (Thesis)
Degree of Depression in Women Preceding Abortion at the University of Oregon Medical School, William M. Nathe and Ike R. Lacefield (Thesis)
Comparison of Amounts of Verbal Response Elicited by a Speech Pathologist and a Mother in the Clinic, Sherry Lee Nelson (Thesis)
The Effects of Training at Two Specified Intensities Upon Heart Rate Response to Submaximal Exercise, Gordon LeVerne Noraine (Thesis)
Repression of β-galactosidase synthesis in Escherichia coli by salicylates, Joan Carlyn Olson (Thesis)
The life cycle of Lissorchis heterorchis, Macy and Krygier (1969), Brendan P. H. Onyejekwe (Thesis)
The Nixon "shocks": implications for Japan's foreign policy in the 1970's, Richard Douglas Partch (Thesis)
The use of junior historical fiction in the classroom, Darlene Pelinka (Thesis)
SADDAS; a self-contained analog to digital data acquisition system., Walter Anton Petersen (Thesis)
The Role of Social Work in Genetics Counseling, Diane Margaret Plumridge (Thesis)
Reaction of aqueous catechol solutions with minerals, Boonthong Poocharoen (Thesis)
The Portland State University Educational Center: a study of a new approach to off-campus education, Harvey L. Rice (Thesis)
Auditory and Visual Sensory Stores: a Recognition Task, James Barr Richardson (Thesis)
Proposals for the Establishment of Social Service Departments at St. John's Hospital and Cowlitz General Hospital, Longview, Washington, Beryl P. Robison (Thesis)
The Behavior of Coalitions as Interorganizational Structures: an Exploratory Study Using a Grounded Theory Approach, Elaine Marie Rothrock (Thesis)
Polychlorinated biphenyls: uptake by Daphnia and residues in crayfish from the Willamette River, John J. Salmon (Thesis)
The policy of containment and the Middle East, 1946-1958, Ahed George Samaan (Thesis)
Leben heisst Töten; die Kriegsdeutung Ernst Jüngers dargestellt an In Stahlgewittern und Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis, Sabine Schroeder-Sherwin (Thesis)
Preschool Predication of First Grade Social and Emotional Adjustment, Benjamin Sherrill (Thesis)
Parental assessment of family life education content: analysis of one elementary school, William Richard Siefke (Thesis)
Euryhelmis cotti n. sp. (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) with Observations on Its Life Cycle, Michael Joseph Simon (Thesis)
An Exploratory Analysis of Developmental Sequences in Interorganizational Coalitions Involved in Community Planning, Clifford Albert Snyder (Thesis)
Mutual exclusion between Salmonberry and Douglas-fir in the Coast Range of Oregon, Kenneth Ray Still (Thesis)
Interpolated Activity Effects in Distributed Practice, Ramond King Stout (Thesis)
Die Intrigantin in ausgewählten frühen Werken Gerhart Hauptmanns, Sidney Thomas Stuller (Thesis)
An Alienation Measurement and Observed Behavior: A Study of Forty-Two Male Seniors in a Technical High School, Jack Leo Terzenbach (Thesis)
A Study of the Legal Aid Family Law Center and its Clients, by Cynthia Ann Thomas [and] Susan Marie Vail, Cynthia Ann Thomas and Susan Marie Vail (Thesis)
Continuity of a Traditional Social Pattern: the "Man-Patron" Relationship in Contemporary Northeast Brazil, Patricia Ellen Thorpe (Thesis)
Coping Patterns of Those Denied Public Assistance -1970, Robert A. Turcotte and Anita L. Wahl (Thesis)
Effects of Certain Linguistic Parameters Upon the Responses of Preschool Subjects to Specific Dichotic Listening Tasks, Peggy J. Weber (Thesis)
Social Desirability and the Interpersonal Check List, Deborah Jean Wheeler (Thesis)
The Monopoly study of authority, Micheale Hall Williams (Thesis)
Der Gebrauch des Todesmotivs in den Deutschen Poemata von Paul Fleming, Paul Ancil Wolf (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
Continuance vs. Discontinuance in Family Counseling, Katherine Anderson, Alice Dudley, and Mayetta Rocks (Thesis)
An Exploratory Study of Children’s Mental Health Needs in the Pact Target Area of Southeast Portland, Richard L. Bossardt and Clifford G. Larsen (Thesis)
Predictors of Placement from a Juvenile Detention Facility, Diane C. Brock (Thesis)
François Pierre Guillaume Guizot: An Intellectual Approach, Elbert Hardy Cave (Thesis)
Residential child care manpower and training needs, Song K. Cho (Thesis)
The Effect of Antibiotics on Thermophilic Blue-Green Algae, Erleen Blanche Christenson (Thesis)
A series of paintings which investigate and present volume experience as an aspect of spatial tension with hue variations as a prime agent, Carl B. Clapp (Thesis)
Teaching social studies from a global viewpoint, Janet Hays Clemmer (Thesis)
How Women Are Made: A Look at the Issues of the Women's Liberation Movement, Lenore Jan Coffey (Thesis)
Post-divorce visitation of minor children; development of a questionnaire, Viola Cotter, Lorraine Goldenberg, and Terry McGill (Thesis)
Life styles of methadone treatment patients: agreement of self report and informant report, Richard Cox and Gary West (Thesis)
Effects of Insulin, Sodium and D-Glucose on Amino Acid Absorption in the Intestine of Rats, Andre-Gerard Craan (Thesis)
Lactic dehydrogenase isozyme isolation by disc electrophoresis in eight species of fringillid birds, Michael Edwin Darling (Thesis)
The Effects of Sociological Theories of Poverty on Job Training Programs, Michael Richard DeShane (Thesis)
Age, Emotional Maturity and the Decision to Marry, Patricia Ann Duclos, David F. Thomas, and Joanne Zusman (Thesis)
Foreign Policy Decisions Which Led to United States Military Occupation of the Dominican Republic, Bert Lewis Junior Farrar (Thesis)
A study of families with stress related to the care of children with myelomeningocele, Janet L. Ferguson and Russel Tweed (Thesis)
The Environmental Crisis: The Effects of Ecology Courses on High School Students, Carol C. Fletcher (Thesis)
Title I Evaluation System, Maple Lane High School, Terrence A. Green (Thesis)
An interactional approach to weight reduction, Carole T. Gygi (Thesis)
A demographic study of transracial adoptive parents, Patricia Lee Hall (Thesis)
The Effectiveness of Environmental Control in Modifying Problem Behaviors in Mother-Child Interaction, Thomas Whalen Hamilton (Thesis)
Behavioral Changes Due to Overpopulation in Mice, James Robert Hammock (Thesis)
Patrick J. Hurley and China, 1944-1945, Robert T. Handy (Thesis)
The rhetoric of Sir Thomas More and Dietrich Bonhoeffer in original work and dramatic portrayal, Robert C. Harvey (Thesis)
Teaching Sculpture in High Schools, Richard Henry Helzer (Thesis)
Variations in a color-line aftereffect due to color adaptation during inspection of the inducing stimuli, Joyce Hirsch (Thesis)
Hipólito Irigoyen's Second Administration: A Study in Administrative Collapse, Herman John Hobi (Thesis)
Schedule interactions and stimulus control, Andrew Louis Homer (Thesis)
Computer Solution to Inverse Problems of Elliptic Form: V²U(x,y) = g(a,U,x,y), Frederick Alvin Jeter (Thesis)