This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Synthesis of Uranium Fluorosulfates and the Group VI B Difluorophosphates, Larry McCain Emme (Thesis)
Recent Developments in the Use of Precast Concrete Units for Buildings in the United States and Iran, Khosrow Ebadi Farshchi (Thesis)
Indians and Criminal Justice in Early Oregon, 1842-1859, John Samuel Ferrell (Thesis)
Two Delivery System Contexts for the Elderly:The "Institutional" Approach and the "Community" Approach., Mary Sarita Freer (Thesis)
Identifying and Defining Natural Service Delivery Systems, James R. Garrison and William J. Teverbaugh (Thesis)
Biostratigraphy of the Type Yamhill Formation, Polk County, Oregon, Larry R. Gaston (Thesis)
A Follow-up Attitudinal Study of Selected Groups in the City of the Dalles Toward the Community Attention Home, Landon Gilstrap, Joyce Larson, and Janice Page (Thesis)
Sickle Cell Anemia : a Psychosocial Study of Attitudes and Effect, Sharon Ann Goddard and Marian Genita Gilmore (Thesis)
An Evaluation of a Graduate Social Work Training Program at John Adams High School, George E. Hall and Guy H. Lutz (Thesis)
A study of the effect of drug use on the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, Mary Ellen Hammons (Thesis)
Communication Barriers Between White Social Work Students and Black and Chicano Clients, Robert Hight, Joyce B. Smith, Evelyn F. Maxwell, and Carol G. White (Thesis)
Parental attitudes toward, and knowledge of open-space schools, Brian Hines (Thesis)
Predicting and Detecting First Grade School Adjustment, Julie D. Holmes and Janice L. Bartlett (Thesis)
A reexamination of the effects of prismatic displacement on pointing straight ahead, Anastasia Houndoumadi (Thesis)
Group Experience with Parents of Preschool Children with Seizure Disorders, George R. Jacobsen, Grant R. Kane, and Joan Sacia (Thesis)
A Study of the Problems of Translation, Rhetorical Analysis, and Translation of a Speech of Mohammed Mossedeq, Gholamhosain Janati-Ataie (Thesis)
A program of school social work, Phyllis Marie Jaszkowiak (Thesis)
Seven Pairs, Anne Griffin Johnson (Thesis)
Increasing Visual Sensitivity in Urban School Students: a Strategy for Involving Students in Aesthetic Concerns, Harold Louis Johnson (Thesis)
Transactional Analysis Jargon in Time Limited Groups, Diane Jones, Earl Eyre, and Joan Logan (Thesis)
The Random Sequence Closing Control System, Henri Bernard Joyaux (Thesis)
Selected Attitudes and Values of Young Adults in Northern Sierra Leone, Fatu Y. Kamara (Thesis)
The Siletz Indian Reservation, 1855-1900, William Eugene Kent (Thesis)
Diaries and Reminiscences of Women on the Oregon Trail: A Study in Consciousness, Amy Kesselman (Thesis)
A study of a token economy program initiated at Oregon State Hospital, Helenjane R. Kudelko (Thesis)
Evaluating "Peer Mobilization" Films as a Tool in Altering Self Concept, Leslie Larson and Mary Morton (Thesis)
An Investigation of Vocational Rehabilitation Among Northwest Laryngectomees, Susan L. Leonti (Thesis)
The rights of students in public high schools, Keith James Lindahl (Thesis)
The Bedrock Geology of the Southwest Part of the Kachess Lake Quadrangle, Washington, David Carl Lofgren (Thesis)
A Preliminary Investigation of the Land Use Limitations of the Major Landforms Along a Portion of the Lincoln County Coast, Oregon, Richard Kent Mathiot (Thesis)
A theory of the creativity-intelligence interaction: an environmental suppressor variable, Lynda L. McDonald (Thesis)
Differences Between Supervisor and High and Low-Rated Employees' Perceptions of Job Performance Ratings and Importance of Job Factors, Harvey Edward McGowan (Thesis)
Changing Western Images of Russia During the Reign of Catherine II, 1762-1796, Janet L. Menze (Thesis)
Personality correlates of interpersonal perception in a residential treatment center for adolescent girls, Raymond Paul Micciche and Terrell Lynn Eheler (Thesis)
Select Problems with Recreation, Tourist, and Vacation Oriented Businesses as Rural Economic Stabilizers: a Case Study of the Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, Morton I. Michelson (Thesis)
An Analysis of the Effects of Background Variables on Attitudes and Policy at the Bonneville Power Administration, Philip George Millam (Thesis)
Photosynthesis and Respiration of Arceuthobium Tsugense, James Roger Miller (Thesis)
A study of the speech philosophy of Alexander Campbell and the application of that philosophy, Rudy L. Morrow (Thesis)
Student Perceptions of the Teacher-Counselor Role at the Albina Youth Opportunity School, Florence M. Morton and Billie L. Smith (Thesis)
Digital Computer Solution of Electromagnetic Transients in Large Power Systems, Bijan Navidbakhsh (Thesis)
A Tectonic Study of a Part of the Northern Eagle Cap Wilderness Area, Northeastern Oregon, Kenneth Gordon Neal (Thesis)
Life Cycle, Additions to Biology, and New Hosts of Apophallus Donicus (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) in Oregon, Delbert Raymond Niemi (Thesis)
Characteristics of Arginase from the Terebellid Polychaete Pista pacifica Berkeley, Karen Laurel O'Malley (Thesis)
A study of open space schools, Carol Ormiston (Thesis)
Orestes A. Brownson: An American Traditionalist, Marianne Oswald (Thesis)
The Diplomatic Stalemate of Japan and the United States: 1941, David Hoien Overby (Thesis)
Contributions of Peter Pallas to Science and Exploration in Russia, Robert C. Parker (Thesis)
Self-awareness Testing for School of Social Work Students at Portland State University, Beverly Paull, Bette Schuman, and Dorothy Davis (Thesis)
Sculpture for the Secondary Level, Joanne Beckett Peekema (Thesis)
Effects of Speaker-Sex-Difference on Listeners' Perception of Vocal Roughness in Normal Vowel Productions, Patsy J. Phillips (Thesis)
The Characteristics and Genesis of Stone Stripes in North Central Oregon, John Baine Pyrch (Thesis)
A Study of the Adsorption of Some Atmospheric Gases on Soils of the Willamette Valley River Basin, Thomas R. Quale (Thesis)
Verbal Sequencing Ability as a Predictor of Reading Disability, Paul Elmer Quin (Thesis)
Some Aspects of the Water Economics of Townsend's Chipmunks, Ali Mokhtar Rahima (Thesis)
Lead Content of Hair of Urban and Rural Populations of Small Animals, Richard Brian Raymond (Thesis)
A reinterpretation of the Oregon school bill of 1922 : the concept of the common school in progressive America., Stephen Louis Recken (Thesis)
Environmental Geology of the Marquam Hill Area, Roger Alan Redfern (Thesis)
Response of orthotropic bridge decks to highway loadings, Harry Morris Rexin (Thesis)
An Experimental Study and Analysis of Saudi-Arabian - American Proxemic Behavior as Observed in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Dyadic Interactions, Gary D. Robinson (Thesis)
Solid Casting in Aluminum and Concrete Using the Multiple-piece plaster mold: a method of introducing the Adolescent Student to the Indirect Method of Sculpture, Donald LeRoy Sandblast (Thesis)
Community Vocational Success of Institutionalized Mental Retardates as a Function of Coping Style, Jane C. Schilling (Thesis)
Growth of Selenastrum capricornutum Printz in Natural Waters Treated with Copper Sulfate, Gerald Eugene Schulz (Thesis)
A new inquiring system for technology transfer and its role in planning and policymaking, Kishandutt Jaydayal Sharma (Dissertation)
Agonistic Behavior and Dominance in Townsend's Chipmunks (Eutamias townsendii), Paul Evan Sherman (Thesis)
The Grim Security of the Past: The Historiography of Henry Cabot Lodge, Claude Singer (Thesis)
Chinese Attitudes and Knowledge Concerning Social Services: a Survey of the Portland Chinese Community, Laura Lum Sing, Wendy Po-Kow Chan, and Peter Tau-Ping Wang (Thesis)
A Survey for Leucocytozoon Simondi Mathis and Leger (1910) in Canada Geese of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, John Val Snively (Thesis)
Ernst Cassirer and the Synthesis of the Past: a Paradigm in the History of Ideas, Mart Stewart (Thesis)
The origin of property in land: Paul Vinogradoff and the late XIXth century English historians, Caroline Phillips Stoel (Thesis)
History of Al-Hijaz (1520-1632), Farouk M. Taufik (Thesis)
Changes in Personality Traits and Identification in Adolescent Female State School Residents, as a Function of Length of Residence, Mary L. Thompson (Thesis)
The Doctrine of Experience in the Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards, Puritan Divine, Joseph S. Trachtenberg (Thesis)
Aspects of the physiology and diseases of the North American elk, Yvonne Bernard Weber (Dissertation)
A test of the simple recessive hypothesis for the inability to taste phenyl-thio-urea: a family study, Susan I. Wolf (Thesis)
A Study Describing Pastoral Counseling Among the Christian Church ministers in Oregon, with special emphasis on the counseling Training That They Received at Northwest Christian College, Thomas O. Woodruff (Thesis)
The World of Women: Portland, Oregon, 1860-1880, Mary C. Wright (Thesis)
A Cross-Class Survey of Synaesthesia in High School Students and its Biocultural Implications, Ina Jane Wundram (Thesis)
Possible Avian Influences in the Distribution of Dwarf Mistletoe, Paul James Zilka (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
An Analysis of Change in Girls Released From Villa Saint Rose, H. Marie Ades (Thesis)
The Impact of Coordination by a Child Abuse Committee on Community Services to Battered Children, Grace Jackson Anders and Rebekah M. Burton (Thesis)
The transition to Nazism, the history of the German town of Pfungstadt, 1928 to 1935, David E. Arns (Thesis)
Entropy Reduction of English Text Using Variable Length Grouping, Vincent Norman Ast Jr. (Thesis)
A Scale of Verbal Accessibility in Mild and Borderline Retarded Adults, Keith Baker (Thesis)
Postcensal Population Estimates for Oregon Counties: An Evaluation of Selected Methods, Guy Jeffrey Barnes (Thesis)
A Survey of non-white social service personnel in the State of Oregon, Phillis Benton, Patricia Riley, Cynthia Southwell, and Dennis Wong (Thesis)
Kinetics of the Cope rearrangement of 3,4-diphenylhexa-1,5-diene, Harlan Albert Jerome Berg (Thesis)
Measurements of the Mössbauer Fraction in Chromium, B. Frederick Brace Jr. (Thesis)
The Effects of Perceptual-Motor Training on the Perceptual-Motor Skills of Emotionally Disturbed Children, Karen R. Brown (Thesis)
Simulation of Brain Damage on Bender-gestalt Test by College Subjects, Arnold Rahn Bruhn (Thesis)
A Descriptive Study of Educational Background, Contraceptive Knowledge, and Choice of Agency Among Selected Girls 18 Years Old and Under Seeking an Abortion at the University of Oregon Medical School, Carol A. Carter, Lititia J. Kirk, and Jane F. Ogier (Thesis)
The Relationship of Written Expression to Self Concept in Primary Children, Anna Lou Case (Thesis)
A Gold Dream in the Blue Mountains: A Study of the Chinese Immigrants in the John Day Area, Oregon, 1870-1910, Chia-lin Chen (Thesis)
An attitudinal study of selected groups in the city of The Dalles toward the Community Attention Home, David Clitheroe and Garrett Long (Thesis)
An Approach to the Decentralization of Health Care Services in Multnomah County, Oregon, Stephen L. R. Cook and Roger George Philippi (Thesis)
A taxonomic study of two nominal subspecies of pikas (Ochotona princeps) in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, Richard M. Coots (Thesis)
Johann Adam Moehler: The Method of Historical Theology, Christina Maria Crose (Thesis)
Lesson for America? England's development areas, Thomas G. Current (Thesis)
The 1972 cigarette tax referendum: a mass communication campaign, Gwendolyn Moore Danielson (Thesis)
Black Studies as an Agent of Social Change on the Structural Level at Selected Colleges and Universities, Vincent Van Davis (Thesis)
The Rhetoric of Garner Ted Armstrong, Stephen George Dick (Thesis)