This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Social Upheaval and Social Change in England, 1381-1750, Sarah J. Cooney (Thesis)
The politics of general revenue sharing: the new federalism in urban perspective, John C. Daley (Dissertation)
Characterization of Zinc-containing Metalloproteins by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, Robert Edward Derry (Thesis)
An Automatic Rinse Tank Controller for Industrial Applications, Aliasghar Emami (Thesis)
Negotiation within the therapist-client interview, Rhoda Elaine Estep (Thesis)
An Investigation of Tympanometric Measurements on an Older Adult Population, Marguerite Ann Fine (Thesis)
An Evaluation of Direct Services of Delaunay Institute for Mental Health, Jeanette Anderson Finley and Gary W. Smith (Thesis)
Hermann Lietz and the Landerziehungsheime, John Daniel Flanagan (Thesis)
Occupational Prestige Among Chinese in the San Francisco Area, Linda Fong (Thesis)
A Beginning Investigation into the Language Development of the Deaf Child Compared to that of the Hearing Child: Some Problems and Solutions in Data Collection, Sallie Ann Frye (Thesis)
A Comparison of Two Systems Used in the Electro-Acoustic Evaluation of Hearing Aids, Sallie Ann Frye (Thesis)
An Investigation of Infection Mechanisms of Arceuthobium Campylopodum, Annabella Jaramillo Garcia (Thesis)
The Children's Schedule of Recent Experiences as a Predictive Test of Behavior Problems of Children Entering First Grade, Alcie Anne Griffith (Thesis)
Development of a Teacher Rating Instrument: Methodological Implications, Carole Gygi (Dissertation)
Survey on Dropouts from Graduate Schools of Social Work, 1970-1972, William J. Hadley, Vard R. Miller, and Michael C. Prange (Thesis)
An Exploratory Study of Depression in Adolescents Placed in Residential Treatment Centers, Shirley D. Hale, Kermit C. Jeffrey, and Gerald J. Moneke (Thesis)
Validation of the Oregon school entrance speech screening test, Patricia Ann Hamilton (Thesis)
A Spectrographic Analysis of Bahasa Indonesia Vowel Phonemes Under Primary Stress in CVC Words, Ingrid T. Hanna (Thesis)
An Exploratory Study to Assess Client Expectancy of Counseling Gain, William W. Hanselman (Thesis)
Optimization of single- and double-flash cycles and space heating systems in geothermal engineering, Talal Hussein Hassoun (Thesis)
Re-evaluation Co-counseling and the Treatment of Peptic Ulcers, Jack Justin Heims (Thesis)
An Analysis of the Mental Health Services Available to the Elderly Within Oregon: Using Multnomah County as a Special Case Study Area, Joan Nadine Hoss (Thesis)
A phytochemical investigation of liverwort Frullania franciscana Howe, Timothy Ta-E Huang (Thesis)
An Analysis of the Interrelationship Between the Oregon School Law of 1922, the Press of Oregon, the Election of Walter Pierce and the Ku Klux Klan, Robin Huffman (Thesis)
Age, Intelligence, and Socioeconomic Status Variance in Preposition Acquisition by Children, Georgie Hustead (Thesis)
Adjustment Problems of Chinese College Students in the United States, Terry Shu-Fang Hu (Thesis)
A Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of the Ferruginous Bauxite Deposits in Columbia County, Oregon, and Wahkiakum County, Washington, Ronald Laverne Jackson (Thesis)
Systematic Planning Toward Implementation of a State Protective Services Program for the Developmentally Disabled, Bernie J. Johnson (Thesis)
Rainer Maria Rilkes Begriff der besitzlosen Liebe : Probleme und Interpretationen, Kenn Allen Johnson (Thesis)
The Development of an Arsenic(V) Selective Electrode, Sandra Gee Kang (Thesis)
Irish families in Portland, Oregon, 1850-1880 : an immigrant culture in the Far West, Michael Kazin (Thesis)
Survey of Parental Attitudes Towards Health Services in the Beaverton Schools, Nancy M. King (Thesis)
Gutzkows Novelle Der Sadduzäer von Amsterdam Verglichen mit Seinem Drama Uriel Acosta und Eine Englische Übersetzung der Novelle, Clarice Solberg Kitteleson (Thesis)
Female Alcoholism: the Relationship of Marital Status to Personality Disorganization, Julene B. Knapp (Thesis)
Knowledge and Use of Social Services in Gervais, Oregon, Elizabeth Lewis, Abby Maier, and Lajuana J. Morton (Thesis)
The Recognition, Investigation, Interpretation, and Treatment of Landslides in the Pacific Northwest, Harry Ludowise (Thesis)
A study of ambulance transportation in relation to public welfare policy, Gary Jules Lutz (Thesis)
Partisan Voting in the Oregon Legislature, Tom Lee Mason (Thesis)
Infection of smallmouth bass and goldfish by two species of Saprolegnia, Cheryl A. McGinley (Thesis)
A Historiography of the Elizabethan Poor Laws: Late XIXth and XXth Century Historians, Susan C. McNaught (Thesis)
An Attitudinal Study of Secondary School Teachers Toward School Social Workers, Raymond Merritt and Dwayne McNannay (Thesis)
Rainer Maria Rilkes Musik der Kräfte (Rainer Maria Rilke's Music of the Forces), Lilly E. Moore (Thesis)
Physiological and Behavior Studies of Thelepus Crispus and its Commensal Halosydna Brevisetosa, John B. Morgan (Thesis)
An Application of a Token Economy in a Residential Treatment Center for Pre-adolescent and Adolescent Girls, Eileen M. Moriarty (Thesis)
Social Action as Social Change Through a Process of Insulation, Leonard Siegfred Nelson (Thesis)
Lingual discrimination of two normal-speaking populations, Janice Ellen Gould Nesbitt (Thesis)
Intelligibility of Speech Compared Through Two Limiter Compression Circuits, Lee M. Odell (Thesis)
The Effect of Attending Behavior Training Upon Learning, Martha Sue Peden (Thesis)
The Effects of Pentachlorophenol on the Electrical Conductivity of Lipid Bilayer Membranes, William Harvey Perman (Thesis)
A study of the physiological factors affecting the biological conversion of arsenite to arsenate, Shirley E. Phillips (Dissertation)
Impact of College Speech Classes on Listening Skills of Students, Candice Piazza (Thesis)
Strategies and the management of a portfolio of business units, Donald Leland Pope (Dissertation)
A Follow-up Study of Community Organization Concentrators, Hedy-Jo Huss Powell (Thesis)
A preliminary investigation of the predictive and evaluative capacity of the PARS scale in a community mental health clinic, Judith M. Ritter (Thesis)
Interaction Patterns in the Campground, Dennis Lee Rockwood (Thesis)
State response to the civil right issue, 1883-1885, Robert Lionel Rowe (Thesis)
The Historical Imagination of Francesco Petrarch: A Study of Poetic Truth and Historical Distortion, Sally Scholz (Thesis)
The Correlation Between Specific Curiosity and Intelligence in Adults, Charles R. Schwenk (Thesis)
A Comparison Between Sources of Student Anti-Hunting Sentiment and Wildlife Information Sources of a Sample of Oregon Adults, Ronald E. Shay (Thesis)
The Digital Multifunction Power Measuring System, Ralph Warren Shoemaker (Thesis)
Vibration Damping Characteristics of Typical Harpsichord Strings, Jack Lee Simmons (Thesis)
Labor Violence: the Centralia Case, the IWW and its Enemies, Lawrence C. Skoog (Thesis)
An Evaluation of Latch Key Day Care, Barbara Garrett Skorney (Thesis)
Chicanos in Oregon: An Historical Overview, Richard Wayne Slatta (Thesis)
The Effectiveness of Induced Location of Manufacturing Industry as a Means of Fostering Sustained Economic Growth in Less Developed Regions of Oregon, Leland F. Smith (Thesis)
The politics of education -- An analysis of selected cases and controversies in American education, Lawrence Robert Stoffel (Thesis)
The Background and Development of the 1871 Korean-American Incident: A Case Study in Cultural Conflict, Robert Ray Swartout Jr. (Thesis)
Some correlates of morale among nursing home residents, Gail Olmsted Sydnor and Patricia Mears Wold (Thesis)
Water Quality Within East Portland Terraces, Fouad Mohamed Tawfik (Thesis)
Differential Measurement of a Language Concept Presented via Video Tape Playback to First Grade Students, Richard Warren Trullinger (Thesis)
Effects of the Nerve During the Dedifferentiative Phase of Limb Regeneration in the Mexican Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, Roberta Gail Wald (Thesis)
Alumina-Catalyzed Cope Rearrangement, Paul Jhy-Shing Wang (Thesis)
An investigation of the development of the phonemes /t/and /k/ in the speech of preschool children., Glenn Douglas Weybright (Thesis)
Masking patterns of high frequency pure tones, Judith Eide Widen (Thesis)
Hiring Practices: A Study of the Port of Portland, Portland, Oregon, Carol Williams Bryant (Thesis)
Designing and Evaluating Workshop "Bridges": a Training Project to Upgrade Social Services in Long Term Care Facilities, Corrine C. Williams (Thesis)
Siblings and sex roles: A comparison between male and female graduate students with regard to sibling sex and ordinal position, Anita Witt (Thesis)
The Frequency of Retroflex /r/ Production in Elementary School Children, Vicki Barna Wood (Thesis)
The rate of return on the investment in registered nurse education as related to the supply of registered nurses, Barbara Zuern (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Meaning of Work for Women, Susan Ackerman (Thesis)
A Comparison of Two Methods of Instruction in Office Skills: Classroom-Laboratory and Classroom-Laboratory with Cooperative Work Experience, Barbara Swanson Anderson (Thesis)
Granulometric Analysis of Recent Sediments of Tillamook Bay, Oregon, Gennaro William Avolio (Thesis)
Black Content in Schools: a Model of Black Content in a School of Social Work's Curriculum, Dorothy L. Baker, Alexander Richberg, and Isaac White (Thesis)
Purification and characterization of dihydroorotase from Clostridium oroticum, a zinc-containing metalloenzyme, William Edward Balch (Thesis)
French-Indian Relations (1672-1701): An Economic, Political and Military Study, James Duncan Biggs (Thesis)
Die Einwirkung des Jugendstils auf Rilkes Frühwerk, Linda Collins Blumenthal (Thesis)
Thomas Hardy : a Study; Suffering, Human Will, and Grace in the Major Novels, Russell E. Borland (Thesis)
Between Words and Actions: the Problem of Motivation in Symbolic Interactionism, Robert Scott Broadhead (Thesis)
Effects of Semantic Associational Strength and Verbal Sequence Length on the Auditory Comprehension of Aphasic Adults, Laurel J. Brown (Thesis)
The abolition of capital punishment: a comparative study, Michael L. Call (Thesis)
Family Variables Which Are Associated With Achievement of Community Tenure by Persons Released From Psychiatric Hospitalization, Thomas Mack Chambers (Thesis)
An Investigation of Handedness and its Relationship to the Site of Contact Ulcers, Colleen S. Colleary (Thesis)
Student Perceptions of the Chemawa Alcohol Education Center, Carol Colley (Thesis)
Spatial variations in the intra-urban response to a noise source, Wilbur David Conder (Thesis)
A Descriptive Analysis of a Metropolitan Foster Parent Population as an Indicator for Recruitment, Elizabeth Connet (Thesis)
Color Perception in Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels, Robert F. Cooley (Thesis)
Selected attitudes and perceptions of adolescents at the Hood River, Oregon, attention home, Marilyn Czerwinski and Linda Olson (Thesis)
Counseling Problems that Accompany the Diagnosis of Mental Retardation, Betty Daggett, Shirley H. Durkheimer, and Abigail M. Lawton (Thesis)
The sasswood ordeal of the west Atlantic tribes of Sierra Leone and Liberia: an ethnohistoriographic survey, Sarah Louise Davies (Thesis)
A Descriptive Follow-up Study of 21 Children from Parry Center, Paul Duke (Thesis)