This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
An Attempt to Find Predictor Variables Which Will Discriminate Between Those Patients Who Seek Aftercare Treatment and Those Who Do Not Seek Aftercare Treatment Upon Discharge From a Psychiatric Ward, Nena V. Johnstone, William D. Lynch, Philip M. Baldwin, and John C. Kemp (Thesis)
A postulated alternative to current Oregon marital statute (ORS 106.71): a frankly revisionist analysis of the concrete situation, Ken Jones, Ray Kendall, Jan Nolley, and Jill Weeden (Thesis)
Interorganizational Coalitional Decision-making: an Exploratory Investigation, Dennis Brian Keenan (Thesis)
Ames Trapezoid Illusion: A New Model, Daniel Robert Kelly (Thesis)
Differences in the Attitudes of Church-Attending Catholics Toward Changes in Religious Beliefs and Practices Correlated with Age and Education, Cletus Michael Kirkpatrick (Thesis)
Anxiety Level of Graduate Students in Social Work, Sophia Kouidou-Giles and George Albert McKee (Thesis)
Day Care Centers' Manpower Elements and Training Needs, Philip Kwakuvi Kudiabor (Thesis)
An Investigation of the Airflow Characteristics of Pulmonary Air Expulsion During Esophageal Speech, Alfred S. Lavorato (Thesis)
Communicative Abilities: an Analysis of the Interactions of Reticent and Non-reticent Task Groups, Myron W. Lustig (Thesis)
"Follow Through" Services for Child Abuse Cases, Marguerite Matusak (Thesis)
Life history of Philophthalmus megalurus (Cort, 1914) in western Oregon, Toni Anne McMillan (Thesis)
Die Prostituierte in Frank Wedekinds Dramen, Philip A. Mellen (Thesis)
The political role of religious pacifism during the inter-war years, Ancil K. Nance (Thesis)
Assessing the Convenience Factor in Relocating a Day Care Center, Barbara Ann Dauterman Norton and Terry Roger Horton (Thesis)
Observations on the establishment of seedlings of Phoradendron californicum on Prosopis juliflora, Richard L. Null (Thesis)
Demian: ein Weg zu "amor fati", Wayne D. Nuss (Thesis)
Nicholas N. Muraviev, conqueror of the black dragon, Eric E. Oulashin (Thesis)
Expanding the Visual Potential of Subject Matter Through Two-Dimensional Design, William Paul Paxton (Thesis)
Action-oriented group therapy for lower-socio-economic-status clients, Joan C. Peters (Thesis)
An Exploration Into the Applicability of a Psychological Technique for Anthropological Research, Gwendolyn Marie Harris Pierce (Thesis)
Inter-bureau power relations; a sociological analysis of an ideal type organizational model, Gerald Wayne Potterf (Thesis)
The structuring of procedures utilized in an adult stuttering treatment program, Sarah Jane Prichard (Thesis)
The Father's Role in Treatment: A Survey of Selected Social Service Programs, Joanne Robertson (Thesis)
The utilization of aides in public welfare; analysis, evaluation, and proposal, Leonard Mark Robinson and Shirley Ann Youngstrom (Thesis)
Rilke und Valéry: Eine Wahlverwandtschaft, Anne Marie Roehr (Thesis)
Crystal Structure Determination of β-Lactoglobulin From Electron Micrographs, Richard Roeter (Thesis)
Speechreading ability in children with functional articulation difficulty and in children with normal articulation, Mary Elizabeth Russell (Thesis)
Geophysical and Geological Analysis of a Fault-Like Linearity in the Lower Clackamas River Area, Clackamas County, Oregon, Ronald Jay Schmela (Thesis)
Foster Family Care For the Aged, Donald V. Sekora (Thesis)
Federal Reserve Lending to Commercial Banks: Effects on Financial Market Stability and Monetary Control, David Allen Simantel (Thesis)
The Effect of Labeling Disfluencies as 'Stuttering' and Contingent and Yoked "Wrong" on the Disfluencies of Normal Speakers, Dennis Ray Staines (Thesis)
Mössbauer studies of stable interstitial and substitutional sites of cobalt in gold, Charles Freeland Steen (Thesis)
Totiusque ecclesiae suae sanctae; a comparison of the ecclesiologies of St. Augustine and Hans Kung, Edward J. Sullivan (Thesis)
Direct Design of a Portal Frame, Angel Fajardo Ugaz (Thesis)
The Lair Hill Park neighborhood on examination of the phenomenon of community creation, Joseph S. Uris (Thesis)
Evidence for the Existence of Two Stable Sites for Cobalt Impurity Atoms in Aluminum, Arun Venkatachar (Thesis)
Adsorption of Sulfur Dioxide on Douglas Fir Woodchips, Uen-Ping David Wang (Thesis)
An Analysis of the Ability and Achievement of Business Education Students Compared to Non-Business Education Students, William B. Warberg (Thesis)
A Conceptual Model for a Human Resource Center for Voluntarism, Helen L. Warbington (Thesis)
Vocalizations of the Townsend chipmunk (Eutamias townsendii), Greig Michael Warner (Thesis)
A Study of the Willingness of Elderly People to Live With Each Other, Joanne Welander (Thesis)
The Effects of Marihuana Extract Distillate on Eating Behavior of Rats, Terrie Wetle (Thesis)
A regional approach: city-county consolidation as a method of local governmental reorganization, Anthony Gene White (Thesis)
Identities in Gay Drinking Places, Sharon Gertrude White (Thesis)
A Behavioristic Approach to the Design of a Digital Model of Human Communication, George Eugene Whitley (Thesis)
Implications of an Oral-Gestural Training Program in the Acquisition of Speechreading Skills, Mary Lu Wood (Thesis)
Comparative Study of Lightweight and Normal Weight Concrete in Flexure, Mohammad Zareh (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The 1958 Good Offices Mission and Its Implications for French-American Relations Under the Fourth Republic, Lorin James Anderson (Thesis)
Life drawing in the secondary classroom, Marilyn Jean Anderson (Thesis)
Nutritional requirements for protease production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ps-1C, Richard Myer Avedovech (Thesis)
An Empirical Study of the Effect of Systematic Relaxation Training of Chronically-Anxious Subjects on the Communication Variable of Closed-Mindedness, La Ray M. Barna (Thesis)
Changing the Custody of Children Whose Parents Have Been Divorced: A General View of the Process, Dorothy E. Bateman (Thesis)
Automated Information Retrieval Systems for Legal Research, Robert G. Baylor (Thesis)
A study of the role of acrylic paints in the secondary and junior high school art curriculum, Alice Atkinson Benski (Thesis)
Attitudes Toward Supervision, Job Satisfaction, and Risk-Taking Behavior and the Relationship to Accident Frequency Ratios, Richard Everett Boggs (Thesis)
A Comparative Analysis of the Untrained Lip Reading Ability of Mothers of Young Hard of Hearing Children Versus Mothers of Young Normal Hearing Children, Janet Andrews Boileau (Thesis)
A study of eighty-one sexual offenders at Oregon State Hospital, Eugene Fletcher Booth (Thesis)
Madrona movers; a sociological analysis of a work group as a process of harmony and dissent, John Vance Cannucci (Thesis)
The Correlation of Factors Relating to the Selection and Retention of Student Teachers at Portland State University, Michael E. Carl (Thesis)
Italy 1830-1848: the role of the press and the theatre in the formation of the national spirit, Albert Louis Cereghino (Thesis)
Factors in Evaluation of Student Performance in a Graduate School of Social Work, Sharon J. Copeland and Gerald E. Warner (Thesis)
A survey of work facilities and rehabilitation services available to the handicapped in the United States, Morgan William Dickerson (Thesis)
Die Gestaltung des Raumes in den Dramen Ernst Barlachs, Dieter Helmut Engelhardt (Thesis)
The propagation of light in a turbulent atmosphere, Karl-Hans Gunther Engert (Thesis)
Systems reliability using the flow graph, Kenneth Edward Farrier (Thesis)
Cubist Painting Related to the Culture From Which It Came and Its Validity Today in the High School Curriculum, Virginia K. Fenton (Thesis)
Factors in Assessing Effectiveness of Orientation Programs for Public Welfare Caseworkers, Clyde Ferguson (Thesis)
A Follow-up Study of Families with Children Labeled Retarded, Connie Finley (Thesis)
A study an analysis of stochastic linear programming, Chamberlain Lambros Foes (Thesis)
Income distribution effects of the urban property tax with emphasis on the reappraisal lag: a theoretical and empirical analysis of the Multnomah Couny experience, Michael Steven Fogarty (Thesis)
A survey of hearing loss in the special education classrooms of Vancouver School District 37, Richard C. Folsom (Thesis)
Religious commitment and attitudes toward deviant behavior, Donald Alban Gibbs (Thesis)
Studies on the distribution and habitat of Demodex folliculorum, Michael James Gimbol (Thesis)
Donation of Organs for Transplantation: An Investigation of Attitudes and Behavior, Courtney Weldon Goodmonson (Thesis)
The influence of tradition on the process of organizational change; a study of two Oregon child care centers: Edgefield Lodge, Troutdale, and St. Mary's Home for Boys, Beaverton, Helen Paula Grant (Thesis)
Post-Divorce Visitation of Minor Children: An Exploratory Study, Barbara Griffith (Thesis)
The Effect of Perceptual-Motor Training on Maladaptive Behaviors of Emotionally Disturbed Children, Julia Frances Hall (Thesis)
Versuch einer ästhetischen Wertsetzung: zur Kunsttheorie von Benn und Nietzsche, Kathryn M. Horváth (Thesis)
A Demographic Study Based Upon Income, Age and Education Variables as Related to the Willingness or Unwillingness to Accept Foster Children, John Hughes (Thesis)
The European Powers in Africa: Can the Obstacles to National Unity Be Attributed to Them? Nigeria, a Test Case, Bassey John Ituen (Thesis)
The Great Debate: An Examination of Conflicting Views Regarding American Defense Policies, 1950-1951, Glen J. R. Jackson (Thesis)
Die Gestalt der Frau in ausgewählten Dramen George Kaisers, Wolfgang H. Justen (Thesis)
A study of the effects of professional authority on the attitude change of high school sophomores, Sandra Lee Kelley and Lane Alan Myers (Thesis)
Viet-Nam business education; a proposal for development, Hoang Ngoc Khiem (Thesis)
A translation of Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov's Opisanie zemli Kamchatki (The description of the land of Kamchatka) by E.A.P. Crownhart Vaughan, Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov (Thesis)
Validation of the orthogonal dimensions underlying the ICL and the octant constellations assumed to be their measure, Donald Edward Lange (Thesis)
Non-linearities in galvanomagnetic effects in bismuth at low temperatures, David Lawrence Luce (Thesis)
Comparison of Amounts of Verbal Response Elicited by a Speech Pathologist in the Clinic and a Mother in the Home, Joan Mathis (Thesis)
Councils of Governments: a Study Focusing on Membership, Representation and Voting, Jerry Alan Matson (Thesis)
Women in professions and status inconsistency, Miriam Grace McClure (Thesis)
Attitudes of Youth Toward Social Institutions: a Comparative Study, Connie McGonigle and James F. Bakke (Thesis)
An Electromyographic Comparison of Muscle Action Potentials of Listeners Presented Time-Compressed and Normal Speech Stimuli, Barbara S. Moon (Thesis)
Greece: The Colonels' Puritan Revolution, Nikolaos E. Mpras (Thesis)
Investigation of the alpha-sub-gamma phase in alnico 6, Cortez Samuel (Thesis)
Mobility of physicians into prepaid group health practice; a case study, Ann Schroeder Sato (Thesis)
Electron Optical Study of a Secondary Electron Multiplier, Chang Min Shen (Thesis)
Die Idee der neuen Welt in Fritz von Unruhs Trilogie Ein Geschlecht, Paul Otto Soumokil (Thesis)
A Comparison of Object Dropping and Echoic Vocalizing as Response Modes to Pure Tone Stimuli Among Mentally Retarded Children, Elton L. Stewart (Thesis)
The sex offender in Oregon : fact and fallacy, Richard G. Storch and Virginia T. Peterson (Thesis)
A proposed guidance program for Vietnamese high schools, Tran Thi Thanh-Tan (Thesis)