This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Measuring Trainee Comprehension of Casework Relationship in a Public Welfare Orientation Program, Margaret Berweger (Thesis)
The Complaint Process in Protective Services for Children, William L. Carey (Thesis)
Acetate as a Fine Arts Medium, Catherine Lynette Chisholm (Thesis)
Cyclization Studies Involving the Synthesis of 5-Substituted-1-Naphthol, Clark Keelock Chow (Thesis)
The City, Lee Merriwether Clark (Thesis)
The Far East Agreements of the Yalta Conference of February 4-11, 1945, and the Sino-Soviet Agreements of August, 1945, Robert Harold Davidson Jr. (Thesis)
Judging Development and Sexual Identity in Children's Art, Susan Lathrop Dietsche (Thesis)
A General Study of Tests and Testing with Special Emphasis on Concepts, Controversy, and Teaching Ideas Applicable at the First Grade Level, Jean I. Dimick (Thesis)
Evaluation of the Role of Neighborhood Health Coordinators in a Comprehensive Neighborhood Health Services Project, Sharron Faye Easley (Thesis)
Value orientation in relation to emphasis in the process of diagnosing the family in state of crisis, Bradford Lynn Everson (Thesis)
An Exploration Into Aspects of Broken Color as Exemplified in the Works of the Impressionists and Neo-Impressionists and the Application of These Theories Within Painting Experiences of the Adolescent Student, Frank Edwin Handy (Thesis)
A Comparison of the Effects of Fluoride and Chloride Ions Upon the Activity of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Ellen J. Hannan (Thesis)
The Maroons and freedom in Jamaica, Lennon Claude Henry (Thesis)
The view from the future; the self-fulfilling prophecy as an element in historical causation, William Welker Lenon (Thesis)
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Personal Proximity Upon Selected Aspects of Conversational Content, Ronna S. Loewen (Thesis)
The paper stencil method of silk screen printing, Niles Brian Martens (Thesis)
A theoretical and experimental study of the hyperbolic electron mirror, Michael Stewart Mauck (Thesis)
A quantification and analysis of verbal interaction between clinician and client in a public school setting, Norma C. McAleer (Thesis)
Verbal Accessibility and Authoritarian Family Ideology: A Study of 50 Graduate Social Work Students and Their Spouses, Linda Louise Metz (Thesis)
A standardization of the "Children's Speechreading Test" on normal children, Lorna Helen Newcombe (Thesis)
Figure Painting in the High School: Experiments and Recommendations, E. Leonora Perron (Thesis)
Aspects of the Åland Islands question, Elen Christine Sakshaug (Thesis)
The Biological Properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophage 7v, Shirley Phillips Schnider (Thesis)
The Causes of the Nez Perce War and the Prolonged Exile of the Captive Indians: An Analysis, Carole Jean Smolinski (Thesis)
A method of measuring the electron energy losses in transmission through thin films, John Patrick Stewart (Thesis)
Selected experiences of boys and girls entering the community of Ketchikan, Alaska from correctional schools, Marian L. Swain (Thesis)
Physical and kinetic properties of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Craig David Taylor (Thesis)
Directional Correlation of the 346-136 Kev Gamma-Gamma Cascade in Ta¹⁸¹, Robert Allan Wilson (Thesis)
The Attack on Bourgeois Society: an Introduction to Cultural Despair in the Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Century European Thought, with Four Illustrative Studies from Traditions of the European Intellectual Milieu, Craig Evan Wollner (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Three basic stoneware glazes for cone six oxidation which may be changed in color or texture by the addition of common materials such as sand, clay soil, crushed gravel, or metal filings, Carol Hilda Balsiger (Thesis)
The library board and the conscientious objector : a study in war hysteria, Annette Martha Bartholomae (Thesis)
The Electronic Instrumentation for Atmospheric Laser Propagation Studies, Clyde Manford Brown Jr. (Thesis)
Selected factors in assessment of a group designated as school malperformers, Janet E. Bullock, Ronald M. Marshall, E. Frank Oliver, and Shizuko H. Sakai (Thesis)
Bacterial Degradation of Methyl Dehydroabietate, Burl C. Carter (Thesis)
Search for quantum oscillations in field emission current from bismuth., Donald Dean Casey (Thesis)
Theoretical calculations of kinetic isotope effects, Paul Chien-Wei Chang (Thesis)
Leisure, condition of man's freedom, Gerald H. Conrath (Thesis)
Assessment of Subjective Experiences of Boys Entering the Community From a Correctional School, Thomas W. DeJardin (Thesis)
Traits Associated with Choosing Social Work as a Career, Helen Ellsworth (Thesis)
Children’s Drama Available for the Elementary School Children of Portland, Oregon, Margaret Othus Gender (Thesis)
Child Care Arrangements in Affluence and Poverty, Josephine Jeannette Gurrola (Thesis)
Arturo Alessandri and the Chilean Presidential Elections of 1920: a thesis, Sally Ann Jones (Thesis)
The Identification of the Inorganic Components in the Calcareous Corpuscles From Mesocestoides Corti, Larry M. Kegley (Thesis)
A Comparison of Characteristics of Terminated AFDC Cases with Cases Remaining Active from the June 1966 AFDC Load in Linn County, Oregon, William Everett Lowther (Thesis)
Solving random walk problems using resistive analogues, Richard D. Morris (Thesis)
Precision measurements of the Mössbauer fraction of Fe⁵⁷ in Pt, Pd and Cu, Wilbur Lee Nees (Thesis)
A Clarification and Evaluation of Black Power, Beverly Jo Olson (Thesis)
Applications of Modified Wittig Reaction to Butatriene Synthesis, John Pearson (Thesis)
In-service education for teachers of family life education from a sociological viewpoint, Helen M. Running (Thesis)
Der Richter und der Gerechte in Dürrenmatts Dramen, Helga Schlichtherle (Thesis)
Investigation of attitudinal and behavioral changes of selected sixth grade students who attend an outdoor school, Robert R. Sesar (Thesis)
A series of paintings, both Oriental and Western, oriented toward a combination of the Western and Oriental styles in the use of mixed media, Young Hie Shin (Thesis)
Production of A thousand clowns, Clifford John Sowle (Thesis)
Color in Salt Glaze, Daniel Lee Stevens (Thesis)
A simple engobe developed for general studio use for wet and leather hard clay which may be adjusted with only minor changes to fit bone dry and bisque ware, Rose Marie Strassel (Thesis)
William Morris: esthetic for community, F. Eloise Taggart (Thesis)
The Development of a Clay Body with Compatible Glaze Formulae, Nancy Travers (Thesis)
Classes and Class Conflicts in Victorian England as Explored by Thomas Hardy, Nancy Burns Vail (Thesis)
Verbal Accessibility Between Marital Partners as Studied in a Court of Domestic Relations, Patricia Walker (Thesis)
An Analysis and Evaluation of the American Electoral College, Norma N. Williams (Thesis)
Intaglio printmaking in the secondary school, James Lester Wylder (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Variations on two themes, Florence Lyn Bafus (Thesis)
Landscape and figure composition in relation to space, color, and line, Perry Theo Carandanis (Thesis)
Medical-Social Needs in a Sample Population of Elderly Post-Hospital Patients, Rose N. Cooper (Thesis)
The emergence of the large lumber producers and their significance to the lumber industry, Kaye L. Darby (Thesis)
The use of self-determination and confidentiality in casework and group work practice: an exploratory study, George A. Fisher, James M. Hanson, Frances Peterson, and Helen Phillips (Thesis)
Birth and Rebirth as a Cultural Symbol, Roberta Foss (Thesis)
The ion-exchange chromatographic separation of the components of the product mixture resulting from reaction of trans-dichlorobis (ethylenediamine) cobalt (III) chloride with thiocyanate ion, William Trew Jordan (Thesis)
Die Moabiter Sonette; letzte Gedichte und Gedanken Albrecht Haushofers, Richard S. Kemmler (Thesis)
Aspects of the city; a group of paintings in varied media, based on the theme of the city and river front, Frances Evelyn Kimball (Thesis)
A Scale of Verbal Accessibility in Marriage, Barbara F. Kresse (Thesis)
Using Eriksonian Concepts in Observing Developmental Levels in Two Groups of Preschool Children, Roland J. Lindstrom (Thesis)
The Image of the Habsburg Empire in Joseph Roth's Radetzkymarsch and Die Kapuzinergruft, Deborah O'Dell (Thesis)
Thermal and Electrical Resistance of Metal Contacts, Roland E. Ott (Thesis)
Das satirische Element in den Werken Nestroys, Walter Pauler (Thesis)
Social Exchange in Private Family Day Care Arrangements, Gerald Wesley Perry (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Constructing a Tool for Measuring Common Social Work Activities, Patricia M. Armstrong (Thesis)
A series of paintings, drawings, and compositions, oriented toward a fine arts direction in the use of synthetic and mixed media., Judith Frykman (Thesis)
The Doctrine of the Naqshabandi Order: A Study of Mysticism in Islam, Madelain Farah Habib (Thesis)
ROBERT WALSER: EIN BEITRAG ZUM THEMA DER IDENTITÄT (Interpretation von “Helbling’s Geschichte“), Magdalena M. Hamor (Thesis)
Unmet Social Work Needs in an Inmate Population of a County Correctional Institution, Jerry M. Harkins (Thesis)
Aspects of the city, Doris Louise Laird (Thesis)
"An approach to creative design" relation of composition to expression with a particular emphasis on color relationships., Kay J. Moultrie (Thesis)
A series of landscape studies in oil painting and other media exploring and interpreting natural landscape elelments with emphasis on the relationship between plastic space and visual space, Eugene Neal Olson (Thesis)
Marital Interaction Theory: Some Implications for Research, Lucille S. Pugh (Thesis)
De Gaulle and Franco-German relations, 1945-1965, Mary Ann Shumway (Thesis)
Mephistopheles - Merck; ein Vergleich, Richard M. Slawson (Thesis)
Franz Michael Felder: Bregenzerwalder Dorfgeschichten und Schriften, eine Erziehungsstudie, Richard Deal Stones (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Development of a Tool to Measure Applicability of the General Systems Theory to Generic Social Work, Richard L. DeCristoforo (Thesis)
A study of the arguments for and against the Factory Act of 1833 used by members of Parliament in the House of Commons, Peter D. Grundfossen (Thesis)
The nationalization of education in England : Fabian influences on the Education Bill of 1902, Marguerite McBurney Marks (Thesis)
Extracurricular Activities in Secondary Schools of Washington County, Oregon, Alan R. Martin (Thesis)
Christie School: The Evolution of a Social Institution, Bertha A. Roth (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Use of the Depth Interview in Examining Attitudes of Delinquent Boys: An Exploratory Study, Alice Allen (Thesis)
Some Factors Influencing Case Classification in a Public Welfare Agency, Miriam Berry (Thesis)