Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Scaffolding the Development of Early Self-Regulation: The Role of Structure and Routine in Children's Daily Activities, Cynthia Lynn Taylor
The Moving to the Beat Documentary and Hip-Hop Based Curriculum Guide: Youth Reactions and Resistance, Jennifer Wallin-Ruschman
Self-Efficacy and Drinking with Friends: An Investigation into the Drinking Behaviors of Japanese College Students, Staci Jean Wendt
Now Accepting Applications Online: An Examination of Privacy Concerns, Explanations, and Control in Applicant Reactions to Internet-Based Selection Procedures, Clayton Alan Yonce
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Changes in Oregon Batterer Intervention Program Characteristics in Relation to State Standards, Ashley Lynn Boal
The Effects of Ageism Climates and Core Self-Evaluations on Nurses' Turnover Intentions, Organizational Commitment, and Work Engagement, David Michael Cadiz
Spousal Crossover Effects of Job Demands on Health, Rachel Jane Daniels
Exploring School Engagement as a Protective Factor for Youth At Risk of Joining Gangs, Lorraine M. Escribano
The Moderating Effect of Role Quality on the Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study, Jenna Risa LeComte-Hinely
Sour Grapes While You're Down and Out: Self-Serving Bias and Applicant Attributions for Test Performance, Kyle Garret Mack
The Effects of Animals on Children's Development of Perspective-Taking Abilities, Mika Maruyama
Who Am I? Well, It Depends: How Frame-of-Reference Imposes Context In Non-Contextualized Personality Inventories, Elizabeth Anne McCune
Participatory Action Research with Dignity Village: an Action Tool for Empowerment within a Homeless Community, Heather Irene Mosher
Family relationship quality and acculturation: Examination of their relationship among Latino adolescent sexual offenders, Lindsey B. Patterson
Re-Engagement as a Process of Everyday Resilience, Jennifer Rose Pitzer
Predictors of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors: Supervisor Job Stress and Work-Family Climate, Brittany E. Sale
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
A Positive Development View of Risk-taking : Attachment, mental health, internal control, and life engagement, Lauren Michelle Denneson
The relationship of group support, majority status, and interpersonal dependency in predicting intimate partner violence, Mary Elisabeth Gray
Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Consideration of Attachment Deficits in the Etiology of Offending, Lee Anna Knox
Operationalizing the Antecedents of Work-Family Positive Spillover: A Longitudinal Study, Kristi Lynn Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Sustainability From the Perspectives of Indigenous Leaders in the Bioregion Defined by the Pacific Salmon Runs of North America, David Edward Hall
Developing a Sense of Academic Ownership : a Longitudinal Analysis, Gwen Catherine Marchand
Psychological detachment as a moderator in work-family conflict relationships, Lauren Ann Murphy
Work-related Outcomes of Financial Stress: Relating Perceived Income Adequacy and Financial Strain to Job Performance and Worker Well-being, Lindsay Ellen Sears
Intimate Partner Violence, Supervisor Support and Work Outcomes for Low-Wage Workers, Nanette Lucia Yragui
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Workplace Cognitive Failure as a Mediator between Work-Family Conflict and Safety Performance, Rachel Jane Daniels
A Multilevel Analysis of Individual and Organizational-Level Effects on Staff Attitudes Towards Use of Medication in Substance Abuse Treatment, John Patrick Fitzgerald
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
First impressions : a Study of the Relationship Between Presenting Problems and Clinical Perception, Holly Elizabeth Fussell
Conceptualizing and Measuring the Self in Chronic Illness and its Relationship to Adjustment, Jessica Marie Morea
Job Insecurity and Work-family Conflict : the Organizational, Situational, and Individual Influences on the Job Strain Process, Khatera Sahibzada
Interpersonal Sensitivity and Information Sharing During Layoffs : Implications for Job Seekers, Rainer Seitz
Early Moral Sense : Behavioral Self-regulation, Temperament, and Prosocial Behavior in Young Children in Child-centered Classrooms, Elizabeth Alliene Vale
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Development and Validation of the Sustainability Climate Survey, David Edward Hall
Humane Education: the Effects of Animals in the Classroom on Children's Empathy in Japanese Elementary Schools, Mika Maruyama
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Adult and Juvenile Sexual Offenders: The Use of Violence and Fantasies, Megan N. Carter
Effects of Shift Work on Employee Retention: An Examination of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Stress-Based Explanations, Kristin Elizabeth Charles
The Relationship of Parenting with Adolescent Problem Behaviors and Healthy Development: An Application of a Motivational Model of Development, Sharon Ann Johnson
Motivational processes involved in academic help seeking and help avoidance, Gwen Catherine Marchand
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
The Role of Trust, Leader-Member Exchange, and Organizational Justice in Employee Attitudes and Behaviors: A Laboratory and Field Investigation, Rudolph Joseph Sanchez
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Predictors of Task and Contextual Performance: Frame-of-Reference Effects and Applicant Reaction Effects on Selection System Validity, John Hunthausen
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
The Effects of School-Mandated Community Service on Subsequent Intrinsic Motivation to Volunteer, Carol Berubee
Patient-Guided Investigation of the Restoration of Health Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Nancy Ann Carney
Using a Realistic Job Preview to Communicate Organizational Culture, Johanna Glode
Technology-Enhanced Presentations in Large Classrooms : Effects on Adult Academic Achievement and Computer Attitudes, Pamela Rae Hilberg
The Role of Educational Technology and Motivation in Increasing Flow and Time-On-Task to Enhance Learning, Michael Pullmann
The Relative Influence of Internal Resources, External Resources, and Social Support on Parenting Stress, Angela Cecelia Rodger
Development and Validation of a Work Safety Compliance Measure, Tara L. Smecko
Negotiation and Reorganization of Peer Relationships During Adolescence: The Emergence of Romantic Relationships and Quality of Peer Relationships, Melanie Jo Zimmer-Gembeck
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Pregnancy Outcomes: A Study Testing a Model for Predicting Health Outcomes in Pregnancy, Tamera Ann Hart-Johnson
Predictions of Intentions of College Students to Take an HIV Antibody Test and Their Preferences for a Testing Procedure, Hitoshi Ishimaru
The Effects of Position Power and Personal Power on the Incidence of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Eva Marie LaBonte
Patient Behaviors and Beliefs : Are Standardized Patients Different?, Colleen Shannon Lewy
Drug Testing and Oregon Workers : Is Perceived Fairness of Corporate Drug Testing Moderated by Drug Use?, Leslie James Normandy
Student Outcomes, Educational Technology, And Assessment In Large Classrooms: Effects On Planned Behavior, Tanya Leigh Ostrogorsky
A Multi-Method Inquiry Into Managerial Coaching, Deborah J. Petricek
The Relationship Between Self-Monitoring and Organizational Training Effectiveness and Satisfaction, Joanna Wulbert
The Effects of Parental Involvement, Structure, and Autonomy Support on Children’s Help-Seeking and Problem-Solving Coping in School, Ronald Wayne Yoder
Expected and Existing Competencies of External Industry Trainers in the Human Resource Development Field, Julia M. Zachmann
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Positive Illusions and Winter Depression: Do Illusions Go the Way of the Summer Sun?, Shannon M. Carey
An Examination of Factors Influencing Self Versus Supervisory Referrals to an Employee Assistance Program, Jeffrey M. Gray
The Relationships among Coping, Control, and Adjustment to Cancer, Sharon Ann Johnson
Evaluating the Effects of a Peer Training System on the Subsequent Performance of New Employees, Dariush Khaleghi
The Effects of Feedback to Raters on Subsequent Performance Ratings, A. Cybelle Lyon
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Perceived Fairness of a Child-care Subsidy in a Temporary Agency: An Equity Theory Approach, Pamela Bermudez
A Comparison of High School Student and Adult Expectations of Leader Behavior, Charles Edward Beyer
The Effects of a Realistic Job Preview on an Applicant's Ability to Self-select into Organizations, Melissa Lynn Burton
The Effect of Psychological Gender and Self-monitoring on Leader Emergence and Leader Behavior, Janet Day Goldsmith
The Effects of Positive Illusions on Perceived Racism, Miyako Jun-ko Hayashi
The Health Belief Model as a Predictor of Gynecological Exams: Does Sexual Orientation Matter?, Lynn Elizabeth Kunkel
Memory Deficit Compensation Among Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury, Hugo Maynard
Social Support as a Buffer of the Relationship between Work and Family Involvement and Work-Family Conflict, Tracy Lynn Monzon
The Origins of Caring: A Study of the Development of Coding Categories for Prosocial Behaviors in Very Young Children, Mark W. Schuster
A Comparative Study of Integrity Tests: the Effect of Situational and Individual Variables on Response Distortion, Nannette Shayne Searles
Intentions to Cooperate with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) in Child Protective Proceedings: The Role of Perceived Social Pressure in The Theory of Planned Behavior, Yuko Sato Spofford
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
AIDS-Preventative Behaviors and the Psychological Costs of Behavior Change, Howard Balshem
Youth's Perceptions of Social and Cultural Dimensions of Drug Use, Brett Joseph Casper
Math Anxiety, Coping Behavior, and Gender, Sandra Joy Grossmann
Impact of Goal-setting on Motivation as Affected by the Joint Influence of the Attributional Dimensions of Causality, Stability, and Control, Nancy Davis Hodges
A Bootstrapped Regression Model of Psychological Predictors of Success in Naturopathic Medical School, Christa Claire Louise
The Effects of Type of Child Care Arrangement and Satisfaction with Care on Employee Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism, Hanh Hong Nguyen
Women Who Worship Alone: The Relationship Between Marital Status and Loneliness in the Church, Judith Ann Schwanz
Causal Attributions for Teen Problem Drinking, Barbara J. Seatter
Children's Conception of the Social and Moral Dilemmas Associated with Drug Use, Nancy Lynn Thayer
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
An Examination of the Relationship Between Work Involvement and Family Involvement and Work-Family Conflict in Dual-Career Families, Elizabeth Jean Allen
The Effect of Color on Character Recognition: A Study of the Oregon License Plate, Frank R. Dennis
The Effects of Perceived Work Schedule Flexibility, Number of Hours Worked, and Type of Work Schedule on Work-Family Conflict, Tenora Dianne Grigsby
Determinants of Elite Athletes' Commitment to Sport: Examination of the Sport Commitment Model in the Professional Sport Domain, Tammy Kay Hall
A Model to Predict Recycling Behaviors: Reusing Ajzen's Model One More Time, Kathleen L. Kiwala
Residential Options for the Institutionalized Chronically Mentally Ill: The Impact of Psychosis on Choice, Richard James Stanek
A Study of Gender and Personality Factors in Work-Family Conflict Models, Steven Donald Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Opinions about sex offenders' progress in therapy, Laren Bays
Multidimensionality of Power Use in Organizations and its Correlates, Weizhong Dong
Adult student perceptions of traditionally sex-typed toys, Shelly Lynn Jackson
Early-Return-to-Work Programs: An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Program Policies and Practices on Organizational Outcomes, Lorrie L. Riat
The Development of a Predictive Model of Pretrial Misconduct, Donald R. Trapp
Attitude Functions and Political Behavior: the Issue of Gay Civil Rights, Josephine Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
The Effects of Negligence and Causation Information on Jurors' Determination of Liability, David K. Blanchard
An assessment of behavior associated with reproduction and infant caretaking in a captive family group of Saguinus midas midas, Melissa Elizabeth Martenson
Environmental and Age Differences in the Formation of Romantic Pairs and Self-Monitoring in Adolescents, Russell I. Oelheim