Theses/Dissertations from 1991
An assessment of behavior associated with reproduction and infant caretaking in a captive family group of Saguinus midas midas, Melissa Elizabeth Martenson
Environmental and Age Differences in the Formation of Romantic Pairs and Self-Monitoring in Adolescents, Russell I. Oelheim
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
A Comparison of Circadian Rhythms in Day and Night Shift Workers, Mary Lee Blood
A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Two Competing Social Power Measurement Systems, Joseph E. Criqui
Goal-directed imagining : the effect of suggestions of warmth and coolness on blood flow to the hand, John Mark Dilworth
Comparison of Two Behavioral Models in Obesity Treatment, Nina Lucille Dominy
Students' orientations toward dreams and the development of scales for their measurement, John Philip Governale
Prediction of posttreatment level of functioning from performance in a leveled token economy for emotionally disturbed adolescents, Peter Arden Scott Grover
Comparative Impact of Selected Group Input Variables on Self-Assessments of Group Process Skills in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams: a Field Study, R. Michael Mitchell
When older mothers work : adult children's perceptions of maternal employment effects Christine B. Nelson, Christine B. Nelson
Intergenerational relations in the workplace : older women and their younger women co-workers, Julie Suzanne Reynolds
The Least preferred co-worker scale as a predictor of leadership behavior in work settings, Jenell Arlene Streeter
Conformity, Attitude Toward Authority, and Social Class, Alison Carol Welter
Spatial manipulation as a covariant of mental practice, Vincent James Wolff
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Toward predicting completion of substance abuse treatment, Rebecca Lee Bragg
Sex role traits and psychological merger in lesbian relationships, Susan G. Dahlstrom
Predictors of depression in American Indian adolescents, Quang Duong-Tran
A Correlational Study of Cognitive Style Measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Witkin Group Embedded Figure, Leith Wood Muessle
Attitudes of Control and Weight Management, Carolyn Lee Edwards Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Effects of Graded and Steady Exercise and Self-Confidence on Stress, Kristine M. Clarke
MMPI and the juvenile sex offender Russell Funk, Russell Funk
Advertising in Restrooms, Karsten C. Hofmann
Effects of Feedback and Goal Setting on Job Attitudes and Productivity: A Field Study, Stephen Kildahl
The relationship of the perception of choice and positive behavior change in adolescent residential treatment with future success in the community, Rita Harding McClellan
Eating Disorders: The Correlation of Family Relationships with an Eating Disorder Continuum, Jana Schweitzer
Identifying Pedophiles with the MMPI, Margaret M. Seits
The influence of work station architecture on work perceptions and work behavior, Connie L. True
Beyond Difference Scores: Testing Models of Speed of Information-Processing Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Gary A. Uhland
Effects of Flat Panel Display Parameters Across Three Application Areas Upon Similarity Judgments, Novia Weiman
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo: Self and Close-Other Selection of Personality Test Interpretations, Sheela Word
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Worker perceptions of the fast-food giant : interviews with and class comparisons of teenagers working at McDonalds, Joyce A. Korshgen
Friendship Between Women: The Influence of Incest, Laurie Lockert
The Effects of Test Result and Diagnosticity on Physicians’ Revisions of Probability of Disease in Medical Diagnosis, Ann Elizabeth Sinclair
Isolating factors predicting cooperation in work groups : leader motivation and style, Denise Hunter Velaski
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Internal external locus of control and the choice of therapy, Marlene Eid
An Attempt to Reduce Actor-Observer Differences in Attributions, Carla A. Green
Care, Need, and Conceptions of Love: a Reexamination, Janet Gruwell Morris
MMPI discrimination of incest offenders : a validity study of the IC, SV, and PE subscales, B. Joann Scheck
The Effect of Order of Presentation and Experience on Problem Solving, Edward Bruce Versteeg
Cooperative Responses in Competitive Soccer, Rodney Gordon Williamson
Effects of Stress Management Instruction and Anxiety Monitoring in Adult Day Treatment Population, Jack Blanton Wills
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
A social-psychological case history : the Manson incident, Judith Elaine Bullis
The MMPI : a subscale (Ic) for the identification of male incest offenders, Mary S. Dolan
The Effects of Maternal Support and Non-support on the Family Concepts of Sexually Abused Girls, Sharon R. Hitchens
A Comparison of Pedophiles and Incest Offenders on MMPI Scales and Demographic Data, Linda Darmer Ladd
Sharing as a function of the number of play materials, Nancy Carol Milstead
Scotopic and photopic thresholds : a dependent variable for the McCollough effect, Marilyn Murphy
The Effect of Subject Expectations of "Hypnosis" Upon the Vividness of Visual Imagery, Kayla Mae Nilsson
Eye Contact Perception at Distances up to Six Meters, Daniel L. Scarl
Negative behavior exhibited by preschool children in same-age versus mixed-age groups, Laura Janine Sheppard
Cultural Characteristics of Learning and Perceptual Skills of Southeast Alaskan Native 5-Year-Olds, Thomas J. Turkon
A Comparison of the Effects of EMG Biofeedback and Relaxation Training on Chronic Back Pain Patients, Pam W. Vredevelt
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
A Comparison of Measures of Emotions From Written Reports of Dreams and Waking Experiences, Edward D. Conklin
The psychological intervention of group therapy for women coping with genital herpes, Susan D. Ferguson
The Effect of Problem Complexity on the Efficiency of Intuitive and Analytic Processes, Teresa Farley Kao
A longitudinal study of recidivism for 88 Forest Camp inmates, Loreli S. Manning
A Comparison of a Group Approach and a Personalized Approach in Teaching Behavior Management Techniques to Parents, Vicki Martin
Effect of Menstrual Cycle on Hedonic Response to Gustatory Stimuli, Laurie Ann O'Toole
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Rating life events : the effect of experience and point of reference, Richard John Alden
Psychometric properties of the Group process questionnaire, Lucia Igou Eakins
SCL-90 characteristics of the borderline personality disorder in a day treatment setting, Jeananne Theresa Feagan
Dance Therapy and Self-Concept Change in Psychiatric Patients, Cheryl Jeanne Hall
Femininity and Self-Esteem in Professional Women, Shirley Ellen Harper
Development of an MMPI Scale to Predict Therapeutic Response to Lithium Carbonate, Neal Allen Hayden
Parameters of mental rehearsal, Timothy K. Kelly
Level of aspiration and the Type A coronary-prone pattern in children, Wendy L. Kliewer
Career Supports and Career Mentors: an Analysis of Their Prevalence and Their Relation to Career Success and Satisfaction Among a Group of Women Lawyers, Sandra Lee Riley
Derivation and Test of Predictions of a Discrete Latent State Model for Signed Number Addition Test Performance, Kentaro Yamamoto
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
A study of age and sex-related differences in the perception of emotional stimuli, Nancy Mellor Canizio
Hemisphere Side of Damage and Encoding Capacity, Margaret Ellen Davis
The effect of chronic post-natal protein deprivation on the social interaction of the rhesus macaque, Gertrude Alice Fogle
The relationship of brain hemisphere orientation to WISC-R subscale scores, Robin Diane Thomas Hayden
Attitudes of Mental Health Professional Groups Toward Mental Health Treatment Modalities as Measured by the Semantic Differential Technique, Gene Stanley Morrill
Developing an attitude test to predict treatment outcome in depressed and anxious outpatients : an exploratory study, Kathryn Ainslie Paris
A study of the personality characteristics of tinnitus patients, Gloria E. Reich
Extraversion-Introversion and Sensitivity to Nonverbal Cues, Virginia Seiser
Role-taking and behavior, Jane Wynne Uphoff
The Effect of Causal Attribution and Self-Evaluation on Mood, William N. Werner
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Success expectancy in depressives, Marilyn Frances Barnowe-Meyer
Environmental and Psychological Factors Surrounding Children of Cancer Patients: An Exploratory Study, Joan Strong Buell
Reliability and validity of a scale to measure prosocial behavior in young children, Susan Davis
The Effects of Public Progress Charts Upon Self-Pacing in a PSI Course in Social Studies in a Traditional Middle School, Lynnette Hager-Godat
The Effects of Correctional Education on Recidivism, William L. Hiser
The Development and Effects of an Educational Audiovisual Presentation on Female Masturbation Upon the Attitudes and Masturbatory Behavior of College Females, Catherine Ann Hogan
Affective Perspective-Taking and Sympathy in Young Children, Mary Driver Leinbach
Factorial Structure of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Kevin Page O'Brien
Factor Structure and Reliability of the Revised Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scales, Carol A. Sadler
Work personality as a factor in evaluating the work potential of the mentally retarded, Janet L. Scally
The Effect of Early Handling on the Sexually Dimorphic Rate of Extinction of a Conditioned Taste Aversion in Rats, Rebecca Lee Yoder
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Individual differences in imaginal and verbal information processing abilities, Joan Marie Anderson
Interpersonal behavior and depression : an examination of self-descriptions on the Interpersonal check list, Douglas Steven Andrews
The process of short-term psychotherapy with mentally deficient adults, Joan Emily Carpenter
A Comparison of Three Measures of Waking Fantasy, Carey Sue Edney
A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Control of Dream Content, Gary Nick Dean Lehto
Art Therapy as a Mechanism for Increasing Life Satisfaction in Later Life, Phyllis Laulainen McGraw
Recall and recognition memory under varying conditions of hypnotically suggested amnesia, Christopher R. Meagher
A psychometric evaluation of the Bicycle drawing test and the establishment of preliminary norms, Mary Lee Nichols
The validity of the Leiter international performance scale in measuring the intelligence of intellectually superior children, Susan Braxton Paltrow