Submissions from 2025
Conceptualising Coercion in Child/forced Marriage through an Intersectional Lens: Narratives of Survivors and Practitioners in the US, Sundari Anitha and Manjusha Gupte
Tree-equity and Environmental Justice Discourses Among Urban Forestry Professionals in Portland: Current Impacts and Future Implications, Axcelle Deone Bell
Displaced: Distinguishing Housing Outcomes from Judicial Outcomes in Oregon’s Eviction Cases, Colleen Carroll, Minji Cho, and Lisa K. Bates
Gatekeeping as an Online Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Counselor Education, Bernadet DeJonge, Deborah J. Rubel, and Yun Shi
Beyond the Shadow of Large Cities: Small and Mid-Sized Cities as Hidden Epicenters of Eviction, Evicted in Oregon, Alex Farrington, Colleen Carroll, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Safia Goldsmith, and Lisa K. Bates
Why You Always So Political? The Experiences and Resiliencies of Mexican/Mexican American/Xicanx Students in Higher Education [Podcast], Martín Alberto Gonzalez
Welcoming Historically Under-Represented Groups in Higher Education Through Awareness of Standard English Ideology, John Hellermann, Lynn Santelmann, Jennifer Mittelstaedt, Janet Cowal, and Steven L. Thorne
2024 Oregon Statewide Homelessness Estimates, Franklin Holcomb Spurbeck, Jacen Greene, and Marisa Zapata
Mindful Wonderment: Using Focus Groups to Frame Social Justice, Rolla Lewis, Susan Davis Lenski, Swapna Mukhopadhyay, and Chris Taylor Cartwright
Understanding Young Adolescent Identity and Experiences Through Internal Dimensions: A Scoping Review, Dezeré J. Martin, Stacie K. Pettit, Sandra L. Stacki, Kristie W. Smith, and Micki M. Caskey
A 14-Year Content Analysis of School-Family Partnership Publications in Counseling: Trends, Gaps, and Future Directions, Yi-Wen Su and Dan Li
Submissions from 2024
Binary Gendered Language: A Qualitative Study of PSU Students, Dakota Abercrombie
English As the Scholarly Language: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Implications for Academic Reference and Instruction Librarians, Linda Ueki Absher and Michelle R. Desilets
Health Equity in Stroke Prophylaxis for New Atrial Fibrillation in the Emergency Department, Mariam Anwar
Subvert the Dominant Paradigm: Reimagining Academic Library Hiring Processes, Xan Arch and Isaac P. Gilman
Including Voices and Mitigating Bias: Evaluative Practices for Final Interviews, Xan Arch and José Velazco
Identity in Question: Middle Eastern Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, Julian F. Balsley
Evicted in Oregon: County Eviction Profiles (2022-2023), Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Colleen Carroll, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Jacen Greene, Minji Cho, Andrew Lindstrom, and Marisa Zapata
It's Going to be Okay: Experiences and Perceptions of People Who Seek Reassurance at Work, Liana Bernard
It's Disco, Baby: Queer Possibilities and Conservative Outrage, Lottie Bromham
An Ethnography of Frostbite Among Unsheltered People in Portland: Safety, Governance, and the Manufacture of Vulnerability, Muireall Brown
2020 Racial Justice Protests in Portland, OR: An Analysis of Radical Place-making and Police Tactics in a Neighborhood Context, Claire Brumbaugh-Smith
Looking at the Past to Change the Future: Showcasing Featured Collections, Building Communities, and Co-creating, Sherry Buchanan
Queer Rural Youth Online: A Digital Ethnography, Joseph R. Burns
Queer Rural Youth Online: A Digital Ethnography, Joseph Robert Burns
Fragments of a Dream: Armenia and the Shadow of Genocide, Ada A. Camp
Higher Expectations: a Systematic Review of Reporting the Science of Propensity Score Modeling in Criminal Justice Studies, Christopher M. Campbell, Ryan M. Labrecque, and Alicia d. McKay
Full Count of Eviction Cases Filed in Oregon Available for the First Time, Colleen Carroll, Minji Cho, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, Safia Goldsmith, and Jacen Greene
Learning to Teach about Climate Justice and Social Justice in Science Methods, Mindy J. Chappell
Fight, Flight, Freeze: How Access to Support Shapes Tenant Responses to Eviction in Multnomah County, Natalie J. Cholula, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Marisa Zapata, Colleen Carroll, Jacen Greene, and Hadley Bates
Unjust and Unsafe: The Eviction Experiences of Latine Immigrant and Farmworker Tenants in Oregon, Natalie J. Cholula, Lisa K. Bates, Alex Farrington, Marisa Zapata, Jacen Greene, Azad Amir-Ghassemi, and Colleen Carroll
Exhibiting the Museum: Interrogating Spaces of Institutional Knowledge Production through Interactive Print Design, Malcolm Church
What Explains Male and Female Decision Making to Enter Law? Evidence From a Survey of US-Based Undergraduate Students, Abigail Cohen
An Exploratory Study of an Executive Team Leading Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), Tara LaShawn Cooper
Gaza's Healthcare System in Collapse: An Exploratory Analysis of Healthcare Attacks in Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) and Israel since October 2023, Vincenzo J. Cornacchione
On The Ordinariness Of Murdering The Black Psyque And Flesh: Antiblackness In Educational Policy And Practice In Brazil, Colombia And Ecuador, Éllen Daiane Cintra, Mauri Balanta Jaramillo, and Ethan Johnson
Zombies From Cultural Origin to Contemporary Uses, Conor Davenport
On Fire and Water: The Intersection of Wetlands and Burning Strategies in Managing the Anthropogenic Plant Communities of Yosemite National Park, Douglas Deur and Rochelle Bloom
Characteristics of Interventions That Address Racism in the United States and Opportunities to Integrate Equity Principles: a Scoping Review, Brooke DiPetrillo, Paris B. Adkins-Jackson, Ruqaiijah Yearby, Crystal Dixon, Terri D. Pigott, Ryan J. Petteway, Ana LaBoy, Aliza Petiwala, and Margaret Leonard
Black Transnationalism and Diaspora in Hip Hop: An Analysis of Billy Woods’ “Asylum”, Rayli Dornan
Body/Prose, J.T. Duncan
Exploring Decolonial and Indigenous mental health framework and practice to address complex trauma among Palestinian youth living under violence of settler-colonialism, Vivian L. Duong and Corrin Murphy
Critical Conversations on Teaching and Learning Decolonial Narratives: A Duoethnography of Firekeeper’s Daughter, Erica England, Shain Wright, and Dion Crommarty
Targeted, Harassed, and Displaced: The Role of Discrimination in Oregon Evictions, Alex Farrington, Natalie J. Cholula, and Lisa K. Bates
Sharing Stories of Hope and Transformation in U.S. Higher Education: An eReader by Portland State University Students, Óscar Fernández and David Peterson del Mar
Intersections between Science and Social Justice: A Conversation with Liza Finkel, Liza Finkel and Maika Yeigh
All That We Are, Bennett Gilbert
Stalemate at Port Arthur: William James on War, Vulnerability, and Pluralist Personalism, Bennett Gilbert
Creating a New Border Culture in the Midst of the Climate Crisis: Activism and Pedagogy Strategies for Teacher Preparation, Puneet S. Gill
An Argument for the Integration of Black Psychology in Undergraduate Psychology Program, Kelsey D. Glass
Boxnard: Counterstories as Counterpunches | Boxnard: Contrahistorias como Contragolpes, Martín Alberto Gonzalez
Conchas, Coloring Books, and Oxnard: Using Critical Race Counterstorytelling as a Framework to Create a Social Justice Coloring Book, Martín Alberto Gonzalez
Individual and Structural Contributors to Implicit and Explicit Anti-Muslim Bias in the United States, Aeleah M. Granger
Supporting Resource Equity for Oregon’s Home Visiting Workforce: Exploring Racial, Ethnic & Linguistic Differences, Beth L. Green, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Erin Gaines, and Ron Joseph
Supporting Well-Being for the Home Visiting Workforce: Organizational Supports for Experiences of Bias & Discrimination, Beth L. Green, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Ron Joseph, Erin Gaines, and Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services
Laundry Program Evaluation, Jacen Greene, Sandra Comstock, and Marisa Zapata
Alternative Shelter Evaluation Report, Jacen Greene, Todd Ferry, Emily Leickly, and Franklin Holcomb Spurbeck
2023 Oregon Statewide Homelessness Estimates, Jacen Greene, Franklin Holcomb Spurbeck, and Marisa Zapata
Wraithstruck: Chapters from the Adorese Forests, Clover Gullans
Exploring the Social Processes Influencing the Well-Being and Social Integration of Systemically Marginalized Students in Higher Education: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Zeinab Abbas Hachem
The Presence of Diversity Initiatives Leads to Increased Pro-White Hiring Decisions Among Conservatives, Zeinab A. Hachem and Tessa L. Dover
"Crush the Monster": Homosexuality and Moral Panic in 1950s Idaho, Ian Hadrick
Promoting Equity in Culturally Diverse Schools: A Literature Review of Third Space Pedagogy, Sarah E. Harrison and Heidi Curtis
Jewish Immigrants in Argentina: The Bund as a Transnational Connection, Naomi Hemstreet
An Additive Model of Engagement: Considering The Role of Front-End Criminal Justice Agencies in Treatment Provisions [Interim Report: Year Two], Kelsey S. Henderson, Christopher Campbell, and Brian Renauer
Climate and Extreme Weather Event Impacts on Administrators, Direct Care Staff, and Residents in Oregon Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Communities, 2024, Dani Himes, Jacklyn Kohon, Madeline Fox, Laura Rodriguez, Sarah Dys, Diana Jacoby, and Paula Carder
How Can DEI Training Change the Culture of an Organization to Achieve Belonging and Retain Diverse Employees?, Kaisa S. Holt
Demagoguery and the Depression, David Horowitz
Racial Attitudes and Perceptions of Government Response During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Public Health Strategies., Man Hung, Jeremy D. Franklin, William A. Smith, Carlos J. Crespo, Evelyn U. Ezikwelu, Jerry Bounsanga, and Martin S. Lipsky
“what Keeps Me in School”: Oregon BIPOC Learners Voice Support That Makes Higher Education Possible, Roberta Hunte, Miranda Mosier-Puentes, Gita Mehrotra, and Eva Skuratowicz
Self-reported Follow-up Care Needs Can be Met in Both Facility and Self-managed Abortion: Evidence from Low- and Middle-income Countries, Laura E. Jacobson MPH
Supporting Self-managed Abortion Care in “practice not premise”: Provider Perspectives, Roles, and Referral Pathways in India, Laura E. Jacobson MPH, Caila Brander, P. Balasubramanian, Sruthi Chandrasekaran, Blair Darney, Julia Goodman, Ruvani Jayaweera, and Caitlin Gerdts
Sex Toys in the City: Pleasure, Profit, and Sex-Positive Cultures in Portland, Abigail Jobe
Afro-Latin Americans Living in Spain and Social Death: Moving from the Empirical to the Ontological, Ethan Johnson, Joy González-Güeto, and Vanessa Cadena
Compelling Care: A Grounded Theory of Transmasculine Self-Defense and Collective Protection at the Clinic., Sid P. Jordan
Economic Foundations of Contraceptive Transitions: Theories and a Review of the Evidence, Mahesh Karra and Joshua Wilde
The Association Between Acculturation & C-reactive Protein in U.S. Immigrants: A Cross-sectional Study, Jessica Kilinski BS; Rosol Mikail BS; Kelly M. Reavis PhD, MPH; and Deborah Karasek PhD, MPH
Crown Shy, Laura Francesca Kincaid
The Rainbow Wave: Rethinking LGBTQ Representation in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Research, Tyler King
Promoting Student Engagement in Research in an Undergraduate Language-Development Course, Mitchell Kloer, Isabelle Trujillo, Teresa Roberts, and Carolyn Quam
Promoting Cultural Humility, Belonging, and Inclusion to Improve Well-Being among Direct Care Staff in Oregon Assisted Living, Residential Care, and Memory Care Communities, 2024, Jacklyn Kohon, Dani Himes, Laura Rodriguez, Sarah Dys, Paula Carder, Diana Jacoby, and Madeline Fox
Russian Views of the Unknown Coast: Shvetsov's Accounts of the Oregon and Northern California Coastline During the Sea Otter Trade, 1808-09, Cameron La Follette, Douglas Deur, and Andrei Grinev
A Contemporary Examination of Racial Intraminority Relations: Attitudes, Motivations, and Barriers to Participation in Collective Action, Jaboa Shawntaé Lake
Families at the Center: Leading for Home Visiting Systems Change, Callie H. Lambarth, Beth L. Green, and Center for Coordinating Oregon Home Visiting Systems
Inequities in Chronic Stress Exposure at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexual Identity in a Nationally Representative Sample of U.S. Adults, Jordan M. Lancaster and Efrain H. Chavez Martinez
Applying Decolonizing Theories and Methodologies in Archaeology to Two Collaborative Cultural Resource Management Projects, Cydney K. Lanthier
Supporting Resource Equity for Oregon’s Home Visiting Workforce: Exploring Program Model and Regional Differences, Nicole M. Lauzus, Yumi Lee, Beth L. Green, Erin Gaines, and Ron Joseph
Knowledge of Medicaid Expansion to Recent and Undocumented Immigrants Among Oregon Mexican-origin Latinos: (Work in Progress), Nancy Ledezma, Grace Parra, Alejandra Nunez, and Dr. Blair Darney
Edward's New Welsh: The Foundations of English Colonialism, 1282-1343, Joshua Lembke
Native American and First-Nations Canadian and Physical PFAS Accumulations: A Literature Review, Laurel Liebeseller
Portland State University Economic and Social Impact Study 2024, Jenny H. Liu and Hyeoncheal Kim
Schools Apart: Curricular Stratification Across School Socioeconomic Compositions and Implications for Educational Inequality in the US, Daniel Mackin Freeman
American Evangelicalism and the Status of Women: Biblical Interpretation, Politicization, and a Future for Secularism, Ivy MacNeil Blackwood
Tribal Lands Population Projections: Celilo Village & Grande Ronde, Neal Marquez, Ethan Sharygin, Huda Alkitkat, Suniva Thangaraj, Gilbert Montcho, David Swanson, and Joshua Wilde
Black Movement in White Spaces: How Youth Online Protests Challenge ‘No-Excuses’ Charter Practices, Matthew McCluskey and Madhu Narayanan
We're Here to Stay: Nonviolence and the Disability Rights Movement, Sky McLeod
Transgender and Non-binary Health in Oregon Under a Single-Payer Health System, Amy (Mick) L. McVeety (they/she)