Northwest Journal of Teacher Education | Vol 17 | Iss 3

Volume 17, Issue 3 (2022) Confronting Teacher Preparation Epistemicide: Art, Poetry, and Teacher Resistance

Epistemology is the study of knowledge systems. Epistemicide, a term coined by the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos, is the annihilation or obliteration of these systems as a result of either the overt nature of colonization or occupation or the covert systematic destruction caused by hegemonic neo-conservative and neo-liberal practices within the culture of dominance. In this special issue of the Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, we have carefully crafted an issue, which includes articles, art, and poetry that in some way confront or indict curriculum epistemicide and teacher preparation epistemicide. In developing this special issue, we made two requests to prospective authors: 1) that their work focus on some aspect of curriculum or teacher preparation epistemicide; and 2) that they refrain from including current hegemonic practices—namely, those connected and reinforced by past and present-day education institutions that devote overwhelming emphasis on testing and standards.

We ask that readers refer to the following organizational structure of this special issue:

Prelude: Special Issue Editors' Introduction; Poems by M. Francyne Huckaby and Laura Zucca-Scott

Resistance and Self Reflection. Part One: Articles by Molly Quinn; Thomas S. Poetter; and Morna McDermott-McNulty

Erasure and Censorship: Articles by Caitlin O’Loughlin, Taylor Schmidt, and Jocelyn Glazier; Zitong Wei; and Don McClure

Critical Political Dimensions: Articles by Greg Lowan-Trudeau; Jessica Masterson; Katrina Liu, Richard C. Miller, and Jorge Inzunza; Jurana Aziz; and Daniel Ness and Richard D. Sawyer

Interlude: Poems by Laura Zucca-Scott; M. Francyne Huckaby; and Morna McDermott-McNulty; and a Photo/essay by Morna McDermott McNulty

Emancipating Curriculum through Art, Poetry, and Film: Articles by Darshana Devarajan, Brittany M. Brewer, Karenanna Boyle Creps, and Reyila Hadeer; Joanna Batt and Michael Joseph; Marco A. G. Cerqueira; Kari Goin Kono and Sonja Taylor; and Lauren Jaramillo, Marcus North, Christian Valdez, Camea Davis, and Luiz Claudio Barcellos

Unshackling the Curriculum: Articles by Brandon Edwards-Schuth and Marco A. G. Cerqueira; Jordan Gonzalez and Brett E. Blake; and Lulu Sun

Teacher Preparation Possibilities to Countering Epistemicide: Articles by Boni Wozolek; Annemarie Dull and Elizabeth Chase; and Camille Ungco, Rachel S. Snyder, and Manka Varghese

Resistance and Self-Reflection. Redux: Articles by Shirley Steinberg; and Momina A. Khan and Irteqa A. Khan

Postlude: Maika Yeigh: Conversations with Daniel Ness and Richard D. Sawyer; Poems by Marco A. G. Cerqueira and M. Francyne Huckaby

Message from the Editors



Death to Curriculum
M. Francyne Huckaby


Laura Zucca-Scott



'It’s just filth:’ Banned books and the project of queer erasure
Caitlin O'Loughlin, Taylor Schmidt, and Jocelyn Glazier


The Wrong Side
Laura Zucca-Scott


M. Francyne Huckaby


Are You A Spare Part
Morna McDermott


Morna McDermott McNulty


Why Arts Education, At All?: An A/r/tographic Inquiry
Darshana Devarajan, Brittany M. Brewer, Karenanna Boyle Creps, and Reyila Hadeer


Critical Arts-Based Projects for Equitable Emergent Teacher Education Researcher Preparation
Lauren Jaramillo, Marcus North, Christian Valdez, Camea Davis, and Luiz Claudio Barcellos


Plantifa: Antifascist Guerrilla Gardening Curriculum
Brandon Edwards-Schuth and Marco AG Cerqueira



Sonnet from the Future
Marco AG Cerqueira


Two Poem Chimera
M. Francyne Huckaby


M. Francyne Huckaby

Special Issue Editor
Richard D. Sawyer, Washington State University, Vancouver
Special Issue Editor
Daniel Ness, St. John's University