This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Career Orientation Levels in Adolescents : A Comparison of Cleft and Noncleft Subgroups, Tara Darice Gaddis (Thesis)
Using a Realistic Job Preview to Communicate Organizational Culture, Johanna Glode (Thesis)
Divertir et Instruire Dans Les Livres Pour Enfants D’Henri Bosco, Laurence Karine Graire (Thesis)
The Antiquities Act of 1906: The Public Response to the Use of Presidential Power in Managing Public Lands, Barbara L. Grover (Thesis)
Communicating Conceptual Design of Mechatronic Systems, Muir Lee Harding (Thesis)
The Green Dyadic Formulation for Radiation Problems With Arbitrary Sources Embedded in Stratified Multi-Layer Structures : Application to Molecular Fluorescence Problems, Robert Lyle Hartman (Thesis)
Rudolf Steiner's Theory of Foreign Language Learning, Michaela Wolf Hashitani (Thesis)
High Resolution Seismic Reflection Interpretations of the Hood Canal-Discovery Bay Fault Zone, Puget Sound, Washington, Brian J. Haug (Thesis)
Soil Catenas on Glacial Moraines of the Central Oregon Cascades, Jason Erik Haugland (Thesis)
An Evaluation of a Staff Mentor Program for At-Risk Students in an Oregon High School: CAKE (Caring About Kids Effectively), Gail Lenore Hayes (Dissertation)
Technology-Enhanced Presentations in Large Classrooms : Effects on Adult Academic Achievement and Computer Attitudes, Pamela Rae Hilberg (Thesis)
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Physician Assistants, Roderick Stanton Hooker (Dissertation)
The Synthesis and Characterization of a Porphyrin Oligomer as a Potential Antenna for Light Harvesting Solar Cells, Tristan Timothy Jenkins (Thesis)
Free Trade, Regionalism, and the Democratic Peace Theory, Julia B. Johnson (Thesis)
Role of the Warrant in Presidential Debates : 1960, 1976, & 1996, Aaron Nicole Kaio (Thesis)
Xanthones as Antimalarial Agents : Binding Interactions Between Heme Analogues and Xanthones, Jane Xu Kelly (Thesis)
Returning Women’s Workshop and Retention of Returning Women Students, Kimberly E. Lamb (Thesis)
Construction and Analysis of Mutant HSV-1 Viruses Having Mutations in the YY1 And/or Sp1 Binding Sites of the Glycoprotein D (gD) Gene Promoter, Sabine Ludwig (Thesis)
Academic ESL Reading : Semantic Mapping and Lexical Acquisition, Jeffrey Darin Maggard (Thesis)
The Representation of Gender in Current ESL Reading Materials, Kyunghee Ma (Thesis)
Complaint Patterns of Japanese English as a Second Language Students, Eriko Matsuda (Thesis)
The Effects of Educational Setting and Instructor Type on Interaction Modifications, Katrina Kay McConaughey (Thesis)
Patterns of Time, Place, and Culture : Land Use Zoning in Portland, Oregon, 1918-1924, Margrete Bernard Merrick (Thesis)
Patterns of Time, Place, and Culture: Land Use Zoning in Portland, Oregon, 1918-1924, Meg Merrick (Thesis)
Patterns in Rhetoric : Critical American Foreign Policy Toward Hungary, 1848-1956, Timothy S. Moon (Thesis)
Photoadaptation Rate of Synechococcus WH7803 Cultures at Two Iron Concentrations, Jon Daniel Moulton (Dissertation)
Spectroscopy of Charge-Coupled Devices, Lars Mündermann (Thesis)
Rtl Power Estimation of Sequential Circuits, Sridhar Muthrasanallur (Thesis)
A Descriptive Study of First-Year Students of Color at Portland State University : The Student’s Perspective, Dorothy Claire Oliveros (Thesis)
Gender Socialization of Preschoolers : The Influence of Parental Orientation and Preschool Environment, Alice Blackwell Passannante (Thesis)
Sacagawea : The History of a Myth, William Jeffrey Patten (Thesis)
Concurrent Validity of Mental Ability Screening Tools : A Comparison of Normal Students’ Performance on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test and the Shipley Institute of Living Scale-Revised, D. Melanie Peters (Thesis)
The Effect of Diastema Closure on the Remediation of Lateral /S/: A Case Study, Reta Price (Thesis)
The Role of Educational Technology and Motivation in Increasing Flow and Time-On-Task to Enhance Learning, Michael Pullmann (Thesis)
Static Compaction of Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits, Lijie Qi (Thesis)
Spira Mirabilis, Kim D. Ray (Thesis)
Coffee in Nicaragua : Regional Development and Change in the Nineteenth Century, Craig Stephen Revels (Thesis)
Paramagnetic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Studies on the Calcium Binding Site of [Alpha]-Lactalbumin, Thomas Kurt Ritter (Thesis)
The Relative Influence of Internal Resources, External Resources, and Social Support on Parenting Stress, Angela Cecelia Rodger (Thesis)
Illegal Drug Use During Pregnancy : The Effects of Defendant Race and Type of Defense on Juror Judgments of Guilt, Anita Rotondo (Thesis)
The Theory of Nothing, Adam Wieslaw Rupniewski (Thesis)
Gene Expression in Two Cyanobacteria, Freshwater Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 and Oceanic Synechococcus sp. WH 7803, in Response to Ammonium, Nitrate or Iron, Abbas Sadeghi (Dissertation)
Information Content in American Television Advertising : A Replication and Update, Laura Kathleen Sandgren (Thesis)
Perception of English Passives by Japanese ESL Learners : Do Adversity Passives in L1 Transfer?, Koichi Sawasaki (Thesis)
Cultural Compromise of the Wasco and Wishram of the Middle Columbia River: The Effect of Euro-American Technologies and Cultural Values on the Native Americans of the Middle Columbia River, Linda Joyce Schreiner-Mahoney (Thesis)
The Female Adolescent Knee, Patti J. Seely (Thesis)
Increased Glutathione Metabolic Defense Capabilities in Cultured Alzheimer's Diseased Lymphoblast Cell Lines, Collin M. Shaw (Thesis)
Development and Validation of a Work Safety Compliance Measure, Tara L. Smecko (Thesis)
Tocqueville’s Civic Republicanism : The Balance Between Equality and Liberty in American Democracy, Clifford Brantley Smith (Thesis)
Negotiation and Reorganization of Peer Relationships During Adolescence: The Emergence of Romantic Relationships and Quality of Peer Relationships, Melanie Jo Zimmer-Gembeck (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Hiroshima mon amour and L'Annee derniere a Marienbad: Meaning Conveyed through Cinematic Organization, Ellen Leigh Agee (Thesis)
Measurement of the Focal Properties of a Magnetic Electron Lens Using the Shadowgraph Method, Luis Thomas Almaraz (Thesis)
Examination of Benefits of Binaural Auditory Stimulation for Children with a Cochlear Implant and a Hearing Aid in the Contralateral Ear, Evonne Nicol Altesleben (Thesis)
The Minimal Role of Legal Traditions at the International Court of Justice, Kalley Rae Aman (Thesis)
Ibsen's Peer Gynt: Explication and Reception, Caralee Kristine Angell (Thesis)
Declining Total Fertility Rates in Bangladesh and Indonesia From 1970 to 1996 : Causes, Implications, and Analysis, William Bruce Aronson (Thesis)
From the Printing Press to the Guillotine: Gracchus Babeuf and the Revolutionary Language of Thermidor, David Brian Audley (Thesis)
Virtue, Liberty, and the Good : A Critical Analysis of Civic Republicanism, Nathan Douglas Austin (Thesis)
Non-Literate Students in Adult Beginning English as a Second Language Classrooms - A Case Study, Sandra Lynn Banke (Thesis)
Potential for Coastal Flooding Due to Coseismic Subsidence in the Central Cascadia Margin, Elson T. Barnett (Thesis)
Perceptions of Stuttering Intervention Services Received at Portland State, Franklin Wayne Bender (Thesis)
Molecular Fluorescence at a Rough Surface: The Orientation Effects, William Lee Blacke (Thesis)
Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts : An Examination of Why States Participate, Andrew L. Blum (Thesis)
Geochemical Characteristics and Correlations Within the Triassic-Jurassic Age Gabbs and Sunrise Formations of West Central Nevada, Karen Elizabeth Boelling (Thesis)
An Historical Perspective of Oregon's and Portland's Political and Social Atmosphere in Relation to the Legal Justice System as it Pertained to Minorities: with Specific Reference to State Laws, City Ordinances, and Arrest and Court Records During the Period -- 1840-1895, Clarinèr Freeman Boston (Thesis)
Public Interest Group Politics and American Political Culture, Patrick Henry Brennan (Thesis)
The Juice Is Loose?: A Qualitative Study of Employees’ Perceptions of Informal and Formal Communication Channels, Warren Jerome Brown (Thesis)
Modeling Improvements for Water Supply Forecasting in the Columbia River Basin, Daniel Albert Buller (Thesis)
Public Transportation for the Elderly: A Neighborhood-Area Fixed-Route Alternative, Richard James Burke (Thesis)
New Approaches to Column Compatibility Checking and Column-Based Input/Output Encoding for Curtis Decompositions of Completely or Incompletely Specified Switching Functions, Michael A. Burns (Thesis)
Urban Sprawl, Media Monopoly, and Citizen Participation : A Longitudinal Case Study of Daily Newspapers in Portland, Oregon, Andrew David Butz (Thesis)
A Survey of Swallowing Symptoms Associated With the Premenstrual Cycle, Jill Gigi Calcagno (Thesis)
The Effectiveness of Planned Transitions Therapy in the Treatment of Three Children with Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia, Emily M. Campbell (Thesis)
The Summit Vegetation of Saddle Mountain, Oregon Coast Range, Charles Thomas Carlson (Thesis)
An Ethnographic Study of Chinese Adolescent Identity in Taipei, Taiwan : Franchise Hangouts, Jui-fang Ruby Chen (Thesis)
Simulating Migration of Contaminated Sediments in the Lower Columbia Slough System, Min Chen (Thesis)
Gross Estimation: A Study of the Clinical Validity for Measuring Intelligibility, Heather Gail Clarke (Thesis)
Tool Condition Monitoring: A Computational Approach, Anthony Clinch (Thesis)
Images of Women in Abdelhak Serhane's Le Soliel des Obscurs, Wendy Grace Cook (Thesis)
Early to Middle Pleistocene Catastrophic Flood Deposits, the Dalles, Oregon, David Irving Cordero (Thesis)
Abstract Art and Controversy: A Case Study of Louis Bunce’s Airport Mural and Other Portland Art Controversies, Michael P. Craven (Thesis)
Optimal Block Encoding and Optimal Entropy for Lossless Image Compression, Larry Ray Dennis (Thesis)
Settlements Due to Arid Collapsible Soils, Heather L. Devine (Thesis)
Structural and Successional Analysis of Woodland Vegetation in Tualatin Hills Nature Park, Christopher J. Dobson (Thesis)
Postwar vice crime and political corruption in Portland, Robert Christian Donnelly (Thesis)
A Case Study of Twelve Japanese ESL Students' Use of Interaction Modifications, Darin Dooley (Thesis)
Gender, Power and Identity in an African-American Church, Catherine Douillet (Thesis)
"Blame It on Intake” : A Critical Ethnography of the Negotiation of Access to Shelter Services in a Shelter for Homeless and Battered Women, Kathleen Marie Drew (Thesis)
Materialized View Algorithms, Yubo Fan (Thesis)
Geologic Evidence of Historic and Prehistoric Tsunami Inundation at Seaside, Oregon, Brooke K. Fiedorowicz (Thesis)
First Language and Gesture Acquisition in Children with Cerebral Palsy, Ann Christine Friel (Thesis)
The Language of Transformation in a "Conversation for Possibility": A Metaphor Analysis, Deborah Jean Gabbert (Thesis)
Lewis and Clark at Fort Clatsop: A winter of Environmental Discomfort and Cultural Misunderstandings, Kirk Alan Garrison (Thesis)
The Effect of Lymph Sac Pressure on Lymph Heart Pressure Development in the Toad Bufo marinus, Michael Georgitsis (Thesis)
Conflict Is Optional, Difference Is Not : Toward a Difference-Based Approach to Interpersonal Communication, James Arthur Gieseking Jr (Thesis)
Human Trampling in the Upper Rocky Intertidal: Trampling and Recovery in Barnacle Mediated Succession, Timothy Lawrence Grubba (Thesis)
Whole Body In Vitro Hydraulic Conductivity and Transcapillary Filtration in Two Amphibians, Bufo marinus and Rana catesbeiana, Thomas Vincent Hancock (Thesis)
Automatic Synthesis of VLSI Layout for CMOS Continuous-Time Filters, Wei Han (Thesis)
Pregnancy Outcomes: A Study Testing a Model for Predicting Health Outcomes in Pregnancy, Tamera Ann Hart-Johnson (Thesis)
Wealth for Everybody - Semantics and Structure of the Capitalist Metanarrative, Sylvia Hendel (Thesis)