This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Tiny Drifters Amidst Global Change: Examining Environmental Drivers, Trophic Impacts, and Management Strategies of Estuarine Plankton Communities in the Anthropocene, Taylor Nicole Dodrill (Dissertation)
Examining Policy Innovation Process and the Roles of Policy Entrepreneurs: A Case of Smart City Initiative in Khon Kaen, Thailand, Thitisak Duadsuntia (Dissertation)
Motivation to Collaborate: A Qualitative Exploration of the Perspectives of Service Providers on an Alternative First Response Program, Desiree' J. DuBoise (Thesis)
The Letting, Jessamyn Hayley Duckwall (Closed Thesis)
Evaluation of the Slip History and Holocene Activity of the Strawberry Fault, Grant County, Oregon, Andrew Dunning (Thesis)
Developing a Sample-efficient Analytical Pathway for a Qualitative Chemical Investigation of Ancestral Chilkat Dyeing and Weaving Practices, Dario Gerlando Durastanti (Dissertation)
Factors Affecting Community Rating System Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program: A Case Study of Texas, Ryan David Eddings (Dissertation)
Cognitive Engagement During Group Learning Activities in Chemistry Courses: An Analysis of Student Discourse, Safaa Youssef El-Mansy (Dissertation)
Songs in My Head: Essays, Robin Bacior Emanuelson (Closed Thesis)
Exploring Nonprofit Views on Water Management and Conservation Strategies, Jillian Marie Farley (Thesis)
Uncertainty Quantification of Live Load Effect in Buried RC Box Culverts, Mohd Firoj (Thesis)
Tell Me, Do You Feel It Too? A Meta-analysis of Dyadic Emotional Contagion in the Workplace, Stefanie Fox (Dissertation)
Coriolis Forces on Wind Turbine Wakes within a Wind Farm, Natalie Violetta Frank (Thesis)
Comparative Skull Morphology of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) and Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Pacific Northwest and Implications for Hybridization, Ada Iris Garcia Garcia (Thesis)
Understanding the Experiences of Latino Medical Students in a Learning Medical Environment, Leslie García (Dissertation)
Elementary Principal Leadership and Special Education: A Case Study in the United States, Vivian M. Garrison (Dissertation)
Rush: Volume One, Section One: Super Tuesday, Ruben Angel Gil-Herrera (Closed Thesis)
In-Progress Works of Fiction in Disparate Styles with Common Themes, Josef Ginsberg (Closed Thesis)
The Definition of Yearning, Ryan Goderez (Closed Thesis)
Creating Regression Model for Non-Markov Transition Probability Using Pseudo-Observations, Michael Gray (Dissertation)
Participatory Mapping of Tree Equity, Preferences, and Environmental Justice in Portland, OR, Katharine Vezin Gregory (Thesis)
Forest Fire Effects on Snow Storage and Melt Across Scales of Forest Recovery in the Western Oregon Cascades, Megan Nicole Guinn (Thesis)
Left Out to Dry: Understanding the Social Experiences of Ground Depletion in Washington State's Columbia River Basin, Alexis Lisandro Guizar-Diaz (Thesis)
The Greeley Variations, Mary Haidri (Thesis)
The Impact of Climate Change on Selected PNW Watersheds through the Lens of Western Red Cedar Habitat, Jordan T. Hamann (Thesis)
Graphical Models in Reconstructability Analysis and Bayesian Networks, Marcus Andrew Harris (Dissertation)
Ambos, Emerson Daniel Henry (Closed Thesis)
"Suited to the Wants of the Country": Historical Ceramics from the Fort Vancouver Sutler's Store, Vancouver, Washington, Kaitlyn Nicole Hosken (Thesis)
Toward Efficient Rendering: A Neural Network Approach, Qiqi Hou (Dissertation)
Energy Auction with Non-Relational Persistence, Michael Ramez Howard (Thesis)
Tidal Bed Stress Asymmetry and Sediment Transport in Estuaries, Austin Scott Hudson (Dissertation)
Left on "Read" and All Alone: Instigated Cyber Incivility, Shame, and Experienced Ostracism at Work, Alison Lucia Hunt (Thesis)
"The Call is Coming from Inside the House": Tracing Experiences in the Institutionally-Centered Process of Establishing Limited Conservatorships in California, Barbara Alison Imle (Dissertation)
Drivers and Dynamics of Phytoplankton Communities and Harmful Algal Blooms in Mountain Lakes, Lara Stephanie Jansen (Dissertation)
Implementing a Functional Logic Programming Language via the Fair Scheme, Andrew Michael Jost (Dissertation)
American Institution of Public, K-12 Education: An Institutional Field Under a Complexity Paradigm, Jennifer Jean Joyalle (Dissertation)
Studies on Bonding, Syntheses, and Applications of Diarylhalonium Compounds, Shubhendu Karandikar (Dissertation)
Long Season, Jieon Kim (Closed Thesis)
The Experiences of Black Women Direct Care Workers in Long-Term Care, Nakeshia Knight-Coyle (Dissertation)
Forest Generating Functions of Directed Graphs, Ewan Joaquin Kummel (Dissertation)
BodySLAM: Feasibility of Tracking Human Kinematics with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Sepehr Laal (Thesis)
A Hierarchical Decision Model to Evaluate Healthcare Organization's Readiness to Implement Clinical Decision Support Systems, Mohammed Oussama Laraichi (Dissertation)
Exploring Associations between Military Identity and Well-being Outcomes among Post-9/11 Veterans after Separation, James David Lee (Dissertation)
Surface Roughness Prediction in End Milling Processes Considering the Vibration of the Cutting Tool, Yubin Lee (Dissertation)
Experiences of People with Serious Mental Illness Seeking Services at Community Mental Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Emily Leickly (Dissertation)
The Establishment and Shaping of the Education System and National Identity in Manchukuo, Tianyang Lei (Thesis)
Design and Optimization with Quantum and Memristor Platforms, Yiwei Li (Dissertation)
Survival Times and Investment Analysis with Dynamic Learning, Zhenzhen Li (Dissertation)
LEED Buildings and Green Gentrification: Portland as a Case Study, Jordan Macintosh (Thesis)
Using Biometrics, Behavioral Observations, and Multiple Molecular Techniques to Assess the Impacts of Changes in Temperature and Salinity on the Common Bay Mussel (Mytilus trossulus), Casey Martin (Thesis)
Care Remittances: Farmworkers' Political Knowledge and Hemispheric Information Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jennifer Martinez-Medina (Dissertation)
Wasted Space, Ryan Martyn (Thesis)
A Field, Petrological, and Geochronological Investigation of the Chief Joseph Dike Swarm, Mary Joyce Mass (Thesis)
Mechanisms of Fibrillar Aggregation of the Lens Small Heat Shock Proteins, αA- and αB-crystallin, Russell James McFarland (Dissertation)
In the Hot Seat: Acquiring Kernel Density Heat Map Design Guidance through Delphi and Survey Methods, Lauren Eileen McKinney-Wise (Thesis)
Why So Serious? Using the Belongingness Need Tenet from the Self-Determination Theory to Examine Workplace Humor and Its Outcomes, Katharine Lucille McMahon (Dissertation)
Motherdough, Sophia Kalin Merrell (Closed Thesis)
Behavior Training for Educators: What Training do Educators Need to Support Students with Challenging Behaviors?, Michelle R. Milburn (Dissertation)
Contextualizing The Role of Answerers' Gaze Orientation in Turn Taking, Cassidy Moore (Thesis)
Committees in the Oregon State Legislature: Partisan, Distributive, or Informational, Woodrow C. Moore (Thesis)
Systematic Characterization of Power Side Channel Attacks for Residual and Added Vulnerabilities, Aurelien Tchoupou Mozipo (Dissertation)
Community Supervision: Perspectives of Probation and Parole Officers and Supervisors on Key Supervision Approaches and Policy Changes, Asianna Nelson (Thesis)
Impacts of Floodplain Restoration on Water Temperature and Macroinvertebrates in Whychus Creek, Oregon, Wesley Nathan Noone (Thesis)
Earthbound in the Anthropocene: Spirituality, Collective Identity, and Participation in the Direct Action Climate Movement, David Alan Osborn (Dissertation)
An Integrated Analysis of Urban Sustainability in Portland: Issues, Indicators, Stakeholders, and Geospatial Assessment, Arun Kumar Pallathadka (Dissertation)
An Exploration of the Relationship Between Disability Status Disclosure, Accommodation Use, and Student Success: Curricular and Co-Curricular Implications, Kaela Marie Parks (Dissertation)
Emotion Knowledge, Its Applications, and Their Associations With African American Children's Social Relationships With Teachers and Peers in Kindergarten and First Grade, Brielle Emily Petit (Thesis)
Disappeared Streams and Flood Risk in Atlanta, Georgia, Baltimore, Maryland, Phoenix, Arizona, and Portland, Oregon, Gregory Chrisopher Post (Thesis)
A Gridded CO2 Emissions Inventory for Portland, OR, James E. Powell (Dissertation)
Does Structural Racism Influence How Black/African Americans Define Memory Loss and Cognitive Impairment? An Africana Phenomenological Study, Andre Pruitt (Dissertation)
Lackland, Matthew Eugene Rebholz (Closed Thesis)
Critical Analysis of Anti-Asian Hate in the News, Benardo Douglas Relampagos (Thesis)
Community Adaptations to Wildfire Risk in Central Oregon, USA: an Empirical Study of Inclusionary Practices in Collaborative Wildfire Risk Mitigation, Liam Resener (Thesis)
The Radical Relationality of Complex Partnerships: Community-Member Experiences in Critical Community-Based Learning, Amie Riley (Dissertation)
Land of Unwashed Clothes, Samantha Rivas (Closed Thesis)
A Bayesian Network-Based Methodology for Improved Bridge Load Rating and Asset Management, Jeffery Mark Roberts (Dissertation)
Prosecutors or Helpers: An Institutional Ethnography of Child Protective Services Casework, Anna Maria Rockhill (Dissertation)
The Use and Influence of Health Indicators in Municipal Transportation Plans, Kelly Christine Rodgers (Dissertation)
Son Otros Tiempos: Generational Experiences of Male Friendships Amongst Mexican and Mexican American Men, Marisela Rodríguez Molina (Thesis)
Confronting Web3 Technology: Opportunities, Challenges and Community Formation, Christopher-John Rogers (Thesis)
In Their Words: Prospective Teachers' Experiences as a Context for Investigating Their Views of Authority in a Mathematics Classroom, Brenda Lynn Rosencrans (Dissertation)
Comparing the Performance of Different Machine Learning Models in the Evaluation of Solder Joint Fatigue Life Under Thermal Cycling, Jason Scott Ross (Thesis)
Kurdish Filmmaking in Turkey: History and Narratives, Omar Sadik (Thesis)
The Factors Contributing to the Resilience of Thailand's Social Welfare Nonprofit Organizations Since the Onset of the Country's Prolonged Political Crisis in 2005, Narttana Sakolvittayanon (Dissertation)
Disentangling Groundwater Dynamics at Oregon's McKenzie River Headwaters, Taylor Nicole Salazar (Thesis)
Stress-Reduction from Positive Support: Impacts of Receiving Partner Capitalization Support on Veteran Stress/Work Stress, MaryAnn Dona Samson (Thesis)
Race and Income as Predictors of Trust in Flood Mitigation Strategies, Wendy Nathaly Sangucho Loachamin (Thesis)
Do Men Strategically Leverage Women's Intersecting Identities? Intersectional Symbolic Inclusion as an Electoral Competition Strategy in Polarized Turkey, Elif Sari Genc (Dissertation)
Diversity in Recruitment: The Role of Realistic Website Job Previews for Racial and Ethnic Minority Applicants, Jennifer Saucedo (Thesis)
Antecedents of FSSB: Evaluating the Demographic Basis of Support, Erika Ann Schemmel (Thesis)
Investigating Interpersonal and Community Drivers of Taenia solium Prevention to Reduce Acquired Seizure Disorders in Northern Peru: An Analysis of Social Networks, Social Capital, and Community-Identified Barriers and Facilitators, Angela Gayle Spencer (Dissertation)
Collaborative Action in Informal Social Networks of Wildfire Managers in Northwestern Wyoming, Hannah Lynn Spencer (Thesis)
Communion Anthropoid, Joshua Stanek (Thesis)
Developing Public Service Leadership: Understanding the Field Immersion/Comparative Cases Model for Mid-Career Professional Education in Environment and Natural Resources Leadership, Erin M. Steinkruger (Dissertation)
Cementation and Groundwater Chemistry in Pleistocene Paleodune Deposits of the Central Oregon Coast, Adrienne Lynn Stephens (Thesis)
Developing and Testing Low-Cost Air Cleaners for Safer Spaces During Wildfires, Brett William Stinson (Thesis)
Understanding Veteran Perceptions about Mental Health and its Treatment, Quinn Turner Stoddard (Thesis)
Global Climate Governance: Does Bilateral Cooperation Matter?, Nataliya Stranadko (Dissertation)
Uncovering the Nuance and Complexity of Gentrification in Asian Immigrant Communities: A Case Study of Koreatown, Los Angeles, Seyoung Sung (Dissertation)
Beautifully Grotesque: Umezu Kazuo and the Shōjo Experience in Horror Manga, Miko Suzuki (Thesis)