Submissions from 2002
Source Localization in a Time-Varying Ocean Waveguide, Cristiano Soares, Martin Siderius, and Sérgio M. Jesus
Le Bio Wall : Un Tissue Informatique pour le Prototypage de Systèmes Bio-Inspirés, Andre Stauffer, Daniel Mange, Gianluca Tempesti, and Christof Teuscher
Turing Day : 90ème anniversaire de la naissance de Alan Mathison Turing, Christof Teuscher
A New Approach to Robot’s Imitation of Behaviors by Decomposition of Multiple-Valued Relations, Uland Wong and Marek Perkowski
Robust Adaptive Processing in Littoral Regions with Environmental Uncertainty, Lisa Zurk, Nigel Lee, and Brian Tracey
Submissions from 2001
Processing Algorithms for Tracking Speckle Shifts in Optical Elastography of Biological Tissues, Donald D. Duncan and Sean J. Kirkpatrick
Gaussian Beams in Hollow Metal Waveguides: Experiment, Marius Ghita and Lee W. Casperson
Implicit Algorithms for Multi-Valued Input Support Manipulation, Alan Mishchenko, Craig Files, Marek Perkowski, Bernd Steinbach, and Christina Dorotska
Fast Heuristic Minimization of Exclusive-Sums-of-Products, Alan Mishchenko and Marek Perkowski
Bi-Decomposition of Multi-Valued Relations, Alan Mishchenko, Marek Perkowski, and Bernd Steinbach
Decomposition of Relations: A New Approach to Constructive Induction in Machine Learning and Data Mining -- An Overview, Marek Perkowski and Stanislaw Grygiel
A General Decomposition for Reversible Logic, Marek Perkowski, Lech Jozwiak, Pawel Kerntopf, Alan Mishchenko, Anas Al-Rabadi, Alan Coppola, Andrzej Buller, Xiaoyu Song, Svetlana Yanushkevich, Vlad P. Shmerko, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, and Mozammel Huq Azad Khan
Regularity and Symmetry as a Base for Efficient Realization of Reversible Logic Circuits, Marek Perkowski, Pawel Kerntopf, Andrzej Buller, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, Alan Mishchenko, Xiaoyu Song, Anas Al-Rabadi, Lech Jozwiak, and Alan Coppola
Submissions from 2000
Gaussian Beams in Hollow Metal Waveguides, Lee W. Casperson
Power Self-Regulation in Double-Pass High-Gain Laser Amplifiers, Lee W. Casperson and Janet M. Casperson
Submissions from 1999
Double-Pass High-Gain Laser Amplifiers, Janet M. Casperson, Frederick G. Moore, and Lee W. Casperson
Grazing Reflection of Gaussian Beams, Lee W. Casperson
Head Movement and Vision in Underwater-Feeding Birds of Stream, Lake, and Seashore, Lee W. Casperson
Constructive Induction Machines for Data Mining, Marek Perkowski, Stanislaw Grygiel, Qihong Chen, and Dave Mattson
Constructive Induction Machines for Data Mining, Marek Perkowski, Stanislaw Grygiel, Qihong Chen, and Dave Mattson
TRACE: A Visual Software System to Explore Properties of Reed-Muller Movement Functions, Marek Perkowski and Alan Mishchenko
Logic Synthesis for a Regular Layout, Marek Perkowski, Yang Xu, and Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske
Submissions from 1998
An Efficient and Effective Approach to Column-Based Input/Output Encoding in Functional Decomposition, Michael Burns, Marek Perkowski, Stanislaw Grygiel, and Lech Jozwiak
Few-Cycle Pulses in Two-Level Media, Lee W. Casperson
Field Solutions for Bidirectional High-Gain Laser Amplifiers and Oscillators, Lee W. Casperson and Mohammad Azadeh
Hermite–Sinusoidal-Gaussian Beams in Complex Optical Systems, Lee W. Casperson and Anthony A. Tovar
Production and Propagation of Hermite–Sinusoidal-Gaussian Laser Beams, Lee W. Casperson and Anthony A. Tovar
Multi-Level Programmable Arrays for Sub-Micron Technology Based on Symmetries, Marek Perkowski, Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, and Yang Xu
Exact Graph Coloring for Functional Decomposition: Do We Need It?, Marek Perkowski, Rahul Malvi, and Lech Jozwiak
Photographic Studies of Laser-Induced Bubble Formation in Absorbing Liquids and on Submerged Targets: Implications for Drug Delivery with Microsecond Laser Pulses, HanQun Shangguan, Lee W. Casperson, Dennis L. Paisley, and Scott A. Prahl
Tooth Contact Sensing Apparatus and Method, John D. Summer, Edmund Pierzchala, and Marek Perkowski
Submissions from 1997
Rate-Equation Approximations in High-Gain Lasers, Lee W. Casperson
Waterfall Lasers, Lee W. Casperson
Sinusoidal-Gaussian Beams in Complex Optical Systems, Lee W. Casperson, Dennis G. Hall, and Anthony A. Tovar
New Objective Classification System for Nuclear Opacification, Donald D. Duncan, O. B. Shukla, Sheila West, and Oliver D. Schein
Pressure Impulses During Microsecond Laser Ablation, HanQun Shangguan, Lee W. Casperson, and Scott A. Prahl
Generalized Beam Matrices. IV. Optical System Design, Anthony A. Tovar and Lee W. Casperson
Dominant Wave Directions and Significant Wave Heights from Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery of the Ocean, Lisa M. Zurk and William J. Plant
Submissions from 1996
Generalized Beam Matrices. III. Application to Diffraction Analysis, Lee W. Casperson and Anthony A. Tovar
Generalized Beam Matrices. II. Mode Selection in Lasers and Periodic Misaligned Complex Optical Systems, Lee W. Casperson and Anthony A. Tovar
Drug Delivery with Microsecond Laser Pulses into Gelatin, HanQun Shangguan, Lee W. Casperson, Alan Shearin, Kenton W. Gregory, and Scott A. Prahl
Scattering Properties of Dense Media from Monte Carlo Simulations with Application to Active Remote Sensing of Snow, Lisa M. Zurk, L. Tsang, and Dale P. Winebrenner
Submissions from 1995
Dirac's Equation in Semiclassical Physics, Lee W. Casperson
Fluttering Fountains: Annular Geometry, Lee W. Casperson
Generalized Sylvester theorems for periodic applications in matrix optics, Lee W. Casperson and Anthony A. Tovar
Generalized Beam Matrices: Gaussian Beam Propagation in Misaligned Complex Optical Systems, Anthony A. Tovar and Lee W. Casperson
Monte Carlo Simulations of the Extinction Rate of Densely Packed Spheres with Clustered and Nonclustered Geometries, Lisa M. Zurk, L. Tsang, K. H. Ding, and Dale P. Winebrenner
Submissions from 1994
Fluttering fountains: Stability criteria, Lee W. Casperson
Threshold characteristics of multimode semiconductor lasers, Lee W. Casperson and Mehdi Khoshnevissan
Generalized reverse theorems for multipass applications in matrix optics, Lee W. Casperson and Anthony A. Tovar
Transform method of processing for speckle strain-rate measurements, Donald D. Duncan, Sean J. Kirkpatrick, F. Fausten Mark, and Lawrence W. Hunter
Programmable Analog Array Circuit, Marek Perkowski and Edmund Pierzchala
Beam Propagation in Parabolically Tapered Graded-Index Waveguides, Anthony A. Tovar and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1993
Fluttering fountains: Simplified models, Lee W. Casperson
Pump and signal cross saturation in cw dye lasers, Lee W. Casperson, A. C. Wilson, and W. J. Sandle
Spontaneous coherent pulsations in standing-wave laser oscillators: stability criteria for homogeneous broadening, Pitak Chenkosol and Lee W. Casperson
Scattering of a Light Beam from Waves at an Air-Sea Interface, Donald D. Duncan and W. H. Carter
Ultrashort‐Pulse Propagation in Dye Laser Amplifiers, Shuanghua Jiang and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1992
Rotating-wave approximation in high-gain lasers, Lee W. Casperson
New speckle technique for noncontact measurement of small creep rates, Donald D. Duncan, F. Fausten Mark, and Lawrence W. Hunter
Submissions from 1991
Field-Equation Approximations and Amplification in High-Gain Lasers: Analytical Results, Lee W. Casperson
Field-Equation Approximations and Amplification in High-Gain Lasers: Numerical Results, Lee W. Casperson
Field-Equation Approximations and the Dynamics of High-Gain Lasers, Lee W. Casperson
Pump polarization effects in cw dye lasers, Lee W. Casperson, W. J. Sandle, A. C. Wilson, D. M. Warrington, and R. J. Ballagh
Submissions from 1990
Oscillation frequency in high-gain lasers, Lee W. Casperson
Spontaneous Coherent Pulsations in Standing-Wave Laser Oscillators: Simplified Models, Lee W. Casperson and Manuela Fe Tarroja
Pulse-train instabilities of a synchronously pumped mode-locked dye laser: experimental phase plots, Duncan Leo MacFarlane and Lee W. Casperson
Effects of bandwidth‐limiting tuning elements in synchronously pumped mode‐locked lasers, Bahram Zandi, Lee W. Casperson, and Duncan Leo MacFarlane
Submissions from 1989
Direct Current-Excited CW CO² Metal Waveguide Laser, Fahad S. Al-Mashaabi and Lee W. Casperson
Spontaneous coherent pulsations in standing-wave laser oscillators: frequency characteristics, Lee W. Casperson
Pump pulse effects in synchronously pumped mode-locked dye lasers, Duncan Leo MacFarlane and Lee W. Casperson
Theory of a synchronously pumped mode-locked dye laser in the short pump pulse limit, Duncan Leo MacFarlane and Lee W. Casperson
Spontaneous mode locking in long-cavity xenon lasers, Manuela Fe Tarroja, Mohammad Sharafi, and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1988
Spontaneous coherent pulsations in standing-wave laser oscillators, Lee W. Casperson
The lunar date of Ramesses II, Lee W. Casperson
Spectral behavior and pulse train instabilities of a synchronously pumped mode-locked dye laser, Duncan Leo MacFarlane, Lee W. Casperson, and Anthony A. Tovar
Submissions from 1987
Pulse-train instabilities in a mode-locked argon laser: experimental studies, Duncan Leo MacFarlane and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1986
Metal Waveguide Modeling of Tapered Quadratic Index Media, Lee W. Casperson and Bahram Zandi
Submissions from 1985
Beam propagation in periodic quadratic-index waveguides, Lee W. Casperson
Spontaneous coherent pulsations in ring-laser oscillators, Lee W. Casperson
Spontaneous coherent pulsations in ring-laser oscillators: stability criteria, Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1984
Solvable Hill equation, Lee W. Casperson
Propagation of Airy-Hermite-Gaussian waveguide modes in free space, Lee W. Casperson, O. M. Stafsudd, Leroy V. Sutter, and Jonathan Gary Grossman
Power characteristics of single‐mode semiconductor lasers, Jaroslava Z. Wilcox and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1983
Lateral Coherence of Aerosol-Scattered Laser Radiation, Donald D. Duncan and D. E. Larch
Radio-frequency-excited carbon dioxide metal waveguide laser, Jonathan Gary Grossman, Lee W. Casperson, and O. M. Stafsudd
Submissions from 1982
Coherence effects in synchronously pumped mode‐locked dye lasers, Lee W. Casperson
Thermal Hysteresis in Acoustic Resonators, Lee W. Casperson, Lloyd M. Davis, and John D. Harvey
Modes of a laser resonator with a retroreflecting corner cube mirror, Guosheng Zhou, Anthony J. Alfrey, and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1981
Electromagnetic modes of an inhomogeneous sphere, Lee W. Casperson
Laser Broadening Ratio from the Multimode Oscillation Threshold, Lee W. Casperson
Synthesis of Gaussian Beam Optical Systems, Lee W. Casperson
Modes of a laser resonator with a retroreflecting roof mirror, Guosheng Zhou and Lee W. Casperson
Modes of a laser resonator with a retroreflective mirror, Guosheng Zhou and Lee W. Casperson
Submissions from 1980
Laser power calculations: sources of error, Lee W. Casperson
Polarization characteristics of dye‐laser amplifiers II. Isotropic molecular distributions, Lee W. Casperson and Kendall C. Reyzer
Polarization characteristics of dye‐laser amplifiers I. Unidirectional molecular distributions, Lee W. Casperson and Kendall C. Reyzer
Submissions from 1979
Scalar‐wave approach for single‐mode inhomogeneous fiber problems, Lee W. Casperson, Cavour W. Yeh, and W. P. Brown
Scattering of focused beams by tenuous particles, S. Colak, Cavour W. Yeh, and Lee W. Casperson