Submissions from 2021
Open Ed Week Keynote Address: Achieving a Socially Just Open Education During the COVID-19 Era, Jasmine Roberts
Understanding the Role of Family-Specific Resources for Immigrant Workers, Faviola Robles-Saenz, Rebecca M. Brossoit, Tori L. Crain, Leslie Hammer, and Jacqueline R. Wong
Stuttering Accommodations in Professional Environments: The Intersectionality between Multiculturalism, Multilingualism, Stigma, Disability Identity and Rights, Sulema Rodriguez and Megann McGill
Pedestrian Safety and Social Equity in Oregon, Josh Roll and Nathan McNeil
Culturally Engaging and Validating Strategies to Support BIPOC Students at PSU, Lindsay Romasanta, Michelle Lee, and Pedro Torres
Beyond the Bottom Line: Layoffs Leading to a Reflection on Transformational Resistance, Lindsay Romasanta and Belinda Zamacona
Perceptual Mismatch Between Meso and Macro Policy at Tokyo International University, Brianna Ross and Kimberly Brown
The Dark Footprint of State Violence: A Synthetic Approach to the American Crime Decline, Aaron Roussell, Lori Sexton, Paul Deppen III, Marisa Omori, and Esther Scheibler
The Development of Community Relations with Low-Socioeconomic Status, Black Communities and Provisional Equity of Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Claire R. Rutgers
Think Out Loud: As Land Acknowledgments Become More Common, Indigenous People Grapple With Next Steps, Julie Sabatier, Dave Miller, Luhui Whitebear, and Rachel Black Elk
Think Out Loud: ‘This is Portland’ Ad Campaign Draws Mixed Reactions, Julie Sabatier, Geoff Norcross, Lisa Bates, Alex Zielinski, and Amy Lewin
"It's Not by Accident": Examining Leadership Efforts to Disrupt Oregon's Segregated K-12 Education System, Michael Eric Salitore
Books for Young Readers: The Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921, Patricia A. Schechter
Colonialism and Statehood in Oklahoma (Bibliography), Patricia A. Schechter
History of the Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921 (Bibliography), Patricia A. Schechter
Videos, News, and Historical Documentaries: The Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921, Patricia A. Schechter
Liberalism, Settlement, and the Politics of Sacrifice, Marshall Scheider
Liberalism, Settlement, Sacrifice: Towards a Genealogy of Sacrificial Politics, Marshall Scheider and Adam Culver
Reducing Transphobic Attitudes: a Cross-National Investigation of College Students in Japan and the United States, Kazusa Seko
Racializing Discourses: an Exploration of Moreno Subject Formation in Oaxaca, Mexico, Juan Salvador Sepulveda-Figuereo
Colonial Necrocapitalism, State Secrecy, and the Palestinian Freedom Tunnel, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian and Stephanie Wahab
Session 1: Panel 1: Presenter 2 (Paper) -- The Rogue River War 1855-1856, Sara E. Shallenberger
Fahrenheit 911: Heat, Cities, and Climate Literacy from the Ground Up, Vivek Shandas
Toward a Resilient Urban Forest, Vivek Shandas
The Descent of Law Enforcement in Ancient Egypt from the Ptolemaic Empire to the Early Roman Empire, Ethan C. Siddall
‘The Environment is Us’: Settler Cartographies of Indigeneity and Blackness in Prophecy (1979), Kali Simmons
Intersectional Discrimination and Change in Blood Pressure Control among Older Adults: The Health and Retirement Study, Kendra D. Sims
Session 2: Panel 3: Presenter 4 (Paper) -- Internment: The Legal Challenges and Effects of Displacement on Japanese Americans, Arianna S. Sinlapasai-Okamura
Portland in Conversation: The Infrastructure of the Public City: Land, Judy Skelton, Gabe Sheoships, and Athena Shepherd
"B-ing Flexible" : Examining Creativity in Bisexual Employees, Megan Jane Snoeyink
The Role of the School SLP in Treatment of TBI: Implications for BIPOC Students, Simone Speer and Susan Wiggins
Women's Work: a Feminist Standpoint Theory Study of Scholarship, Voice, and Resistance in the Academic Generation of Knowledge, Linnea Angelica Spitzer
Tribal Revegetation Project Final Project Report: 92-Acre Area, Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, Jeremy Spoon; Brittany Kruger; Richard Arnold; Kate Monti Barcalow; and Tribal Revegetation Committee, TRC
Virtual Community for Fat People in Outdoor Recreation, Amber C. Stephens
Elmore v. Rice et al.: The Court Case that Defies a Narrative, Gerrit Sterk
Centering Equity in Sustainable Food Systems Education, Eleanor J. Sterling, Erin Betley, Selena Ahmed, Sharon Akabas, Daniel J. Clegg, Shauna Downs, Betty T. Izumi, Pamela Koch, Sara M. Kross, Karen Spiller, Lemir Teron, and Will Valley
Facilitators and Barriers to Healthy Eating Among American Indian and Alaska Native Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: Stakeholder Perspectives, Sarah Stotz, Nertila Bregaj, Kelly Gonzales, Luciana E. Hebert, and Kelly R. Moore
Science in Service of Man: Towards an Understanding of Medicine as an Institution of Control, Amanda M. Strother
Situating HIV/AIDS Humanitarian Film in the National Cinema Culture of Mozambique: Historical, Contemporary and Feminist Perspectives, Sebastián Andrés Suárez Hode
The Revival of Termination: Fragmenting John Collier’s Bureau of Indian Affairs, Jacob Taylor
Indigenous Perspectives on Archaeology and Heritage, Diane Teeman, Sam Robinson, Briece Edwards, Chris Bailey, and Wenix Red Elk
Picture a Scientist, Eva Thanheiser, Nirupama Bulusu, Theresa M. McCormick, Ashley Streig, Radhika Reddy, and Decatur Mitochondria Foster
Five Ps (Policies, Practices, Power structures, Places; and People): A Framework to Analyze Systemic Inequalities, Eva Thanheiser, Lisa Weasel, Idowu Ajibade, Larry Martinez, and Gina Greco
The Archaeology Roadshow Presents: Archaeology on Tap, Scott Thomas, Katee Withee, Don Hann, and Jordan Pratt
The Influence of Surrealist Art on Popular Ads, Sydney G. Thomas Ms.
Teaching Race and Racial Justice: Developing Students’ Cognitive and Affective Understanding, Amie Thurber, Joe Bandy, and M. Brielle Harbin
Can Preference Policies Advance Racial Justice?, Amie Thurber, Lisa Bates, and Susan Halverson
Evaluating the N/NE Preference Policy, Amie Thurber, Lisa Bates, and Susan Halverson
Gentrification, Amie Thurber and Amy Krings
I'll Take You There: Exploring Nashville's Social Justice Sites, Amie Thurber and Learotha Williams
Portland in Conversation: The Infrastructure of the Public City: Housing | Los Angeles I Portland, Elizabeth Timme, Anyeley Hallová, and Justin Fowler
Engaging Conversations: Foregrounding Twitter Feeds in Library Guides As a Way to Critically Promote Discussions of Social Justice, Anders Tobiason
On "Developing Information Literate Abilities": Uncovering Whiteness at the Center of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, Anders Tobiason
Inclusive Course Design to Reduce Access Barriers, RT Tougas
When I Was a Young Girl: Gender and Race in The Life Archives of Criminal Transportation, Nick Townsend
Disaggregating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders’ perinatal health outcomes: a review of research using birth record data, Sarah-Truclinh T. Tran, Betty Izumi, and Janne Boone-Heinonen
Linguistic Discrimination in Higher Education in Vietnam, Y Dang Nhu Tran
Suppressing the Black Male Vote: Ronald Reagan and the War on Drugs, Caitlin Troyer
Treatment Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy in Hispanic Diabetes Patients at a Free Clinic Setting, Lhanze Tum
Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Levels of Home Deliveries Before, During, and Post COVID-19, Avinash Unnikrishnan and Miguel Figliozzi
Letitia Carson in Court: African American Women, Property, and Wages in the Pacific Northwest, Stephanie Marie Vallance
The Manifestation of Total War in the Mexican Revolution, Craig J. Verniest
Exploring How Gentrification-related Effects Impact the Health of Older Black Adults, Ann Wachana and Holly Hinson
When the Teacher is the Token: Moving from Antiblackness to Antiracism, Manya C. Whitaker
South of Loveland: A Collection of Short Stories, Benny White
Educational Outcomes of Gender Diverse Youth: A National Population-Based Study, Lindsey Wilkinson, Dara Shifrer, and Jennifer Pearson
Uranium Natives: Mining for the Cold War, Angela M. Wood
Innovative Praxis: Abolition Planning & Afrofuturism, Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson, Free Bangura, Sherri Franklin, Terry Scott, Roland Wiley, Jazslyn (NYC Artist), and Lisa Bates
Teaching Innovation Conference: Contemplative Practice in Higher Education, Jaime R. Wood, Neera Malhotra, Amy Ruff, and Corina McEntire
Discrimination Against People of Color in America’s Cash Bail System, Dolores Yanez
Using Trauma-Informed Assessment Practices to Support Adult Learners, Maika Yeigh
Understanding the Taboo of Incest in the American South through Analysis of Southern Gothic Literature, Grace Young
Red, White, and Blue Tartan: Modern Scottish Cultural Preservation in the American West, Felicia Thompson Zaleski
Planning Just Futures: an Introduction, Marisa A. Zapata
The Blood Logs: Factors in the U.S. Decision to Classify the Japanese Biological and Chemical Warfare Program, Linda R. Zhang
Submissions from 2020
Outsiders Within Inequality Regimes: a Sociological Framework to Advance the Lives of Women Veterans, Sarah Louise Aktepy
How Igbo Women Used Petitions to Influence British Authorities During Colonial Rule, Bright Alozie
Space and Colonial Alterity: Interrogating British Residential Segregation in Nigeria, 1899-1919, Bright Alozie
The Strong Women of Igboland, Bright Alozie
Undressing for Redress: The Significance of Nigerian Women’s Naked Protests, Bright Alozie
Undressing to Redress: The Sexual Politics of Protests in Colonial and Post-Colonial in Southern Nigeria, Bright Alozie
A Systematic Content Analysis of the Justice Reinvestment Programs Across Oregon Counties, Lorena Ambriz
A Qualitative Evaluation of the Impacts of a Strength-based and Youth-driven Approach to Suicide Prevention in Rural and Minority Communities in Hawai‘i, Mapuana C.K. Antonio, Jane J. Chung-Do, Deborah A. Goebert, Kris Bifulco, and Antonia R.G. Alvarez
Abuela, Mamá y Yo; Nutritional Resiliency for the Latinx Community, Briana Arnold, Rebeca Márquez, Alejandra Gurrola, and Izzy Ventura Meda
Social Movements in Iran: Lessons for Activism, Robert Asaadi
Autistic Representation in Television, Sarah E. Audley
Juveniles in the Interrogation Room: Defense Attorneys as a Protective Factor, Caitlin N. August and Kelsey S. Henderson
Biking While Black: How Planning Contributes to Unjust Policing, Jesus Barajas
Bus Stops Improvements Along Utah Corridor Increase Ridership and ADA Accessibility, Keith Bartholomew
Webinar: Bus Stops: Access and Equity, Keith Bartholomew
The Role of Bus Stop Features in Facilitating Accessibility, Keith Bartholomew, Ja Young Kim, Divya Chandrasekhar, Reid Ewing, Arlie Adkins, and Samuel Jensen
Albina Zone, Lisa Bates
Albina Zone (Presentation), Lisa Bates
Data Files: The Role of Bus Stop Features in Facilitating Accessibility, Keith Batholomew, Ja Young Kim, Divya Chandrasekhar, Reid Ewing, Arlie Adkins, and Samuel Jensen
Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Settings of Technology & Society, Ruha Benjamin, Laura Burney Nissen, and Office of Global Diversity and Inclusion
Conceptualizing and Measuring Patriarchy: The Importance of Feminist Theory, Lindsay J. Benstead
“Decolonize” E-Literature? On Weeding the E-lit Garden, Kathi Inman Berens
"Good For Rosetta" : The Fugitive Slave Law and the Case of Rosetta Armstead in Ohio, 1855, Alexandra A. Berg
Reframing Native Knowledge, Co-Managing Native Landscapes: Ethnographic Data and Tribal Engagement at Yosemite National Park, Rochelle Bloom and Douglas Deur
Combat Exposure and Mental Health in the Military: the Role of Collective Identity, Philip G. Bouleh