This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Teaching in a Kenyan Refugee Camp: A Critical Ethnography of the Impact of Teacher Preparation and Cultural Experience on Pedagogy, James Adiok Mayik (Dissertation)
Permission to Play: A District's Initiative to Innovate Kindergarten and Promote Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Cristin McDonough (Thesis)
Efficient and Chemoselective Access to Highly Functionalized Arenes by C-H Deprotonative Generation of Aryne Intermediates, Bryan Edward Metze (Dissertation)
Teeth, Chukwudaru Immaculata Michael (Thesis)
Understanding the Other: Mentor Ethnocultural Empathy and Relationship Quality and Duration in Youth Mentoring, Miriam Miranda-Diaz (Dissertation)
The Role of DNA Topoisomerases in the Completion of DNA Replication, Parisa Mokhtari (Thesis)
Characterizing the Influence of Metabolism on Steady State Water Exchange in Yeast as a Potential MRI Diagnostic Biomarker, Samantha Mumford (Dissertation)
Improved Parameters of ANAND Model and Advanced FEA Technique for Low-Cycle Fatigue Life: Finite Element Analysis Models for Pb-free Solder and Pb Solder in Real Life Ball Gird Ally Package, Hamidreza Nahavandi (Dissertation)
Acquisition of Spatial and Temporal Vte-kuru by Learners of Japanese at a University in the U.S., Ayumi Naraoka (Thesis)
The Mirror Project: Reflections on the Experiences of African-American Female Adolescents Experiencing Foster Care, Bahia Anise-Cross DeGruy Overton (Dissertation)
Embodying Whole Community Preparedness: A Case Study of Student-Facing Preparedness Initiatives at Institutions of Higher Education in the State of Oregon, Francis Pastorelle (Dissertation)
Latine Dual Language Bilingual Education Teachers' Work Experiences, Nelly Noemi Patiño Cabrera (Dissertation)
The Formation of a Dialect: An Examination of the History, Characteristics, and Evolutions of Los Angeles Vernacular Spanish, Lianna Perry Fountain (Thesis)
A PWM Control Method for Reducing Electromagnetic Noise at the Generation Source in Power Electronic Converters, Abhijeet Prem (Thesis)
Dynamic Social Ecologies of Students' Motivational Resilience: The Complex Relationship between Family, Teacher, and Peer Support, and Students' Academic Coping and Reengagement, Kristen Elizabeth Raine (Dissertation)
Sustainability Assessment of Photovoltaic Cells in Cross-Functional Applications, Achyuth Ravilla (Dissertation)
The Wage of Wellness: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Work Recovery, Emily Julia Ready (Thesis)
Computational Tools for Exploring Eigenvector Localization, Robyn Ashley Markee Reid (Dissertation)
H1-conforming Finite Elements on Nonstandard Meshes, Samuel Edward Reynolds (Dissertation)
Corporatizing Violence: Targeted Repression of Indigenous Dissent in Democratic States, Laikaika Layne Rivera (Thesis)
Seguir Adelante: A Qualitative Exploration of Latino Farmworkers' Work and Non-Work Resources, Faviola Robles Saenz (Thesis)
Living on the Outskirts of Things: Women and Nonbinary People of Color with Cognitive Disabilities Describe Their Employment Experiences, Laura Spura Rodriguez (Dissertation)
Applying Positive Unlabeled Learning Techniques and Using the Kullback-Leibler Divergence to Improve Geothermal Surveying Assessments, Martín Thomas Rodriguez (Thesis)
Synoptic Drivers of Extreme Precipitation in the Upper Yuba Watershed of California, Emma Nichole Russell (Thesis)
The Arab Spring Uprisings in Geopolitical Context, Jake Alan Rutledge (Thesis)
A Hierarchical Decision Model for Evaluating the Strategy Readiness of Quantitative Machine Learning/Data Science-Driven Investment Strategies, Mohammadsaleh Saadatmand (Dissertation)
The Genetic Consequences of Pollen and Seed Transport in the Wind, Elizabeth Hendrickson Scott (Dissertation)
Consequences of Spatial Heterogeneity for Turbulent Wake Development, Ryan Scott (Dissertation)
Towards a New Discourse on Success in Alternative Education, Samuel Thomas Settelmeyer (Dissertation)
Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids Modulate Host Innate Immunity, Amy Lorraine Seufert (Dissertation)
Assessing the Climate Resilience of Quercus garryana in the Portland Metro Region, Jess Rose Nettle Shamek (Dissertation)
MmWave RAT Optimization: MAC Layer Initial Access Design and Transport Layer Integration, Suresh Srinivasan (Dissertation)
DFT Based Modeling of the Heavy Atom Effect in Triplet Photosensitizers: From Fundamental Mechanics to Rational Design, Bret Andrew Steinkamp (Dissertation)
The Influence of a Ubiquitous Filter Feeder on Coastal Microbial Communities, Melissa Steinman (Dissertation)
Adaptive Sampling for Seabed Identification from Ambient Acoustic Noise, Matthew Sullivan (Thesis)
Predation of Appendicularians on Prochlorococcus, Carey Sweeney (Thesis)
Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Steens and Monument Dike Swarm: Implications and Relationships to Magmatic Storage and to Lava Flows of the Picture Gorge and Steens Basalt, Rachel Anne Sweeten (Thesis)
Education and Tolerance of Homosexuality in Diverse Islamic Contexts, Camila Swift (Thesis)
Culture or Power: The Eruption of the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon, Danielle Tagakou Talla (Thesis)
The Effects of Physical Accessibility and Subjective Accessibility on Grocery Shopping Behaviors in Oakland, California, Huijun Tan (Dissertation)
Atmospheric Circulation, Climate Change, and Related Impacts Over the Western United States, Graham Patrick Taylor (Dissertation)
Some Hypergeometric Identities and Related Leonard Pairs, Taiyo Summers Terada (Dissertation)
Far-Right Monologues and Extreme Identity, Benjamin Alexander Thigpen (Thesis)
Social Reproduction on Campus: Quantitative Investigations into the Reproduction of Gender and Socioeconomic Inequality through Higher Education, Ned William Tilbrook (Dissertation)
The Influence of Eyewitnesses and Police Tip Line Reports: An Exploratory Case Study of a 2005 Homicide, Abigail Rose Torres (Thesis)
It Takes a Village: An Examination of Social Relationships and Mental Health, Em Francis Trubits (Dissertation)
Landslide Mapping, Characterization, and Hazard Assessment with 3D Slope Stability Modeling in White Bluffs, Washington State, Anna Tsitsivas (Thesis)
Understanding Waveguides in Resonance, Pieter Johannes Daniel Vandenberge (Dissertation)
Investigating Student Expectations, Buy-In, and Engagement in Lower Division Undergraduate Chemistry Labs, Elizabeth Blanche Vaughan (Dissertation)
Itagaki Paru's Animalized Japan, Adoria Shanelle Walker (Thesis)
Designing for Deployable, Secure, and Generic Machine Learning Systems, Li-Yun Wang (Dissertation)
Automated Verification of Compiler Transformations, Yanzhao Wang (Dissertation)
A Mechanistic Study of Silicon Nanocrystal Formation via Solid State Synthesis, Katherine McCarthy Weinfurter (Dissertation)
Taking Thermally Modified Rock Seriously: An Analysis of Use-Wear Attributes, Dianna Marie Wilson (Thesis)
Synthesis and Computational Studies of α- and δ-Substituted Macrocyclic Europium and Ytterbium Complexes, Delainey Amara Winder (Thesis)
Feeling Otherwise: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Queer and Trans Youth of Color Who Create and Embody Fursonas, Hazel Ali Zaman (Dissertation)
Recovery of Black Carbon Concentrations in Burned Forests in Wyoming, USA, Monica Vanesa Zapata Villegas (Thesis)
Altered Disturbance Regimes and Novel Ecosystems: Understanding and Managing Ecosystem State Change in the Forest-Peatland Ecotone of Western Patagonia, Kyla Sara Zaret (Dissertation)
Residential DERs in Service-Oriented Load Participation: Enhancing Grid Flexibility, Zhongkai Zeng (Thesis)
Improving Biomimetic Passive Dynamics of a Quadruped Robot Hind Leg Hip Joint with a 3D Printed Torsion Spring, Haonan Zheng (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Tools for Quantifying Bacterial Motility Using Digital Holographic Microscopy as Applied to Studying the Simulated Microgravity Environment, Jacqueline Marie Acres (Dissertation)
The New Profits of Pleasure: Reality Television and Affective Exploitation in Post-Pandemic Neoliberalism, Sophia Aepfelbacher (Thesis)
Fintech and Entrepreneurship: An Assessment Model to Evaluate Policy Instruments for Fintech Adoption by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Deemah Abdullah Alassaf (Dissertation)
Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal From Wastewater Under Low Dissolved Oxygen (LDO) Conditions, Bashar Al-Daomi (Dissertation)
Organizational Readiness Assessment for Fraud Detection and Prevention: Case of Airlines Sector and Electronic Payment, Sultan Ayed Alghamdi (Dissertation)
Probability Distribution Fitting for Censored Data: A Practical Guide for Survival Analysis of NBI Data for Concrete Bridge Decks in Oregon, Asmaa Almeshaileh (Thesis)
Seeing in the Dark: Towards Robust Pedestrian Detection at Nighttime, Afnan Althoupety (Dissertation)
Heartbreak and Head Trauma, August Joseph Amoroso (Closed Thesis)
How Unequal Access to Personal and Professional Networks Impacts Success Among Construction Apprentices, Cameron Elliot Arnold (Thesis)
Postfire Effects and Regeneration Patterns in Araucaria-Nothofagus Forests in South-Central Chile, Paola A. Arroyo-Vargas (Dissertation)
The Double Dutch Retention Framework: A Grounded Theory Study on Increasing Racial Staff Diversity at Pacific Northwest Community Colleges, Dominique S. Austin (Dissertation)
Phytoplankton Community as an Indicator of Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms in High Mountain Lakes, Victoria Elizabeth Avalos (Thesis)
A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder for World Models in Complex Reinforcement Learning Environments, Sriharshitha Ayyalasomayajula (Thesis)
The Influence of Polystyrene Microplastics on Juvenile Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Kaitlyn Marie Baker (Thesis)
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Innovation Ecosystems in Facilitating the Adoption of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Dana Sami Bakry (Dissertation)
E Hui me ke Kaiāulu: To Connect with the Community, Heather Kayleen Bartlett (Thesis)
The Affective Discourses of Eviction: Right to Counsel in New York City, Hadley Savana Bates (Thesis)
A Just Futures Framework: Insurgent Roller-Skating in Portland, Oregon, Célia Camile Beauchamp (Thesis)
Instructors at a Crossroad: Perceptions of Collaboration and Support Intersect with Intentions to Implement a CURE, Justin Berl (Thesis)
Uncertainty Quantification and Fragility Development of Deteriorating RC Bridge Piers, Ayush Bhandari (Thesis)
Modeling Leaf-Level Transpiration: Exploring the Consequences of Assumed Saturated Vapor Pressure in Leaves, Danlyn L. Brennan (Thesis)
Design and Characterization of 2.4GHz Antennas for Wireless Sensor Applications, Luis Zogby Brennan (Thesis)
UHV-Shear-Force Acoustic Near-Field Microscopy and Its Implementation in the Study of Confined Mesoscopic Fluids, Theodore Alex Brockman (Dissertation)
Examining Factors Impacting the Service Needs of Unhoused Women, Holly Brott (Dissertation)
Electrochemical Hydrogen Gas Production and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration via In Situ Formation of Nickel (II) Tris-(Pyridinethiolate) Derivatives, Dayalis SV. Brown (Dissertation)
Assessment of the Omni-Channel Adoption for the Management of Emergence Technologies in Food Retailing During and After the Era of COVID-19, Esraa Bukhari (Dissertation)
Do Frameworks Matter? Testing the Framing Effect on Public Support for Prison Pell Grants, Natalie Miles Burke (Thesis)
Cultivating Equity: Harnessing School Garden Education as a Catalyst for Food Justice and Social Change, Maureen Madeleine Callahan (Thesis)
A Policy Proposal for Agricultural Data Governance, Ana Sofía Castellanos Santamaría (Dissertation)
Realization of Multi-Valued Logic Using Optical Quantum Computing, Sophie Choe (Dissertation)
Local Voices: Counterstorytelling and Retention of Faculty of Color in Oregon's Community College System, Kristin Christophersen (Dissertation)
Real-time Length Sensing of Braided Pneumatic Actuator using IR Time-of-Flight Sensor, Luon B. Chung (Thesis)
Structure-from-Motion Derived Snow Cover in Burned Forests of the Western Oregon Cascades, Siobhan Ciafone (Thesis)
Identifying Advantages to Teaching Linear Regression in a Modeling and Simulation Introductory Statistics Curriculum, Kit Harris Clement (Dissertation)
Spatial Variations in Ancient Meteoric Water: An Investigation of the Rattlesnake Tuff, Julian Michael Cohen (Thesis)
Main, Mediated, and Moderated Effects of Participating in an After-School Social and Emotional Learning Program on Young Children's Development of Social-Emotional Skills, Amy L. Cordier (Dissertation)
Increasing Access to Doulas in Oregon: A Delphi Study, Courtney Elizabeth Crane (Dissertation)
Radical Urban Natures: Mitigating Urban Heat with Nature-Based Techniques in Portland, Oregon, Heather Day-Melgar (Thesis)
Improving Peer-to-Peer Learning for Students with Extensive Support Needs in Inclusive Classrooms, Zachary Michael Deets (Dissertation)
Who Puts the "Support" in Supportive Housing? The Impact of Housing Staff on Resident's Well-Being, and the Potential Moderating Role of Self-Determination, Kenna Estell Dickard (Thesis)