This collection contains both Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Schools, Colleges, and Departments page. Graduate dissertations and theses may also be found using the Library's catalog.
To browse Undergraduate Honors Theses click here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
An Experiment Testing the Bolinger Principle to Teach Gerunds and Infinitives, Juliet Rosemarie Vawser (Thesis)
An investigation of the effect of using varying stimuli to assess normal children's comprehension of five locative prepositions, Kathleen Gray Versteeg (Thesis)
Rock slope stability studies in Siskiyou National Forest, Greg Visconty (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of Chinese EFL Reading Instruction and American ESL Reading Instruction, Changhua Wang (Thesis)
A Critical Study of Communications in Land Use Hearings, Douglas J. Warren (Dissertation)
Effects of Flat Panel Display Parameters Across Three Application Areas Upon Similarity Judgments, Novia Weiman (Thesis)
Geochemical Stratigraphy of the Dooley Rhyolite Breccia and Tertiary Basalts in the Dooley Mountain Quadrangle, Oregon, David Neale Whitson (Thesis)
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo: Self and Close-Other Selection of Personality Test Interpretations, Sheela Word (Thesis)
Script effects and reading strategies : ideographic language readers vs. alphabetic language readers in ESL, Minglang Zhou (Thesis)
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Determinants of the Spatial Distribution of Peri-Urban to Rural Agriculture in the United States, Ibrahim Amin Abdel-Karim (Dissertation)
An Analysis of the Shift of Employment Toward Multi-Sectoral Services Industries in California, 1960-1980, Ayalew Adamu (Dissertation)
The role of iron nutrition in regulating patterns of photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda, Dennis Raymond Ades (Thesis)
German-Czech conflict in Cisleithania : the question of the ethnographic partition of Bohemia, 1848-1919, Nicholas Aldorde (Thesis)
Discontinuities in Normal 30 to 36 Month Old and 54 to 60 Month Old Female Children, Shelley Louise Arnold-Cockburn (Thesis)
A Comparison of Principal and Teacher Perceptions of Principal Leadership Skills, Alan Mark Carlton (Dissertation)
A Case Study of a Nationally Recognized Middle School's Decentralized Participatory Governance Structure, Donna Lynn Carman (Dissertation)
The Effects of a Course in American Jokes on a Class of Intermediate Level ESL Students, John Randolph Carruthers (Thesis)
Disfluencies in Normal Three-Year-Old and Five-Year-Old Male Children, Pamela Paguia Christianson (Thesis)
Hugo Grotius and the Liberal Tradition, Karen Diane Csajko (Thesis)
An analysis of the eastern margin of the Portland basin using gravity surveys, Steven Allen Davis (Thesis)
The Effects of a Thank-You Letter and/or Phone Call to First-Time Volunteer Blood Donors, Larkey Sheldon De Neffe (Thesis)
Molecular cloning of spinach chloroplast DNA isolated by alkaline lysis, Robert Gray Drager (Thesis)
Gun Running in Arabia: The Introduction of Modern Arms to the Peninsula, 1880-1914, James W. Fiscus (Thesis)
Normative study of phonological process patterns of preschool children as measured by the Assessment of phonological processes, revised, Lori Jean Griffith (Thesis)
Interregional Competition in the Wood Products Industry: An Econometric Spatial Equilibrium Approach, M. Hossein Haeri (Dissertation)
A Comparison of the Expressive Speech of Profoundly Hearing-Impaired Children : "Hearing Aids On" Versus "Hearing Aids Off", James Allen Henry (Thesis)
Repetitions in the speech of normal two year old males, Stephanie Herrick (Thesis)
Segment Congruence Analysis: An Information Theoretic Approach, Jamshid Hosseini-Chaleshtari (Dissertation)
The Impact of Physical Environment on the Social Climate of Two Jails, James G. Houston (Dissertation)
Numerical solutions of continuous wave beam in nonlinear media, Jeffrey Huang (Thesis)
The philosophy of William James as related to Charles Renouvier, Henri Bergson, Maurice Blondel and Emile Boutroux, Peggy Lyne Hurtado (Thesis)
Classifying Oregon Lake-Watershed Ecosystems for Regional Water Resources Assessment, Randall Alan Jones (Thesis)
Threshold characteristics of multimode laser oscillators, Mehdi Khoshnevissan (Thesis)
Modeling cadastral spatial relationships using an object-oriented information structure, Daniel Kjerne (Thesis)
Worker perceptions of the fast-food giant : interviews with and class comparisons of teenagers working at McDonalds, Joyce A. Korshgen (Thesis)
The politics of disestablishment : Gladstone and the Fenians, Robert Emmett Lanxon (Thesis)
Friendship Between Women: The Influence of Incest, Laurie Lockert (Thesis)
The Effect of Cold Acclimation on the Temperature Preference of the Goldfish, Carassius auratus, and the Brown Bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus, Alfred Lord (Thesis)
American Foreign Policy: The Utility of Force as an Influence, Bargaining, or Coercive Force in the Caribbean Basin, Susan M. Marandas (Thesis)
Stratigraphic model of the southern portion of the Jim Bridger coal field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Paul S. Maywood (Thesis)
A Finite Difference Soil-Structure Interaction Study of a Section of the Bonneville Navigation Lock Buttress Diaphragm Wall Utilizing Pressuremeter Test Results, Thomas C. McCormack (Thesis)
El Sindicato de las Costureras 19 de Septiembre: The Impact of the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake on Social Process, Margaret McCrea (Thesis)
An Analysis of a Washington State Policy on the Appraisal of School Administrators by Certificated Subordinates, Curtis Alan Miller (Dissertation)
The Stochastic Behavior of Soil Moisture and Its Role in Catchment Response Models, Nangantani Davies Godfrey Mtundu (Dissertation)
Comparisons of Total Factor Productivity in the U.S. Electric Industry, Maya Myoga (Dissertation)
A Descriptive Study of an Alternative Process of "Learning-To-Teach", Nancy Terry Nagel (Dissertation)
A seismic refraction study of a portion of the northeastern margin of the Tualatin Valley, Oregon, David John Nazy (Thesis)
The Expression of Politeness in Japan: Intercultural Implications for Americans, Emiko Tajikara Nelson (Thesis)
Hyperbolic Soil Parameters for Granular Soils Derived From Pressuremeter Tests for Finite Element Programs, Dieter Neumann (Thesis)
Explosion Structures in Grande Ronde Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group, Near Troy, Oregon, Leonard Lee Orzol (Thesis)
The Effect of Body Temperature on Arteriovenous Oxygen Difference During Rest and Activity in the Toad, Bufo Marinus, Wayne Bryant Palioca (Thesis)
Decrease in Selected Temperature After Intracranial Dopamine Injections in Goldfish, Hercules Theodore Panayiotides-Djaferis (Thesis)
Seven dyads, Donovan Peterson (Thesis)
Bronze Casting by the Lost Wax Method Employing Mixed Media, Donna M. Pickett (Thesis)
Liking and disliking to be touched by staff as reported by female nursing and retirement home residents, Mary Beth Pintarich (Thesis)
Adult daughters as caregivers to elderly parents : an exploration of the care relationship, Margaret Anne Reynolds (Thesis)
Stratigraphic and geochemical evolution of the Glass Buttes complex, Oregon, Richard Louis Roche (Thesis)
Electricity Demand Forecasting in a Changing Regional Context: The Application of the Multiple Perspective Concept to the Prediction Process, James Christopher Sapp (Dissertation)
Selected Functions of Nurse Practitioners in Oregon and Some Implications for Nurse Preparation, Mary Jean Schindler (Dissertation)
The Differential Role of the SSI with Normal Preschool Children, Caroline Joy Semler (Thesis)
The Effects of Test Result and Diagnosticity on Physicians’ Revisions of Probability of Disease in Medical Diagnosis, Ann Elizabeth Sinclair (Thesis)
Parallel approximate string matching applied to occluded object recognition, David Smith (Thesis)
Equality of Educational Opportunity for Language Minority Students in Oregon: A Survey of ESL/Bilingual Education Policy in Local School Districts, Mary Eileen Smith (Dissertation)
They sure don't build them like they used to : Federal Housing Administration insured builders' houses in the Pacific Northwest from 1934 to 1954, Alfred M. Staehli (Thesis)
Stratigraphy of the Ohanapecosh Formation north of Hamilton Buttes, southcentral Washington, Cynthia Marie Stine (Thesis)
Data on the PPVT-R for Black Kindergarteners, Christy Gail Stocks (Thesis)
Development and application of some quantitative stratigraphic techniques to the Coos Bay coalfield, a Tertiary fluvio-deltaic complex in southwestern Oregon, Willard Sidney Titus III (Thesis)
Textural and mineralogical characteristics of altered Grande Ronde basalt, northeastern Oregon : a natural analog for a nuclear waste repository in basalt, Paul M. Trone (Thesis)
Die Kunst als Ausdrucksmittel der inneren Welt Hermann Hesses, Debra Lynn Vaul (Thesis)
Isolating factors predicting cooperation in work groups : leader motivation and style, Denise Hunter Velaski (Thesis)
Geomorphic character, age and distribution of rock glaciers in the Olympic Mountains, Washington, Steven Paul Welter (Thesis)
Development of a Parametric Analysis Microcomputer Model for Evaluating the Thermodynamic Performance of a Reciprocating Brayton Cycle Engine, Thomas Joseph White (Thesis)
Synthesis and characterization of some SF₅- containing sulfonic acids, Robert J. Willenbring (Thesis)
Norepinephrine and temperature regulation in goldfish, Lonnie Paul Wollmuth (Thesis)
Spatial and temporal characteristics of surface air temperature for Portland, Oregon, Li-min Yang (Thesis)
A Study of Ability to Choose Appropriate Conflict Behavior Determined by the Relationship Between Locus of Control and Conflict Behavior Styles, Mary H. Zinkin (Dissertation)
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Axisymmetrically Loaded Isotropic Circular and Annular Plates Undergoing Large Deflections, Aiman Raji Akileh (Thesis)
The contribution of the lymph hearts in compensation for acute hypovolemic stress in the toad Bufo marinus, Mark Baustian (Thesis)
A study of the correlation between the degree of acculturation and scholastic achievement and English gain of ESL students, grades 2-5, Beach School, Portland, Oregon, Rhona R. Blackton (Thesis)
Values of Oregon Community College Faculty in Selected Instructional Areas, John Francis Bohan (Dissertation)
Job Satisfaction of Administrators in a Public Suburban School District, Linda Cartier Borquist (Dissertation)
A Comparison of Behavioral Problems Between Speech and/or Language Impaired Children and Normal Children, Jeannie S. Botelho (Thesis)
Enhanced Computer Graphics for Decision Makers, Floyd James Brock Jr. (Dissertation)
The stratigraphy and structure of the Columbia River basalt group in the Salmon River area, Oregon, Martin S. Burck (Thesis)
Effects of stress and social support on maternal attachment with a handicapped infant, Cecelia Ostien Capuzzi (Dissertation)
Hop Agriculture in Oregon: The First Century, Kathleen E. Hudson Cooler (Thesis)
Restriction mapping and expression of recombinant plasmids containing the arsenic resistance genes of the plasmid R45, Terry M. Coons (Thesis)
Egypt and the Soviet Union, 1953-1970, John W. Copp (Thesis)
Attitudes of Otolaryngologists Towards Speech Pathologists Working with Voice Disordered Clients, Judith Patricia-Bader Cross (Thesis)
Stratigraphic and petrologic analysis of trends within the Spencer Formation sandstones : from Corvallis, Benton County, to Henry Hagg Lake, Yamhill and Washington counties, Oregon, Brent Joseph Cunderla (Thesis)
The Engineering Geology of the Fountain Landslide, Hood River County, Oregon, Susanne L. D'Agnese (Thesis)
Electrochemical methods for speciation of inorganic arsenic, Karen Ann D'Arcy (Dissertation)
Potential motivational effects of altered compensation rates in comparison to other type incentives on building principal performance, Allan Paul Deckard (Dissertation)
The mobilization of the gay liberation movement, Ramom de Souza Torrecilha (Thesis)
The structural controls of the Vale Rhinehart Buttes complex, Vale KGRA, Malheur County, Oregon, John Timothy Doerr (Thesis)
A Comparative Study of Three Language Sampling Methods Using Developmental Sentence Scoring, Cheryl Diane Dong (Thesis)
Internal external locus of control and the choice of therapy, Marlene Eid (Thesis)
An Historical Overview of Creativity with Implications for Education, Antoinette S. Ellis (Thesis)
Technology impact assessment: the effectiveness of advanced instructional technology in remedying learning difficulties of disadvantaged youngsters in an urban setting, Wossen Encubahre (Dissertation)
The Formal Language of Nonobjective Art, Gwen M. Erickson (Thesis)